OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN J E!onoawblsGm. ii.Sheppard, Pago 2 euhh leasehold mitaecrwarnthe own of B.966.62. Qr that aaount +A4 aua of X00.00 wao tander*Q into oourt and it wms decreed tkt the plaintiff lhould hwe aerely a pm+ eonrl :uQ,gaent a@faRt the Par% Gil & Gas Goqamy, Ino., for the bslanoe arf396.62, with interemt at six peroant aRa Baste of cult. It u8m furthor ordered that abi;l amnwtd lisn far taxes ap&mt the tbuwtotora nlrting loas~hold o&ate &mulQ be aab was expromsly remTed, anQ thh Oi0ua oamt thereuponwea in tha jua~mi rosamod and v804ma. You reqormt ua to odrias JW atethor or not the aax asreamor-ooll*atorof Hueoa Ceunty Bheula noomlso the jua83i49ntma aooept the papoat of llOO.00uld iO8u0 0 reoslpt for ouch armant and ales iuue o6a%ffic#(ru 8ew oallin~ tho balaaoe oi tba,tun, ah8r& on her dtiin~uux8 tax roll, ae well am ths ourrea%taxem for 8h4 year 19cO. It would aerv* no Oorpora h-e for ur to 60 into the aeritm of the cams oonaltdedby the abgvo Judgrreat. For, it la the .!ua@wnt of l wurt of ooatpetwc Jurlealatian, in a salt ror taxse In wfllmh th4 partiu wmr+ betore 6ho Chart, She ?&mte reprerea8ad by %t*8 attorney pro*idod far by thm CrvnrtltutIon tit3a6titUt#. Sls%O$ howover ttm the ror appaal ha6 not OX@‘& urd the QumotiQR iaYdYea In the mult wes 8 debetable one, 10 think lt Rdtlrable ior the ax hmoaaor-Gollsotcw of &wmw Gotratpto reiraln fr@s iso~lne rsoeipts and osrtifioatu in rwognltloa of the Jud$aent tmtll the mme ha8 baesarr fllul. Ii thm Dira r1th.i.a ahlet!en lppaal say bo gm?eetrll p4mroa dthout suoh being done, in our 0 ialon, the Jadeiiaeat mhoala that be honorad snQ your quelrt f~a rhodld tm anmrmd fn the a?flmatlre.