DocketNumber: V-690
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1948
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
. . September 22, 1948 Hon. L. A. Woods Opinion No. V-690 State Superintendent Department of Education Re: Proper authority to Austin, Texas call an election for uniform tax throughout Attn. : Hon. T. M. Trimble Rockdale School Dis- First Assistant trict, composed of . City of Rockdale and other areas taken in by city for school purposes only. Dear Sir: We refer to your letter to which was attached a letter from the Mayor of the City of Rockdale, from which we quote, in part: 'The City of Rockdale was Incorporated for muniofpal purposes about 1872, and soon af- ter such incorporation, assumed control of its public schools, within the city. At that time the schools were BUUUig8dby a board of five trustees, who were ,e;;;t;t biannually by the City Council. thod of electing trustees for the school dlstrlct within the city, was continued un- til about 1898, when the City Council, by ordinance, provided for a board of seven trustees, to be elected by the qualified voters of the City of Rockdale. This last mentioned method of choosing trustees has been continued, and the Rockdale Public Schools are now being managed and control- led by a board of seven trustees, elected by the qualified voters of the City of Rockdale. "Within the last three years, the City Coun- cil of the City of Rockdale acting under the provisions of Artiole 2603, Revised Stat- utes of 1925, has, by ordinances, included three or four rural districts, in the Rock- dale School District, for school purposes only, and the children within the scholas- tic age in these rumldlstrlcts are now . . Ron. L. A. woods, page 2 (V-690) attendfng the Rookaale Schools "The City of Rockdale levies and collects an annual maintenance tax of 50 cents on the $100.00 valuation of all property in the city for the support and maintenance of the schools, and the rural districts which have been included in the Rockdale School District, for school purposes only, levy a maintenance tax, but this tax is not uniform In all of these districts. "The City Council of the City of Rockdale is being asked by petition, to order an election in th8 City of Rockdale, and In the districts so added for school purposes only, to determine whether or not a maln- tenance tax of, not exceeding $1.00 on the $100.00 valuation of all property in these districts shall be levied as a maintenance fund for the benefit of the Rockaale Schools. "The City Council of the City of Rockdale does not know whether the power to order this election Is vested in the City Coun- Gil, or in the Board of Trustees of the Rockdale School District, and I am there- fore submitting the matter to you, with request that you answer the following ques- tions: "(a) Did the extension of the cityus boundaries to include territory not within the city limits of the City of Rockdale, for school purposes only, ohsnge the char- acter or status of the existing municipal, or city school district? "(b) Ras the City CouncI.1of the City of Rockdale authority to order such elec- tion, to determine whether a maintenance tax be levied upon property in the entire district, including that attached for school purposes only? "(c) Is the power to order this elec- tion for a maintenance tax on property in the entire district vested in the City Coun- cil of the City of Rockdale, or is it vest- Hon, L, A, Woods, page 3 (V-690) ed in the Board of seven trustees of the Rockdale School District? '(a) Has the Board of Trustees of the Rockaale School DFstrict the power to Order the election to determine whether such main- tenance tax be levlei upon the property of the entire district? In the light of the above submitted facts, we understand that prior to the last three years the Rock- da18 Independent School District was a municipally con- trolled school district whose boundaries were coterminus with those of the City of Rockdale, 'and that within the last three years, three or four contiguous school dis- tricts were taken Into the city, by extension of the corporation lines of the city, for school purposes only, under and in accordance with the procedure of Article 2803, V. C. S, In the case of Kuhn v. City of Yoakum,257 S.W. 337
