DocketNumber: O-6434
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
. . OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Iionorablo @orga II.Sheppard ComDtrollerof Iublla Acoounta Dear Sir: opinion x00.o-643 we are in reooipt quoatlng the opinion of the matter. We quote from your from Mr. A. 2. partmnt oer- an anawer- you iron Mr. h. 'i.Lollers, ung Coun$f end Parker County,.~ l ver io ua io r eo lo r ur lalaa a un- operty was purohaaod by the State ldod by law In lueh oaaea. The thass oaaea~hevonot been paid. Haithar has the oam~lsaiondue me aa attorney~o raea. *The property ia now lubjoet to reaalo by the aa tha two yoara haa elapsed from the 8tete date of tho orlginal male. Thla la tru8 In lome lnatanoea. T h e r e er a lomo othar oaaea in whi8h the two yosra 11111not sxplre until August Of 1945. !Ionorabla CeOrp-3Ii..Ghepprd, T'aga2 "1 am not now notine md will not sot in tha ospaolty for attorney for the 3tate in the handling of dallnqusat taxoa In either county. I would therefore appraoleta lf if you would advise ma am to the following quaatl0na: "1. Is the oourt ooata and oonulsslon due the attornay ln suoh oaaaa payable lmmedlatoly after orlglnal forsoloaura aale? “2. Ii it is not abls after the orlglnal roreoloaaresale then wIFn la it payable an6 If payable by whom should the papaat be PM&@. "3. Will I be sntltlad to oollsot the oom- ml8aIum in the svant of ~aaala made after tha six nontha period has axplred be&nine Janudry 1, 1945. *In other rorda I would like to know whethrr or not in the aventthese propertlea are ?OOold after the air month8 haa lx p lr aduring d whloh I hava the tlmbof winding up all aults and litlga- tlon, am I entitled to be pald.the oonmlaalon and if ao by whom la it to ba paid. " . . . ." Alao, ason& other ltaaa, you anoloaad a oopy oi the uiforr aalingaent tar oontraot betwaan Young County arid A. P. Zallera, whioh, due to it8 great lansth, wa ahall not quote hare&. Seotion 9, Aztlolo 7%5b, V. A. C; S., in part, provide8: "If the property be aold to any texing unit whioh la a arty to the judgPIat undar d8Oree of ooivt In aa4d ault, tha title to said pro lrty ahallbe bid in and held by the taxing 011 1: t purohaalng lama for the uaa aad baaoflt of ltaoli and all other taxing unite rhloh are partlao to tha suit and whloh have been adjudged ln sold ault to have tax lion8 againat suoh property, pro reta and in proportion to the amount of the tax 11-a in favor of eaia raapootlre taxing unit0 a0 eatabllahedby the judyant In aald suit, end ooata and axpenaea ahall not be payable until sale by auoh taxing unit so purohnalng same, and such property ahnll net be aold by the taxing unit purohaalneaaae for lsaa than ths adjudgad value theraof or the amount o? the judgpmnts againat the propertyiF rs9A suit, whlohater 18 lowar, without the writtan oonaont of all tixinf,unlta whloh In aald judgment hate been found to have tsx llura a¬ suah proparty; aanl whan auoh pr~pe.Hiyla aOld by the taxing rmlt parohaaln& same, the proeamla thareof shall bo raoalvod by it for aooount of Itaelf and all other aald taxing units adjudged In *old suit to have a tax llan dgalnat auoh proparty, and after paying 411 ooata and lx p ena o aahall , be Qlatrl- bated aauMg suoh taxing unlt8 pro rata aa In proportl+ to the amount of tholr teu llsnn a6aln8t aooh proparty ea latabllahed In said judgracmb. . . . rFro~14ed that if lalo haa not baa aade by auoh purehaalng taxing unit before 81~ mantha after the redamptloa parlod provided in Ssotlm 12 hereof haa expired, it alull thm*after,ba the alay Of tin 8hulfr P 05 wr1ttat roquut trawany taXI~unltwh0 L l obtalnad a JuAe- moat in aalA milt, to ~11 mid roperty at .