DocketNumber: V-569
Judges: Price Daniel
Filed Date: 7/2/1948
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
Ausmnr na. TEXAS May 12, 1948 Hon. C. H. Cavness Opinion No, V-569 State Auditor Austin, Texas Re: Eligibility of eaployees of various conservation and +eclamatlon districts to be members of the Bm- ployees Retirement Sjs- ten of Texas. Dear Hr. Cavness: Your request for an opinion on the above sub- ject is as follows: 'We shall greatly appreciate your 0 ln- ion as to whether the employees of each Psepar- ately) of the following are eligible f6r mom- bersbip in,the Bmplojees Retirement System of Texas: Bexar County Metropolitan Uater Dls- trlct Brazoti River Conservation and Recla- mation District Central Colorado Riier Authority Coma1 County WaterRecreational Dis- trict Ho. 1 Colorado'County Flood Control Ms- trlct Dallas County Flood Control District Dallas County Park Cities Water Con-~ trol and Improvement District Ho.2 Fayette County Flood Control District ffuadalupe-Blanc0 River Authority Guadalupe River Authority Gulf Water Supply District Harris County Flood Control District Jackson County Flood Control District Lavaca County Flood ControL District Lower Colorado River Authority Lover Conch0 River Water and So11 Conservation Authority Lower Rio Grande Flood Control Dls- Han, C. H, Cavness, page 2 (V-569) Leon River Flood Control District Lower Heches Valley Authority Nueces River Conservation and Re- clamation Dlatrict Panhandle Water Conservation Anth- ority Pease River Flood Control District Sabine-I’ieches Conservation District San Jacinto River Consemotion and Reclaution.Distrlot San Antonio River Canal a& Conser- vancy Distrf ct Sulpllnzi Rlvep Conservation and Re- clamation Dlstriot Upper Colorado River Authority Upper kadalupe River Authorltj Upper Red River Flood Control and IrrigatLon District Vslleg Conservation and Reclamation District Webb County Conservatkon and Recla- mation District, Artiole XVI, Section 59, Subdlvlsloh~ (a) and (b), Cormstltution of Texas, provide as follows”. “Set, 59. (a) The oonservation and development of all of the natural resotirces of this State, Including the omtrol, stor- igg, preservation and dlstributlon of its storm and flood vaters, the waters~ of Its rivers and atream, fer irri&atlon, power and all other useful purposes, the reclau- tion and Irrigation of Its arid, seri-arid and other lands needing irrigatien, the Fe- clamatlon arid drainage of its over-Slowed lands, and other lands needing drainage, the conservation and development of Its forests, vater sad hydro-electric power, the navlga- tlon of Its Inland and coastal waters, and the presemation and conservation of all such natural resoumes of the State are each and all hereby declared public right8 and’duties; and the Legislature shall paas all such laws as mey be appropriate thereto, ‘(b) There may be oreated within the State of Texas, er the State may be divided Hon. C. H. Cavness, page 3 (V-569) Into, such number of conservation aud reola- matlon districts as may be determined to be essential to the accomplishment of the pur- poses of thfs amendment to the constitution, which districts shall be governmental agen- cies and bodies politic and corporate with such powers of government and with the auth- ority to exercise such rights, privileges and functions concerning the subject matter of this amendment as may be conferred by law.’ Article 8194, V. C, S., reads as follows% “Conservation and reclamation districts may be created and organized in any manner that water improvement, drainage, or levee Improvement districts are authorized by the laws of this State to be created, and190 S.W. 72dj 48 11945). And the employees of that body politic havebeen held State employee8 for certain purposes. Hovever, notwithstanding the broad deflnltionfl lxi the &gloyeeg Retireme@ System Act of the words department and employee, we believe that construing the Act as a whole, this and similar agencies and their employees were not intended to be covered by the Retirement Act for the reasona that the 50th Legis- lature contemplated only those ‘employeea of the State” whose duties relate to state-wide activities vith no intervening corporate entityor body between the State and the employee, In the case of conservation and re- clamation districts the district is the employer much the same as counties are the employers of its employees and have control of their duties. The district con- trols the vorklng hours of its employees and la respon- sible for the compensation dub its employees. The following quotation taken from Dlllman v. State, 125 P, 367, 378, Is appropriate in dravlng the distinction between strictly State officers and officers of political subdivisions created,by the State, and is in line with the distinction we draw here between State employees vlthin the meaning of the Retirement Act and employees of the conservation and reclamation districts Hon. C. H. Cavness, page 6 (V-569) named in your request? 'In general, It may be said that a State officer Is one whose duties and powers are coextensivewith the state, while a county offloer is one whose dut- ies and powers are coextensive with the county * State officers are those whose duties concern the state at large, or the general public, although exercised within definite limits, and to whom are delegated the exerolae of a portion of the sovereign power of the state. They are In a general sense those whose duties and powers are coextensive with the state, or are not llmlted to any political aub- division of the state, and are thus dls- tlngulshed fram municipal officers strict- ly, whose rUnCtiOn8 relate exclusively to the particular municlpalitg, and from county, city, town, and school district officers.n In former opinion No, O-6928 this offloe fol+ lowed the holding of the court In Uallaoy County water Control and Improvement District EJoa1 v. Abendroth, SUN pra, and L, C. R. A, v, Chemical Dank and TrustCorpsny, supra, by declaring that the Lower Colorado River Author- ity employees were employees of a state agency ana poll* tics1 subdivisionof the State and were within a statue tory exception to the Texas .Dnemployment Compensation Act. This exception excluded "service performed in the employ of this State, or any political subdivision there- of, or any lnstrumentallty of this State or its polltl- cal subdlvlslons,U In discussing the effect of a member of the Legislature accepting employment with a River Authority tNs ofrlce In former opinion 180, O--6578 treated River Authority employment as employment by the State within the prohibition of Sec. 33) Art, XVI, Constitution of Texas, denying payment of compensation from the State Treasury to a person "who holds at the same time any other office or posfttlon of honor, trust oP profit, un- der this State. 0 D In former Opinion 180. V-462 this ofrloe was of the opinion that a director of the Lower Iieches Valley Authority was a civil officer of this State and can serve at the same time as a director of Texas A, k M, Ron. C. H. Cevness, page 7 (V-569) College although he must do so without oompensatlon from the State for either office, We adhere to these former opinions and point them out for the sake of avoiding any confusion with the reasoning and conclusion of this opinion, We distinguish between the definitions of "state employee" as used in these opinions and those who are within the meaning of the Employees Retirement Act. We note here that from reading Lower Colorado River Authority v0 Chemical Bank and Trust Co., supra, the L. C, R, A, apparently has its own retirement sys- tem. In any event, the employees of this particular district would be precluded from membership in the sgs- tern afforded by H. B, 168, by reason of Section l.c., of Ii, B. 168 which defines 'employee". We are, therefore, of the opinion that the employees of the conservation ana reclamation districts named in your request are not eligible POP membership in the Employees Retirement System of Texas, The employees of the conservation and reclamation dlstrlots created by Acts of the Legislature codified under Chapter 8, Title 128, V, C, S,, are not eligible for membership in the Employees Retlre- ment System of Texas under the provisions of the present Act, Art. 6228a, V, CO 5, Yours very truly, APPROVRD: $i!i%iiQL