OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN I . 223 -able PstrUk 0. Naelaad, ?afgo 4 The pertinent 8tEtUte8 In that opln%on and to thi8 ?sOt 8itIXatiOIiWe the I-. ~hillbeitQ$t~,OIlP oonelu8lon i8 t&t you have eoroeotly held t&t 8ubrequent to Jamaryl, 1940, therevu anew eaployingun%t and a nev arrployem. w. OMaindtul Of thOha??d8~JWthatOftOIIlW8~t -9Jlthir appllaationofthe 8trtUt~. Auemployervlthagoocl reoord that taker in a rmv Dartnor18 penalMod by having to take the 88me tax rate as aaotherf&at had a brd rate. tie oenaot *eqper tllertatute to 8Uit OuP'8On80 of Ju8tiee emd oqpitj vhen tlaelegirlatwe hu #paken. Hwever, ue are ad- li8bd that thdl?b i8 18gi8ltbtiOXl nOV pa that vould JBrait the 8uo0em80~ to aoquire the employment reoord 0r it8 urlgnor. m &LIlAAG/ a, Norrll Hodg A88lat t!! t NNrdb znolo8uPe