193 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eon. w. r. mclein OriNhAl Dl8trl.t atorur7 lmliumon coanty ooo~otown, hxas oplalonHo. ROB F’rerai R@oaro bea r*oMad ewl . Ii.quote troa our ftut:oror the ruoo .bot:l, sorrrotaad tar rbiah I rirh to thank you vary Nuoh.. OpinionRo.,O-698foonfannoo opiuioaRo. of thir dq?artrkBt,holbr,umn6 other tl$ngr,that an Hon. R. 8. XrCZIla, Pago 8 0rri00r *O dirohargos ot r o lo a r es l driedant rr0m tha for00 t a pdgmantre8trainl.q and lffo o of Elm la mtltled to oollao8thr fro of 11.00 fox a rofease. Opinionno. 0;@63 o? this brgartnmntholds, bong othrr thi8, thd It a ousstable or other offlaor has a drfandaat 7 II hIa awtody, ~4 raloasrsthe dafra- dent frm thr' roror and offrat‘of a judgnaat restrainin him, then the oonstabloor otEor o??Iou woul& bo rntltlrd td e #LOO nlema fee. Opinion Ro. O-901 of this d~parttrmt.holdsthet a shori?? or ronstebJo is net lotItlod to ohuge aa unst fro uhur ha fs presrntbut whore the arxwrt is actually satI4by a atate fllghmyTatrolmn. OpinionW. O-060 of this dopartnoatholds that rbaro a stat* III&wayPatrolmanarrests a 60raa for speeding and brings him before the fustlor cb the Psaoe and the d*?andrnt plea48 guiltysod la a'esrosod a fine 0r On0 Dollaran6 oorts that the defendantshould pay the ?ollouIng&mounts Ih disoharge o? hi8 ?Iae and ooats, to- rift Om D&k+, ?Isot Five iiolhrs aa tsm for .the ooanty attorney; Four Odlhrr 81 triel ire; ssaklng 8 total Qi Ton DOllUS. WntWr tho faots rulatiag to Bald opinion *.hoconstablepufonned no eUTICuS and MS net antitled to any for. pinion 30x0.C-U89 a? this6e~rtarot, In lsplr- in& the rub sat out In O~iBiOn RO. G-695 ( QooniUeaO. opinion?#OO. 30-61 of thi8 departmnt to variousraot situ- tions set out In tlrrrequart for oplnIon,holds that only wborr the faotr show that the de?snda%tIs la tha actual and legal oustad a? l oanstsblo at thr t&w he pleads guilty and pays his fina ls the aoastablsltltlod toga rrlrasr ?UO. This OQiniQll ?urt&rr ho348 that *haa the dofondaat rails his flao lo to tbr Justice of the Fwcs and same is laorptrdby the Just100 in payrant of tIefondant** ru, tho constable is act entitlrdto a roloanc ia@. Artlolr1011 of the Code of CriminalProordurr prcmldosthat ao itom of ,oosts shell bo taxed ?or a purport- rd rortlorthieh wa* a03 ppfcmrd, or for a maMa for 195 . Boa. I. I=. IfoClaIn, Pago S rhiah a0 ?a* is rxprosslypmvIQe4 by law. has rrpeatedlyml06 th a t l oon8t~alO or otaor PaQO OffiQU la not entitledto OhSitS, OOlloot Or lOo epSOS8 t U~SSS ha aOtW~J per- r032d tk* sonloar rot out in the statute. xi the oon- ltabk or sb~rl?? does not make the amrrt, nor the OCCU- mltmant nor thr roleare,ha ouklnly cannotoharge,aol- lO0t 0f l000pt 8 rO0 r0r doing 80~ A atate aigh~y P8tr0m moarr l 88lary from the Stat0 0s TOXU r02 his .su~Ioe~, and ~thiro 18 no sktutort authorityin this State rhuoby a et&e lilghway Patrolman may oharga,rollrat or looept a ire e08 a defendant. The salary a Btato HighnayPatrolmanmmrIn8 from the StataOf Texas i8 the only oixqwisation to whloh ha Is ontitledto nawitr for pm0tmug hla dut Im. Ke %hInk thars la no oonillotin t!m abotr atmbermlopIalon8. 30 think that saoh one Is oornot .barul upon the fact sItuatlons glr~a in saoh of said O~iDiOQS. Stirfaot8 eated ln your lottrr do not rhw wheti- ar or not the oonatablepuSansod any swvioo. No thaw- for4 lssumr that be puroaPe4 no 8m1100~ Thereroro, the Oomtrblr would not be sntltladto a releaseSo% The proper awmB& 0s fin0 and 008ts under ruoh Qi~OUWtUiOllS would be as follows: 01l0mifnr ?oT'~IIM~ ~I+43 mhr8 rot th i30twr ;mg~g,'ow Dollsrsr0r trial fee; making a total 0s . very truly your8 RY*jgy+-Jf .. AssIstant WF rib-i9 APFRSVECMAR20, 1940 \ AWXNEY GENERALOF TIEA&