OFF’ICE OF TSiE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Wmrable 03~. ii. Sheppard C;onptrGller 0P Publia Account8 Austin, Ie%2s utng bieani``8 for 12s bQGkS. sration to the quea- LGtteF OP due;ast C8 dtWGGd ldG&3llald Of smith OP SaI Bnton3.0, on of Austin, in con- ien l-a, of the Revised Stat- deee not makika any specific appropriz+ ould be construed as an appropriation, of the Coostltution, t&e ot h27e been Per s.mre titan tuo gears. r, only alrthorizea the Clerks CP the ala tG purchase additional tar hooks out Of .tAhe ‘8uclk expGmU.tures shall nGt exceed an- nually the specific amounts af sach Pees a8- dYl.tic?na11pautlloriaed for such purpesa in tha General Appropriation Act ef the Lo$s~J- tura mde bienially for the support and malzl- tenance of the JuUciary Dagwtment of thG state Gevverment .* .