AYTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS Hon. Frank R. Nye;Jr. Opl.nionNo. S-44 County Attorney- Starr County Re: Maximum compensation Rio Grande City, Texas and expense allowance of county commlssion- Dear Sir: ers of Starr County. You have requested an opinion on the maximum compensati'onand travel expense allowance of the county commissioners of Starr County. Starr County has a population of 13,948 and has a tax valuation (according to the 1952 tax rolls) of $29,301,145 and had a tax valuation In 1948 (1947 tax rolls) of $17,330,030. The compensation 0;:t!?ecounty commj.ssloners iu governed by the provisl,onsof Articles 2350 and 39l2g, Vernon's Civil Statutes. "rt-!cle2.350provides for a~ base compensation of the county commissioners of Starr 'County of $3000. Article 39l2g‘a~uthorizesan increase in compensation "in an additional amount not to exceed 25s of the sum allowed under the law for the flscnl year of 194?." The sum sllotiedunder the law for the fiscal year 1948 to the county commissioners of Starr County was $2500. ,Jrticle2350, V.C.S.; Att'y Gen. Op. V-1140 (1951). Consequently, Article 3912g author- izes an Increase In an amount not to exceed $625 (257; of $2500); and the maximum compensation of the county commissioners of Starr County is $3625 ($3000 plus $625). We po.lntout, however, that Section 1 of Article 39121: provides that the commlssioners' court may not raise the salaries of any of the members of the commissioners' court "under the terms of thl~sAct without raising the salary o; the remaining county officials inllke pro- portion. Your second question concerns the maximum travel expense allowance which the commissioners in your county may receive. Hon. Frank R. Nye, Jr., page 2 (S-44) Article 2350(c), V.C,S., originally enacted In 1941 and last amended In 1949, authorizes the pay- ment of traveling expenses not to exceed four cents per mile to county commissioners acting as road com- missioners in certain counties (presently including Starr County) for travel in the discharge of their duties as road commissioners. Reimbursement.under this statute is limited to travel in the performance of these specific duties. Article 2350(7), V.C.S., enacted In 1943, permits an allowance of not more than $25 per month to each county commissioner in counties having a popu- lation under 25,200 for travel within the county. Article 2350n, V.C.S. (?cts 52nd Leg., 1951, ch. 456) also authorizes the payment of traveling expenses of members,of the commissioners' court while on official business within the county, the maximum amount being fixed according to population of the county.;:For counties having a population under 21,500, the maximum amount which may be allowed each member is $50 per month. Section 4 of this statute states that its provisions shall apply only to th;se counties not furnishing an automobile, truck, or by other means providing for the traveling expenses of its commission- ers q" Since Article 2350n was enacted after Article 2350(7), it has superseded Article 2350(7) in fixing the maximum travel allowance to commissioners unless the quoted language has the effect of excluding counties under 25,200 from the terms of :Artlcle2350n. This office has heretofore considered the mean- ing of the quoted language In Opinion V-1277 (1951) and In letter opinions to Hon. J. C. Patterson, County Ati;or- ney of Knox County, dated March 5, 1952, and to Hon. J. Taylor Brite, County Attorney of Rtascosa County, dated June 13, 1952. In the latter two letter opinions It was held that Article 2350n was applicable only to those counties not previously authorized to allow the county commissioners traveling expense within the county and that commissioners in counties having a population under 25,200 were limited by Article 2350(7) to $25 per month for travel within the county. Upon a reconsideration of these opinions, we have.concluded that this holding is too broad. We believe Section 4 of Article 2350n was intended to mean Hon. Frank R. Nye, Jr., page 3 (S-44) only that c&nmlssJ.onerswho were being furnished a vehicle by the county or who were actually being reimbursed for travel within the county under some other statute could not be granted, in addition, a under Article 235On. The fact that travel nllo,,vance some prj.orstatute merely permitted commissioners to receive a travel allowance would not preclude them from be-i.ng granted an allowance in accordance with Article 2350n if’they were not in fact receiving other reimbursement for travel wlth1.nthe county during the same period of time. We therefore hold that the county commission- ers of Starr County may each be allowed :gmaximum of $50 per month for offici.altravel within the county If they will not be receiving pay for travel expenses under 4rticle 2350(6) or Article’2350(7), or will not be using n vehicle furnished by the county or be re- ceiving reimbursement for travel.within the county under some other’statute which has escaped our atten- tion. SUMMARY The county commissioners of Starr County, which has a population o.P1.3,#8, may each be allowed a maximum of $50 per month under firti- cle 2350n, V.C.S., for traveling expenses with- in the county if during the same period of time they are not being furnished a vehicle by the county or are,not actually receiving pay~for traveling ex enses within,the county under Article 2.350(7P or some other statute. (This opini&v~%&~es prior hold- ings in letter opinions dated March 5, 1952, and June 13, 1952. ) Yours very truly, JOHN BEN SHEPPERD ,It.torney General APPROVRD : Robert S. TrottI epm2ady FSrst hBs-i.stiant BY Mary K, Wall John Ben Shepperd Assistant ?ttorney General MKW:ba