Honorable Bet E-Sadler, P%;e #a of aaid County after thet doto eud,.within throo yoaro thawafter, to-wit, Intho ye- 1931, t&oro had aaoumutted enothar group or outatandIllgsorlp warrants In tho total auloont of 966,M5.66. On the lSth day of -oh, 1931, the CaPPaiaaIonera~ Court of IirdRiver Count7 issued mother rorles of warrants called ~Oenorel Fund- mndlng karranta, 3arIoa lQSl,* payable out of tho Qarural E'undof said County tn thb amouut of $SS,S4S.86, luah rarmnts being dated Marei+15, lQS1, payable to boaror, In donaalrutlonaof +l,OOC oroh, oxcopt Warrant Ho. 1 In tha amount oS W45.66, bearing lnkrert at the rote of 6 per oont, payabla aed-annually, math ru-rants bao~ due iru?eh15, lQJQ, md annual17 thm’uftor on Maroh,lSth6-h pear to and Imludlng the you 1947, at that tlmm 6 oont8 of th~.Oaner8lF\ud T8% lorj ma r8t &sIde to pa ~'tb~lnkr*at and o r edie l dnltlng fwwl to Pwt is ptpcrlpal Or.raid warrant8 at m8turItJI. C %uriag 8llthLa tip, mkd Sor man7 yeas-8prior "Aftu the Iasuutou of tha Wermral ku% - &WAdi~ hX'FW&8, &F?ieO lQSl', th4 rOVO~U88 Of tho 6onere1 Puad IO11 far rhort at t&o uroullt neo88- oar7 to pay thegeneral opardang expana+a or tha Count7; and, by the-year 1938, there had aocumulated a total aaeunt e& eutatandlag sorip werrata, In addi- tion to the formgoIng funding warranta, Bf *ppox.i- JMto1y ~197,COo.w. !Rmni aerlp warranta ware Issued dUring thO ye&~&‘8 1939, 1933, 1894,.1986ORd 19wa Bi.ncathe 7eer 1936, by mmaa of using the Permauant Xmpr6rem8nth+d to pay general oporrtlngoxpenaoa of th# GOUllty, & 8StMll pop?tiOll Of th#OO 8arip WrrzlOlltO have bun peld. mat of those xttichwerepaid were warrants $Iven for intorcat on the other warrentoe In 1988, tlm CoJWIa6lotlarc * Court of Had.fUver County Iasuod some warrants, ahIoh they called *Gonorali%nd - Funding Wnrranta, Serlea 1@$8,* la the totel emount of ~10,088.31,in denoainatlonaof ~l,WO.OO each, Honorable Pat beadle, page f3 swept IUrrant No. 1 in ths mount of $l,OsS.Jl, all of which were dated +-IL l,,193Q, payable 89 yQIV.rS fPO8I d&t&, or et eX2y i.Zit8rOOt ~pyb.Ig &te and boarIng interest et the rata @f 8 pr oant per annum, payable annually. At the tip, o ftb iOOU& EUW Of 88id llT8nt8, On0 OOI% Otf tha Qmaral jmuXlovy was set eaide,to pay the lnteromt and orerib 8 sinking fund to pw auob wnrrnntn. This ration, together with the pay- ment o f lo u o f th a c r lp rnrruata, reduosd tin sorip tamant indobtrdnaaa to the sum of $U?,esO~.@6,~whlah lo still out~tandlnglnaddl- tlen te all~of the above doscribed SupdIng war- rants. l%e omtwued vnlwtio n o fth et&x p r ep & i in Ued WIyer Couutp, +l9ua8, alnee the 7*u 1 I8 &mum la the follorrlagtable: $w,01v,470.00 ls*mm,m?O.oo U#Bl1,4&@.00 u2,17$,47@.00 ll,OlM,64o.W io,ma,oio.oo 10,J1qt8o.00 10,819*s10.00 10,ltM,410.00 10,sW7,300.00 10,087,200.00 9,994,QOO.OO yeara,baar inotlndthatthe •Durlng~lltlx+an tot&l 86 oents 3'und levy ~4x8 being aade, Oenor& USm8OOd ud aollcwkd$ and tho tot81 OparrtIng ox- p nxuu loah you wore far in axeeaa of th amount oollmated far the Goneralhand Srom all aoureea. I do not hnve the figures -ovail&bleshowing the oellaotfona prior to 19X5: but I do have the Pig- UPas showing the oollaotloca alma that date, which are shown In the following tablcl: P roX'&hle Pot i?eadle,page #4 %n moordo 8how the gamril OpWPting expendI- tiara8ror currentoperating eqwafna alme tha per 19Sl a8 followor *It can rudlly bo soon fron tb forogoIn6 raota that the genornl Operating lxpcuuo* of Red Klvor County r*qtira all of thm ilrrurrlFund of lnld Gormty~ aud, Chore 18 new in tb Oemr&lFWkd of 8Pld aounty the sup or $7,17V,l8,whloh ha8 been set oaldm by th0 court to pq tha intOre8t mad prlnclp~l on eom of the rbmdlng