PRICE DAXEL ‘O”SL~- GENERAL zon. c. M. Allen County kttorrey rkldc county Eend0r6on, To%&3 opinion No. V-126 T~Iu~ element involved,. ii any, between eleations for anndrmtlon of sohool ah- trlots~ to a &,ulor oollege ai8trf0t . . We .iwferto your letter OS raodnt date aakutiledgei by the Attoxnep General .on. Maroh 25, 1947, whareln you re- questa to be adoiseU”‘oonoarnlng the tim interval required, iS any, between eleotions Sor,anuexation OS school distriats to au established junior ~ooll.e&e distrldt. Se&ion 21 of Artiolo 28l5h, V.C.S., .providee that ooromenor indepndent j sohool diotrlots may ba annexed. to a. junlpr oollega dlatrfot for junior oollege purposes only by an eleotion held in aooordanoe with the provisions of seatlox 2 OS Artiolo 2815h, V.G.S. The tamis of Geotkon 2 or Seotion 21 of Artiole 2815h do not desl@ate tbaf any partioular time elemnt shall intervene between eleotions to:anne?:~ sohool dlstriafia to a junior oollege dlstriot: Nor does tthe langguam used justify .any isnpl.iaatloa or fmh legislative $ntent. You ar*,. aaoord- in@ advised.. Artlole 2815h, seotioas 2 and 21, V.O.SP, ~40not provide that any~ttie shall Intervene __ _... between elections to anne% aomum or Znc¶epeMciu% sohool Ulatriots to a Suuior OOllege &i&Slot, Eczx. 6. U. Allen - 3age 2 . . nor doesthe lansuoge used t't?croln justify any Im~llostlon'o~ nuoh legislative into&t. Very truly yours ATTORNEYGIZIkUi OF TEXAS By -(!&led) Chsctor E. Ollli . Asoktont . APFRQVEI%iPR.4, 1947 /n/ Prioe Daniel .AT’J!ORIEtGENERALS OFTEXAS