77 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Iionorablshanala Q. Markls, Chalrr~on cr:eeittceon Con6tibutlo&ullAlxendwntr tath &~.aloturo Austin. Tsrm Deer I.%.Marklo: our request for im opI::lon UpGQ the abar. r es 10114118: , hss inotruotrd ma pinion on 8. J, R. lb. I em enolo8lng. sirea to know whothor., lY a part or our Coartltutlon, requlro bha consolidation o? dbtrfot an4 cbunty olerka Ia rll 81 than 30,000 peraon#, or whotber ,ptmm ~36th the inaiviauai 00mie8. t be naor5sary lar thr Lo&8latun to neblina Aut to put into ePfeat the aon- stltutional provl8,lon? *In this sosneotion, tbs CWmittee OS116 your littcntlon to %o. 20 of i&t. 5 OS the Con8titution, on the aubjoot of iiouatp Clrrks, end to 3ea. 9 of the mm8 brtiale, on the mbJe,ot oi Distrlat Clerks. :'enoto thet the lrttapr``eotloil doa* not oontain the eraeption oaritdlnsa ia ttifi fornar, WI th mgrra tQ OOlutti,e8 Of WW3ll ~O~Ul~tiOfi.” 78 Thr rcsolutloasaritlrned omsnds .%ctlon 20 o? krtlalo V, c? tho Conotituticrn, ao 45 to reed as ?t;llowsr m%Otlon 20. Than shell be calactedror eeab oounty, by the quauriea voters, a oounty olerk, who 4hsll hold h18 oftioe for two earn’, who 8k411 bm olsrk oitha Bounty rnd cram%48i onem* aowt8 ma reoorder o? t&4 aountf, who84 duties perqul- sit04 ana r-4 or ori s&811 ba prr4oribea br the trglslrture, 0na a voaonoy in whose 0rri00 rhall be ?lllOa by the 001PPi8410Dbr8' Oourt, until the next eoaeral al*otlon ?or oou4t ana 4t4tr oi- floarr: provlaaa, that In oountlea L vlng 9 pops- tm 0r 1let38 th- thirty tm44*a (30,000) p~40fi4, to k detormlnea st rng tlm by the 184t preoedlng Federal oen4u8, thbre sly k 80 ale4tlon or a 4inglle olork, uho shall pU?Orm the duti48 o? Din- trlot tuba County Clorkm.* %tatlon 20 o? Artlols V of th6 "tata Constltutlon, as It now rxlsts, la on ?oll4w4r *‘lhere 4h811 b4 &8oted ?or uah ao&mty, bl th0 gU8iifi~a VQtU4. II OOUUtY OiUk, Who 4h4ii ho14 t?i4 Orrio r0r tu0 yoera, who 4hal.l b4 the olork o? the oounty and oamml4#lorAu4* oourto end rooortlu of the oount$, u&one dutlrs, porqul8ltar saa re64 or orriae shall b0 prosorlbd by tibrr lo~i~l~two, end 4 veaona~ in rho40 o??tfoea*11 bs ~.fUlcdby the ooti841ts&er8* OOU?~, until th4 next gencrrel elooticn ror oo4z~t7 and 8tok orrioer4; provided, that in oounti44 troving a popuhtloo or ietw than 6,000 percPo::r, tbsre may ba en aleotion of a single alrrk, wbo @hall par'tom thcidutle8 G? dl8triat and acunty ale**.* m3 raroglng pmmimioa 0r the oonatltution 1s a pert or the Comstltutlon or 1876 a@ ho8 not Baea 8mendad. The Ron. Doneld Lf. Uerkle, paga 3 4e.74ie tri.4OS ':satlcn9 , !wtlole V,of the ftete Conatitu- eon. '4ction 9, Art1414 v, of tha State Conatltutlan 88 it now &late, providea: *There ate11 be a olork for the dlatrlot oourt o f ea o h wh o 8ha 1 1k llaotttd c o unty, by th equeli- fled ,voterr oi the atatb and ocmntg oftioera, who ahell hold hfa otfloo ior two yeera, 8ubJeot k, re- moval by infonmtion, or by innblotamnt of thy #and Jury, and oonvlotiou by 0 p&It Jury. In oaae of vrroenoy, tbr Judge Of the 418triOt court ah011 have the pomr to appoint a dlork, *ho uhall hold until the oiiioo oen be ill104 b y lleotion. * Art&ales 189&, 1903, and 1935, Vsmonsa &mutated Civil Stetutea, prevlde a8 iollowa~ *.Art . 189b. The crlerk of the blatriot aour o? laoh oountyahell be 01eo~4 et eaoh gOrural eleotlon for e tars!o? 2 yeara. Blob auoh alerk aball hero powor to edmial8t~r oaths sad atfinn irauwme required la the dlroharge Or their OfilOIal Uutiea, $0 take tb bepoaition8 of wItneeao8, 4nU gaturally to p~rforsl all rruah Uutloa aa em or met be irap upon hla by law. “Art. 1903. Xn oountlea harIng a populetloa oi leas than 8,000 peracm, aooordiag to the preaOdir?g Federal Conaua, OZQJ one clerk a&e11 ba eIooto4. Re *haSi teka the oath an4 glvr t.be bun4 requirraof olerka of both the Ulstrlot end county court*,em4 shell have the porora en4 parform the 4utImr of awh olorka r(lapeotlvely.w *Art. 1935. k 014rk or th 0 43arnty0Olirt 0r la0h muntr aha11 be lleotsd at lOoh general lleotlon ror a term or two yeera. Xaoh auo)? clerk ahe bo cut hor- Iacd to issue all mrrirge LIalill~eS, to adainiater 411 oaths and rffirmationa, en4 to take erri4mlta On4 depoaItIon8 to he use4 88 protic by law In any of the 0abrta.