~ pub110 outory to the hlghsrt bidBlr for oaah ‘at tb prl~olpal antrmo*~ oi the oaurthouao In the county uhwefn the land llaa, site? &Iv- notidi of 0010 In t&a annnsr now pra- aoribul ia aala of real act&a undar lXOOutiOih The ~Sharlffshall apy4 the prooaeda Zm*o;loh *ala, first, to tho payment Of all ooata in *ala unit 4thaall ooata ana expanasa of sale and roaala aa all lttornW0 iaea and rbaaonable expanaea taxed aa oqata by the Court in aaId ault and shall alatrlbute tho balemoe l-lonorabls George H. Sheppard, Page 4 maOzig thetarina units partiolpatlne in aald orlglnal judgment pro rata and in proportion to the amount of their tux lzlanaageinat a:lohproperty as aatabllahad in said ju4~ent.m Artlnla 7332, V. A. C. 5.. ln pnrt, protldoar ". . . . *In all oaaea the orxlpanaatlonof la ldAttor- nay ahall be TWO ($2.00) iJollarafor the first traat~and Qa,a($1.00) Dollar ror ssoh aaaltlcml traot up to fmr (b,), but aaid fss in uo oaae ~$0 exoaad Five (85.001 Dollar*. . . ." Art1016 7333, V. A. C. S., provideor 'In aaah oaae auoh Sea8 ahell be taxed an aosta agalnat the land to be sold under judgmant for taxer, and paid out of the prooaado of aale of mama after the taxea, pcaalty and lntcaeat due :thsraon ara paid, and ln no oaes ahall tha State OF oounty be liable therafor.* ..:, Artlola 7335, V. A. C. 5.. provides: w~haaavar tha o~laalonara oourt of sly aounty lftu *dirty 4aya written notlo* to the aounty atto?- ney or diatrfot attorney to flla dalinqumt tax lulta aad hi0 fallurr to a0 00, .ahalldoem it naaea*ary 00 apadicat, raid oourt may oontraot with any o atent attorney to lnfc@oa or laaiat 7 in the lnfcuaaman of the lolla8tIoaof 8ny delinquent Stata aad county. tax00 for a u oeaitam tha tax**, penal$y arrQin- tariat actuaPly aollaotad, and arid oourt la torther’ lathoriae& to pay ?or an lhetraot o? propaty laaaaa- d OR an&mm and anrendaro6 from thr taxaa, lntar8at and penalty Se bo oaUooted an luoh lmd8, but all mob pa art ahd ~expaaaaa ahall be ooatingont uparr the 00 J”aMion of auoh t8xa0, ,pan8lty an4 latoraat. It ahall be the duty of the oounty attorney, or of ths dlatrlot attornsy, wbare thsra is no ooaty attorney, to aotlvdp aaaiat any person wlth whom suoh oontraot ia mda, by filing and pushlne to a epeedy COnOhHJiOn .%ll 8Uits fOI COll6OtiOn Of dS- lln?uont taxsa, under any contrsot ``6s (1s horain abwe spcolfled; provided thst where any dlstrlot or oounty attornsy shall fall or reuse to rib an4 prosacute such aulta ln aood faith. he shall not be actltled to any rsaa tlzarcfrom, but auoh fees shall nevarthelsaa ba aollectad sa a part of the ooats of scit findapplied on the ~aymsnt of the acnreneatlonnllo``d tta mttorncy proseouting ths suit, end the attorney with whom *uch aontraat haa bean mad6 ia hereby full9 empowerad and author- ized to prooaed in suoh suits without the jolndar and aaalataace or aald county or dlstriot attorneys.* In ~1s~ 0r the raoto aubdtted, and mm oarsrub ly ~onaidsrlngtha pertinent statutory provialona end the tems or the oontreat et&mltted, you are that the ooak and oommlnalona refarrul tori11 not be payable until ths property is 8old by the taxing wit. iih;ha&l auoh propety is aol4 in the matmar provided by law, the Shrift ahall then apply the prowada first to the paymsat of eapumea, fwa, eta.* whloh hava been taxed am ooata, to ahloh various par- tlsa ma9 be entitled, and he shall dlatmibuta.thi balaaoo ,e-. among fhs tarlag units pro rata and ln proportion to thalr tex liens againat sold proport9. Mth reforanoa to tha Stata and County aa taxing units, it ia our oplnla~ t&t the pro- portfonatsamount.rem,alnlng to the orsdlt of the'Stats and County after ooeta have been paid, should ba paid to the County Tax Assessor and Collaotor. Ehsn th6 d6lin:usnt tax atto?anay haa tllrd suit during the term ot the contrcot and aauuvaa a judgment oa srld ault in tha trial aourf within rtx month6 from the tarolaatloa data ot the contract, wa think that asld a tto r a a yha8 lstablfrhad his interoat in the prooesda of s&d ju@nant, and that at suoh tirr~as the tsxlng unit aotually oollsots the mo~e9 on aald judgoant 8sourtM by the efforts of sald attoraay, he 18 entitled to ‘rsaeiw his psroeatnga (lO$) of the sons9 aotcally oo~aotsd, less muoh amount, if any, that ma9 have been. appllad oa his oompsnaetlonln the form of fstn tarad aa aoat6, under the provfdons 0r Arti 7335. After the aoats hnvn barn paid end the County aaffStats*6 pro rata amount ot the money frorp the judgment ham been teorlted, auah amount of ootanla~lm ea ma9 be due ta the delinquent tax attornap ahoutd be paid to tmlb attorney by the County Tax Aaaaaaor and ColeOtW snd should be properly aaoountad to+ in the Tmi &mm~Or 'endCollector'smonthly report. ,. . Yowe very truly /? Jmdat