, cited with approval in Rages v. City of Beaumont, 190 S,W,(2d) 835, the contention was made that if terri- tory of a common school district was validly annexed to the City of Yoakum for school purposes only, then the Yoakum school district lost th8 character of a school district provided by the Constitution, Article VII, Sec- tion 3, towit, a city having control of the schools with- in its limits, and became another character of district, the control and management of which are committed to the board of tPUSt88S, and the City of Yoakum had no auth- ority to order any election for school taxes, The court"s answer to such contention, at page 339, is as follows: "Just how the valid annexation of th8 new territory to the city for school pur- poses only could metamorphose the district so merely enlarged into one of another char- acter, subject to a different system of gov- ernment, does not readily occur- If the situation before was that of a city or town having control of the schools wlth- in its limits as then existing, and those limits Were lawfully extended, itIEld be none the less so afterwards, school district of that sort, R, S, Art, 2875, makes it the duty of the city coun- cil to submit the question of a tax to a vote of'the property tax payers, and Hon. L. A. Woods, page 4 (V-690) no other body is authorized to do 80.~ See also City of Houston v. Little,244 S.W. 247
, to the same effect; Attorney General's Opinions nos. O-6059, O-7060. The general statement made in the first para- graph on page 7 of Opinion Wo. O-7060 is in error and should be diSregard8d. In Hayes v. City ofBeaumont, supra
, the court went further to hold that once a school dlstrict"s char- acter or status has been established as a municipal school district, then an extension of the tit 's boundaries for municipal purposes only (See Article 2i$ 04, third para- graph) could likewise not have the effect of changing that character or status. Whether or not the holding of the Commission of Appeals in M.K. & T. Railway Co. v. Whltesboro,287 S.W. 904
, is in conflict with the above cited cases need not be considered here, for the reason that same is not now applicable to municipally controlled school districts, the 50# tax limitation provision of SeCtiOn 3 of Article VII, Constitution, therein considered not now being in our Constitution. Article VII, Section 3, was amended in 1926, and as amended the Legislature is left free to fix such a tax limit as It deems advisable. Opinion No. o-7060. Coming now to your questions (b), (c) and (a), they are inter-related, and may be considered together. The statute cited as Article 2875 in the above quotation from the City of Yoakum case is now codified in Vernon's Civil Statutes as Article 2798. It provides, in part: "After a city or town has assumed con- trol of the public free schools within its limits, the governing body shall also sub- mit the question to the property tax payers as to whether or not the additional amount as provided for hflrelnaftershall be raised by taxation 0 a a Article 2799, V. C. S. reads: “The povernlnn body of any city or town which Is a separate and independent school district, whether incorporated un- Eon, L, A, Woods, page 5 (w-690) der any act of the Congress of the Repub- lic or the Legislature of Texas, or under any act or incorporation whatever, shall have power by ordinance to annually levy and collect ad valorem taxes for the sup- port and maintenance of public free schools and for the erection and equipment of public free school buildings in the city OP town. The proposition submitted may be for such a rate of ad valorem tax not exceeding such per cent. as may be voted by a majority vote of all votes cast at any such elec- tion. If the proposition Is CaPPied, the school tax shall be continued to be annual- ly levied and collected for at least two yeaPs, and thereafter, unless it be dis- continued at an election held to determine whether the tax shall be continued or dis- continued at the request of fifty property taxpayers of such independent district. When the tax is continued no election to discontinue it shall be held for two years; when the tax is discontinued no election to levy 3 tax shall be held during the same year. Article 2800, V. C. S., provides: "If the vote of the taxpayers is in favor of said tax, then the aoverninn body of a city or town which has assumed exclu- sive control of the public free schools in its limits shall annually thereafter levy and assess upon the taxable property in the limits of such district, by ordinance duly passed and approved, In accordance with the usual assessment of taxes for municipal purposes, such additional tax, not to exceed the rate voted, as may be necessary'for the suppoPt and maintenance of the public schools and for the erection and equipment of public school buildings for nine months in the year. If a specific rate of tax has been voted, the governing body shall have no discretion in determin- ing the Pate to be levied, but