,‘. t- .- r;.. j.’ OFFICE OF THE A’ITORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN )G-C”A”” 5 m-- did not hah ~U&tsf . hxtiale 8, ~eetion p of the Constitution of wMs &a&t ti.prt& oountypmposes,. and not exe- .flfteen oeats.forroads sad bs % 3s; &*a$@% &+lslaturo tiy.also au almaal ad Yalomm lieuto be 10Yled Md 8olleot- ed lor th6 iaetbsa- aalntsaanweof the,publlo roads; povlded;thata majoslty of t?&e qimli- tax-pa@ngtotezy iisd plropertjr of the aouuty voting at an eleotioa to be held for that pose sbql rote suob tax, not to esoeQ4~&ia 8ents on the one hundred dollfesmluatioa of the .ppperty subjeat to taxation In suoh oouaty. . . l In OPdQPto VQ erfeotto the a- !Phssag$Mlature, boveeoawtltutbnalpmrlslon,slamtedfttiah 67900r the Revised Oivil Statutes of Texas, 1925, ths geztlnsat pe~tlon or whioh reads as fellows: .." %hi 00im%S*iturs*s 'aewt ,shallsee ~Mltiiz ?a Boa4 arrdbz*s rwd or thcu oauntyis jud%&Ul$ aud .qtitabQ &spaded ,@ the roads ',Wd Wi * of the* souat~, and, ammarl* as ~.the.Oon2 tlon and ne8essitrf e&the poads will .mt, It’ #kall be 8Xpwidsdin a&oh oouuty oak- mlsslQMps ~oolnet. in progmtion to the saouat oollau8ed'tin. sush pweirtot. . .'.a of Artiole 6740, supra,tha judiuiowl~ aad oqoit- wita artiole defines the duties of the OOXW~S~OMPS~ 00-t b PwrOriOO, t0 thb &IL- ~p6ad.ituh~ftheroadandbP~enlndsnd,in eiiim8, forbids mfubltma``a39mtiwnt or sush rad alsongthe eoaaissiawi pPeoinot*. YOW thbd ~qwstian shoi?ldbe,ausvwed la the noga- ma depwtmnt has &?Qadk# suesa opinions ~8hll8hlng (insi aounties as the wiato subdivisionsb~misbg thy pmws-9 o sor&eignty), in .theab- ie7m 0r 8tatntQ ahang 8wh lubtlstp..we are epal08iag r0PJO- brmtf08 00pss8 0r epam8 ~08. a-779, 0-208, O-353;O-OUQ, 0-Rk'l?r,O-979 wltten rtpoarelated questions.. The anavw to puP folidhqaest*on is ODa vkbh must be udialall~ ~texmlned. We hue bmin unable ta fina any etaiut4twhtah would .ppnvsntthe O0missiuners~ Cowt 0r lzop- bib8 00rsncy* rillag 8rrit -tit ``C,O~SS~OW~ a QU~S- Blon r03~ dum&s don. to the 6ount~-wMd automobile,but vhethw 00 qot sakd oaum%ssiumw is lhble for arid damages is a guestion 0s Sadi !&!hSs depwtmnt' oannot pass upon ques- twi8 0~ rm, ws baga wtw tithh tb8 ``OV~IW~ 0r the aowts ob jwies of thts litate. ..F 220