OFFICE OF THE ATI’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Boaorablo Qeo. U. Cox State Health Of2ioor dP&l.n, Tsua tear Sit I be above amttor ha@ been r,ooltob , w0 qu0t0 ima y o ur r eq uer t l#.i ed in a 0a 8State lioatloa to th e ther rouon that rrnmraal opagatdl aad rpread amon& le a nd tralaoor. ‘Ih rla m- tht th0 stOt0 aoalth orrioor horfty la prorldiag eoontrol or fnrootloar and rontyloar &lrorr*r in war arear* -Aa allotaont la the full amouat rrquortod 8ar boon eade and itie ham bwa nquirltlormd~ the ln8tltutioa ~111 be opsmd ?or the r#ooptlon . Bonorable Uao. fr Cox, Pago 2 or p6ti0nt8 toa8r. A 8t8rr 0r rurgoons, nuraos, adalnlrtratorr and holporr her boon rsrrmblod. Fund8 will Bo roooiro4 and obligation8 ~111 mature ~ith l8 l rowtkfr. 90 rl8h 7ou to rdrlso u8 whotbr upon ro- 0Oipt 0r the80 rPnd8 no 820 rrqulrod 47 law to deporlt thm ln the hat. Tro8w-y urd whether 1 the oxpondlturo oi there fundr molli bo madeuador tbr rnlO8, rrgolatlonr aBd 18WB &O*Ord.ft#~the ox- pondituro 0r 0thor Stat0 rmd8. The80 rondo 8m subjeot to todonl audit, submotion 10 or Seotloa 2 Qoaorsl P~QV``OSUJ Seaato Blll Nor 42) Tho Doputruntd Avpropriation Bill’ 47th Isgirlature, l#&, pa&o 128&l Or the Qenmal Lati8 OS’ ~14 ~riaturo, ro868 al r0l.hrt ~tsd Bind8 8ml Aid, The proper State8 orfloOr or 0r rry Stat0 Dopartmontr orrioorr bureaue, or dlrielooa of Stat0 8gonoler an IIOr+ by autb9rlz0a to mati ap lleation ror and rooept -7 irtr x-ante or 81 f otmontr or fundsrroa tho 8 ad ~tator’Qovmmtmt to bo u8Od on Stato eoopsratlto and other 7odenl prejootr an4 pro- @ran8 in T$xuS, laolud oonrtruotion Oi pub110 hiialngr, ropalw, and'"t sromm8nto. or 0~0b Pedoral fundr a# may bo boporltob ln tho3 tate Treasury am horebr appropriated to the rpooltlo purpose autborlced b7 tho lrodrral Nmmuaeat, end rubjoot to the llmltatlon plraed oa thlr Aat.* brti0i8 4368 0r th0 Beti oitii stew8 or TOQ# ortdor t&t the State Troaruror ahall omoote a %i9%tfii sua of HO 000 .ondltlmmA that ho dU faith- full7 lx e o uto tho 4hd8 o# hlr 0rr eer said A&t1010 &I#0 -km tho followlag rdditlonal QTUVf rlon: mfn adaltloa to tho aboto tho 3str Troarurer shall malt0 md eater ifit4m7 rpeol0l bon4 a0 aa be required br en Aot of Oongnrr Or by m7 Ted- oral dopartaent or oftlolal to vrot8ot aa7 and all Federal fund8 rhloh #hall hare bees eeoared . .. . Honorable Coo, 111.Cox, P848 3 or rhloh may horesattrr be rooolrod by bho Stato 0r TOX~S rIWB tho ?odUSl ~OlH'lUlOnt 8Sb dOpO8itrd with the Stat0 TMa8urorr Sala bond shall br ln 8UOh 89 and o~pdl)l~nod _ and - approved araag bo- proeorlbod b7 the AOt Of GOlLglW88or atlOb aoVa?&- ment or Oifiolal afOrOMld. Said bond shall bo 8 8 eoiti bond a06 *ha11 bo in addition t0 th8 0rr f 0181 bond konlnrbovo nqe0a and m@h 0r 8ald bonds Oha bo 8O~M t8 ldl dhinO& 000. traotr 8nd obligation8 and tho liability tmdw eaoh of said bonds shah bo separate Ed diStbOt ObligatiO~S~ All orponaa QOOO88`` Ma lmldont to th o lxooution ot 8Wh spoolal bond shall bo paid as in tho Aot oi ~Oll45~SSaa7 bo prorldod or b7 appropriation mado by the LOgidStUPO of Toxar iOr 8UOh pUr~O604r" It 18 tho opinion of thlr department thereioro, that tho iundo referred to by foe mar be dopositeb in the State Treasaa-7 upon reoelpt thereot and th elxpendlture there- or leade under the ruler, regulations an4 laws governing the expenditure Or other fItat0 rWd8I Or Said iundo lasy be handled ln an7 other way agreeablo to thr ?&en1 Works Ag0no7~ hwting tlat this 8atl8iaotorily 19EWO~Syour ln- quiry,ro8ro Vary truly yours