83 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN * . l I .* . To undorstsnd fraa oorrespon49noe atteohad to your letterthat the 3‘. C. Crouoh Grain Conperky, in lieu of :ti1in& the atatutorjr $5,000 bong with the County Olerk of eaoh oounty 84 t I ln whioh it o!aontor 8 pablti (1 l rarahouaaaa ~esire,r to lxoooEe one bh%kot $l,OOC,OOObond, and to dir a ouWf'led oow tJuraol~th oaoh of uld Countr Clorkr. Artiole .5569, V8rma~r Revised Givll Ztatso8, pOYiQO8S -ma aaer, proprsotar, lrn80. or Rmammr of my ptrbllorarehomr,whothsran Indlrldeal, firm or oorporatioa, befar. trenmotlng any bud- AMY in suoh pubUo warehouao shall gmmwa iram tha oaauty ale oftha oount~iawhiahthe ware- hou8e or warehoue~8 lTO r itua ta d, l 08rtlfl8rtr ~. t&t ha io traamotluu budnear aa l publio ware- houmman andor tha law8 or theSt8to of TOEM, whiah otw~lfimk ahall b8 is8ued by 8alC 01-k upoa B nrlttea applhtlon, 8ettfng forth ths looatlonand naam of awhuamhaumo orwarohoama, end the name of oaob por8oA, individual a 8 mm- be? ot thw firm, intonat?d a8 mar? or prinoipak In the meaagonent of t&a iamo, aa-, ii the were- hoi&&oio owned or naoa&ed by a oorporation, tho Aam of the grosideat rootetary and tr8aruror or ouoh earporatioa 8hali be rtetul, rhiab qqlioa- tloa 8lmll bo roooitod 8.4 filed by wtoh olerk and pm8onsd in hi8 off'lo(r, Ai-- tho aa;d omtiil- oat, 5Eall et-10 authority to 06rry on anb ooPduot MO bush888 of a publla wartthou8a and ohall be rowoablo only by the dlotrlot aaurt oi tbo oountg ln whlah the warehorloa ox mrshouaoa am situated, person r9osivl3g 8 oortffiaats, as hwoin provldell for, rhnll ii10 vlth tho Oounty olork granting mm., e band wable to the St&e of Toma, wltb good and ouMioimt wroty, to be egprcnsd br aaib alork, In the pIoaf 8aa of ii+0 thoumInd dollar8, 8endlC&med r0r the faithrul porfommnao of hla doty aa a publio ramhoaswyn, rhtoh baud shall be fil.d and ~earnod In ths offioo of @uohoounty olwk. Aots 1901, p. 251, Aots 1st C.3. X913* Pa 93." 85 - Efomrabls J. 2. XoOon&d, -60 3 &tiOlO 5661 mtidO8: *A``oMo~) firm, oorporation, partnership, or OSWO tion a ~rSfaDM, &mybooodie (1 pUhliS waMh0uMa!ul unllec the ~0Yi01fuls of wlio 0hAptm. by l'il~ with the oountf Olrrk of the oouatf in whiah h IO looatod and pro acts to Co buainesa, a gpod aAd tukriioi~nt bQAdiii the Bum of fiY0 thoumalld &lls4xooandltIone4 that hewU1omduot hi8 business in SOOOrdlUlM With th0 ~OV181Oll#l Of oh18 ohapter. 3.m tha fll.Lxkj and spproval of mob borrd with CJw ooun%yoloa¶s, it abisll be the dubr c#f t&e ootmty ol& ta trmnsdiate& oerldip moh fe46 lo 8ho COmiUI8riOn8rOf taarlr8f 8 and Ware- bU8OSr AW 000 bnj~2%d by i&O Vi&sia Or t&ho tern8 of tb* band, 5nd the proviaiona ot this ahop Los my ~ooYer dasu4$08 to’ tho 8xtent of oaia bcnil. ShouIdsaidbond bsaono&airedbyrmmxy,or ot!mrrrise, said Comiesioaer zsp roTJlro auoh pub- liti nrehouam to fllo aa a@dltIonal bond, but In no ctont shall mob additional bond be for 8 greater eu?mult thRn rite ths*Uamc doll3ra. The bond nqulred hereunder r&all be good ror the term 0f 080 year mm th0 adif3 OS iii* arJd the r4ght to oontiuum as a publlo warehouaewn s&l1 bu t&a- dltiwmd upou the runitwnl of aeid bond iron yw3.r to year, Uooordfng to tha tams ot thi.8 ohaptw, Ilie form or tU bad m uirod hereunder shall bo prosorlbed by said CoiJs~Io*r, and the bond ssy ba mnde by any Burety corqpacg rut&o,clecd Co do bualwsa undar tho law ti this State; OS by two mlmmt surotios to be approved bf the oounty olerk of t&o oouaty In w&lob swh pub110 warehouserPan my doeiro to do btmin881). Ids BBO. 56.” II&aeiining A bozd, the Suprwio CouPt or Torae ha8 aaid: “‘A bond t8 what binda. TherOfO~ asp In- strwseat In witing leeally bln48 a ;wrtr that to do a oortala thing nay be aaIled a bond.' Courand Y. Yollmer, 31 TOG 397, Wl.* fa it3 in this 5811~0 Ye t&ink, t&Et tht3 @$8k3tUm UaO4 tho word “bond* ti the ektutm above quoted. n a0110rab10J. B. XoDoaald, Fw3 4 St nil1 be noted that the statutes require that the bad itself be tiled in the offioe OS the County Olerk not a oopy thereof. And a oertlfled oopr, uhllo it boar8 ot 1dono. of Ita aothentioity, Is yet nothing paora than 6 oopy. %o quote rr0m the derInItIon or the nrd *oopy* fouad in word0 and ?bt308, VOL. 9, p. 636, the r0ii0agt I. .. . Mirering rroa a eoopy*, a 'dupll- oati* inatruaent In writing i8 the *not ]n tl- tion thoroof , sod aooordlng to $~dIoIti la xr oog- mphorr ham all the TalIdity of an orlgiml~ *A duplloatr writing har but on0 OrrOot. sob duplIOat0 la oompletr rrldenoe ot bha Iateaflcn or the partlsr. @ Bout, Law Mot. ‘A doaount the mm In all reapeots arr acme other doouwat, from wh.Ioh It Is lndiatl uIehab1. In It8 eaaanoe and operation.’ Aaderroa9 8 Lew DIot. *Aa oflg- Iaal la&muaeat repeeted$ a doownt rhloh Is the aaam a.8 another In all oaeentlel pertloulars, and dliisring rrom e mere oopy In having all ths valld- lty or a0 Inal.' Burr Law Mot. Oable Co. vi Rathgeber, IV.W. 88, 90, 2l 8, D. &ha It dll thus M rmoa that a osrtiiled oopp, biine nerely evIdenae or the sristenoe oi the bond Itself, will not serve the 0rri00 0r the bond required by them atatoteh xt I8 0~ opinion that tho riling 0r 0srtIrIod oopler or euoh blanket bond would not meet the requiremats of the law. xe are returning herowith tha lettera mbmltted with your r*twasC. rourm very truly ATN)``TB~ Omm?ALOY TggllS 3. B. Alloa Aarlatant XtAtBlp Eaol.