warrants Ia- sued in lQQ8, 19Sl nnd lQS8f amd tharo Is no other money in 8eid (fonarnlYund to p&7 any opernting exponsss of thq County md, In 8dditIon to,sroaent oparotlona,the OensraIfk'uudnaeda to pay warrants iionornble Yet &Mdh, pae;e #6 %SWa for ourrent opersti.ng axpenaea iaourred tbiSp@W, 8nd uagaId, in the emOUUtef about feur thownnd dollrra. *wed upon the foregoing fmta, x rhould we $u- your department to ndvise me whether Or ut t& Courtauz CQllglj.8aioaera~ lewEul1 uee tua rapuy rhleh is nom in the %netel l7uadm Set 882de ko B8y the intorest And princI* OS m&oh funding WUTU%tO, tOX' thO p'='&'OOOOf'Rw-8 thr 8atljpl sad Woesaarg operatingexambane of tk0 c~l;J f@P t&&S YOPC.” 2t.w 8UO8 6$ ted irr 7OW brief ti NRWrt ef JO= 0ontentIonthOt the~C0PL1Bi8alonara*Cowth88 t& right 0nd authopit~ tie we the Berkerril Fund In the pa7-nt 0r retax ud ZU@O8#8P7 Omr8t of ,tka oounty t0 tke e%- rrlua%oPot urj,priez thorafw, represent *mm of Mea In lops,, usI1 ma Ls58. & 8 mnttaw OS set, thin mJxd #@am8 to po88e88 the aherasterI8tIoa Of 8 8inLing fund UUt, &S S#b, it8 WO WOtid be gOV8PMa by &?tiOti 039 of Vernon~r *naatnted Civil Statwtea. HOW qUO8tbEi ~OWAp~O808 the le&ity of!SU6h 8 fund, but thlr department ha8 aonalatentl~ held that tbo Qenex%l Ru&d levy owanot be pledged to the pqme& of debt8 amturing in Suture years, pnd hna ~rpeatedkydeo3.Inedto approve tka iO8UaINO af bends requiring ouch 8 pledge. Therefore, we advise thut in view of our well latebli8hed ~01icy In this rogad WI) @annot reaogriso btm v&lid OxIstO- #Xi@@Of 8 tund 08tWi8IblyON&ted Out of 8 &XWtiCUlOf the fbneralht& levy for fhe payment of obli&stIon8 iaaueQ ngninat rueh Sund. 800 Attorney General*a oplnlona numbare U-lVO& ~onieroneeOpInIon Ro. SO98, 04669,'C0nSerenee Opinion wo, 6096,, WO do not pop088 t0 pass UpOn the pO8OibIlity of the eco~ of my rights to tiremant balder to the U8e of 8Ueh l brad, but uawam that If eny ouch rIghta do, fn l&v or Snot, exirt, 8uaa must be solely oontrt&tue1,mnd, ia OUP opialon, if enforoeable,must b8 a matter for tb parties thereto to eettle fInally in a court of oompetqxt jurladictlen. . Honorable Pat Beadle, gage #6 Puratlantto the ferogolng di*uua*ion,we advise that the payaent of the aotual and neceaaary operatfng ax- penaaa of th6 bounty from thin fund will be 1Lmlted ORQ by lucrh eontrnotualright6aa mny h&v*ooorued to the ob- ligatlan holder md by auuh aonatltutlonal odl atatutery raatrietiona @a are mm lapoaed. Ye must add, however, that in our opialon a aarloua q-ubatt``bxiata aa to the 8vailabllltg of thla fund at all for use lg th efor r paysent nP the obligationaabove deaarlbed er hr kneral%md sxpenaes in vleu of the reSUoted ml*- u&oS~blQgrmanent 3bprovemeatFund in the year8 1997, mah a use I6 alearu prohibited by lau. YraLEsatly, t&ore ia a oonalderable aup due tb Pmaanbnt IApWvOAont Yuud by th@ oemr*l rqilul,end auah baluwo a6 purportedly bxlata in the ~eneralFux?daaj le slly and perly bJoq te tha PuUnent b&WOVWAt’ 8 ml, whlob, pr"tFAb ~' UbAld pF~O6iUdO the US4 Of the f'IAld8 &A Upr A6An.l' other t&m i* lmh 3srtQl purposes as are delogatod te thbObrmmont Uprovbm~t ihand. Seotisn 9, Article 8 .ef tha ~ebMt%tuttoA~ Carroll v8r-R%llimla,Icm3S.S. 504, ehir &A&A &a net to bb oasutrued u pa*aimg AJw: ihe vAl&, of the 8BoVe rwnti0ta.dwarraaatm~,XL&P the valid uibtonao OS the fsm4 oreated for the prryant Of 8aAe. h trwt that the Sorbgobg In mm mume r anav4ra your fweiltlos,but in vim oS the poouliu fret lltuatiag underlying 86~0, re Gael that’ it osuld not be anirered otherwlae. Vary tixul~5’0uT6, APPHOVED Jmi 22, 1940 ATTORNEY Em= OF TSAS /8/ Qorald 0. asma ATTOIUIIEP Q- OF TEXAS 4‘ /a/ Clam~@Q k. -wO Clarence X. Crews Aaala tant Cl%-arlg