shall lavy and assess the same at the rate voted. (Bnphasls in above statutes added), Article 2801, V. C. S., provides: Hon. L. A. Woods, page 6 (V-690) "In a city or town constituting an independent school district, and where a special tax for school purposes has been voted by the people OP provided by special charter, the board of trustees shall deter- mine what amount of said tax, within the limit Voted by the people OP fixed by spe- cial charter, will be necessary for the maintenance and support of the school and for the erection and equipment of public school buildings for each current year; and the governing body of such city or town, upon the requisition of the said board of trustees, shall annually levy and Collect Said tax, as other taxes are levied and COlleCt8d; and said tax, when COlleCt8d, shall be placed at the disposal of the said 1 school board, by paying over monthly to the treasurer of said board the amount so col- lected, to be used for the maintenance and support of the public free schools and for the erection and equipment ;f public school buildings in such district. Taxation for the management and control of the public schools of school districts is governed by Section 3, of Article VII of the Constitution. Opinion Ro.O-6059 and cases therein cited. The section provides for legls- lative authorizathon of additional taxation by popular vote for maintenance and for the erection of school build- lngs . The Legislature in H. B. 46, 35th Legislature, 3rd C.S., Acts 1917, amended vhat was there Article 925, R.S. 1911, (now Article 823, V.C.S.) so as to provide that cities and towns constituting separate and independent school districts may levy and collect such ad valorem tax for the support and maintenance of their public free schools and for the erection and equipment of school buildings therefor as under S. B. 470, 35th Legislature, Acts 1917, (now Articles 2799 and 2800, V.C.S,) their electors may determine. As pointed out by the Supreme Court in City of Rockdale V* Cureton,111 Tex. 136
,229 S.W. 852
, this amendment by its terms applies both to cities and towns which have extended their limits for school purposes and those which have not so extended their llmlts, classlfy- ing them separately. Article 2803, under which we are advised the . .. Hon. L. A. Woods, page 7 (V-690) City of Rockdale has taken In other contiguous school districts or areas for school purposes only, authorizes a city to “extend its aorporatlon linesn for schdol pur- poses only, It has been held that when the lines of a city are extended in the manner provided by lav, the territory included in such extension for the purpose fop which such extension was made,,Is thereby included with- in such corporate lfmits, and for such purpose becomes a part thereof. Such town or city still remains in con- tpol of its public’schools “within its limits” ana such added territory is, for school purposes, within its li- mits. Poteet v.,Brlages, 248 S.W, 415. The title to sahool property of a municipally controlled school dlstriot is vested In the board of school trustees as Is also the use and contlrolof scho61 buildings after they- erected. Article 2772, V. C. S. But the boards of trustees have no authority to raise fop such purposes mone by taxation. Articles 2798, 2799, 2800, 2801, V. C. 8. In shopt, the cfty provides the school houses and the moneys neoessary to operate same, In addition to those pFOQid8d by the state, and the board of school trnsteea manages and oontrola the schools. Po- teet Q.Bridges, supra
. A cordingly, the City Council alone, that is, the governi&I body, o$ the City of Rockdale has the autholrityto order an election to determIne whether a maintenanae tax be levied upon property in the entire aiatrict, including that attaabed under Artlale 2803 for school purposes only. SUMMAHY The extension of boundaries Of,ths City of Roakdale for sohool~purpoa’esonly, under Articie 2803, V. C. S., does not change the characteror status of the eristlng m;uLiol- ally contrcilledaohool aiatrict; ‘-Kuhnv. ~::6,:,Y~:``,w25:l~.W. 337; HsYea v. city of eaumont 190 S.W.(~Q) 835; Poteet V, O. 0 The governing body, the City COrupOil of the City of Roekdale, alone has the auth- ority to order an el~ctlon to determine wheth- ep a school malntqnance tat be levied upon property in its entire school district, in- Eon. L. A. Woods, page 8 (‘J-690) eluding that attached under Art. 2803 for school twposes only. Arts. 2798, 2799, 2800, 2 f; 01, v. c. s.; Poteet v.Bridges, supra
. Yours very truly, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS CEO:mw BY Chester E. Ollison Assistant APPROVED: FI AT