* The s&y matsrlal ohange the propoaad amendment makea ir ‘eotloa 20 ir thet It raiaw8 the llmlt OY the population Hon. Ikaald 1. Markle, page 4 or those oountlea In whloh %here may be an lleotlon of a single clerk” rrau *leas then 8,000 persOnam to a1eaa than 30,000 pera0na.~ Artlole 1158, Revised Statutes of lq9, provided: “Qi eountiea haviag l population of leas than IS.000 persona, ohly one elork shall be eleete4,who ahall take the oath an4 bond required of elerka of both aZ the 4latrlot and oounty eourta an4 rho ahal& have the. powara ad perfern all the duties of au& alerka roapeetivelg.w The provIaIcma ab said Artlolo have ken brought tor- war4 In labatantlally the amae ~lengumge In a11 mbaeqa*nt re- rlafona of the statutes. TJie pnaonb statute Is Artiole 1903, quote4 above. B yth el~otmant of Ad&. llSg, a short tire d r the Oonatitutlon ml adopted, the 18gfalature eon#trueU’the;,. 8 onatl- tutlonal gemI aIon wader eoMid4rBtiOa not l 4lf-auou$l.i&. guoh has been the eonatruotlon of a11 leglalaturea whloh hare oon- ~,ened alnoe 1879 for the statute has not been materially e’hmged. It la stated’ In Texas furIrpru4rnoe, Vol. 9, pega 423: While e oonatltutI0~ la tamally a me19 deolrretlon of prlnoiplra of 0rganIe an4 tuadamentallaw, In au* raahion that a oonatltutlonrl proriaion my be ortab- lIahe4, an4 yet remain wIthoist forae or lotivity until the 'adoption cb l~gislatlon whiuh sarrlea it into ei- ieat, yet ft Is entirely wItbIn the poarra ot wople to adopt provIsiona whleh are ~aelf-ex~outlngl or whloh are operative wIthout legl@LatIon. *A oonatltutlonal provlaion may be aaI4 to k. #elf- exaoutlpl ir It supplies e auifieient rule by m44n4 or tiloh a right given mey be enjoy04 end proteeteb m a duty imposed way be lnfcxee4; It la not aelWexeeuting where It merely indiaate a prinoiple, without ley%ng down eagr rules by mama of whIuh the prInolple may b4 given the fores of law. A provision wbiob dedlarea thet *eaoh shore holder . . . . ahell be paraamlly liable ror all the debts of woh 4orporst4 body . ...* I* *elf-oreouting. gut a oonatItutIoaa1 Inhibition 1 ,..A, 8t Ron. Donald Y. garkls, Peg6 5 against usury condemning *sll 00ntreot.s ror a greater ret4 of Interset than ten psr oentum p4r annum’ aa uaurloua, Is self-exeoutlng only to the extent of rendering usurious oontraota Illegal. The power end duty of fixing penal- ties ior vIolatIona of the oonetitutlonal pro- vlai~on is delegeted to the legialeture.a Art4r oarefully oonaIderIng the toregoing proposed amendment to S4otIon SO, Art1016 V, at the State Constitution, It la our oplnlon that said provlaI0n la not eelt-ex4outIng in that It merely IadIoat4a the principle, without leying down any foroe of law. The proposed emendment la e mere dealan- tlon of prlnolples of orgenlo end fundementel law end remeina without foroe or aotlvity until the edo tion of leg5aletion whloh oarrlee it into 0rr40t. st4t4a d iterontly, It 58 our opinion that In the event the propoard ammdment to raid SgetIon,zO la adopted en4 boo-8 e part of the UonatItut5an, that before said provlalon b&owes ot iOr or lotITe, It would be necessary for the legialeture to enact proper legIa- latlon k, oarry said provIaIon Into eiieot. (See Corpus Jurla Seoundum, Vol. 16, tiger 100-110 and authorities oited therein). ??a believe t&et-th6 foregoing statement disposer 0f both qu4atIona under oona5deratlon. Xoura vefy truly, OP TFZAS ATTOBaBYOEiTlZRAL