39: - - OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUotlN 0r a``7 83, 19.950, pibrtmot uponth8 to lr l g e ner a lfamulty l dwd onvoytothstu4a8oudrom8 la teoountyfo r a mo lted o o n- then8004&d nlu8blooanrld- tb6tnzJaatu8law~Gorsid.eP- xon.trankD. Quinn,-8. 2 or tbevaton pa8~laigtlwnagh thelma,uvellrs tbori t to orsrflov all or azupa& of t&moonvo~wl &xl vltbout$ia- bllltyto the@'Ube. The deedal80 reolterthat the Dl8trlot rotaim title of iuohSntermta8 it baa in the to oas-halr ad.a6rol8b~una6rtheland. Th8 &at08 Coiuemtlon River andReo&matlonDlr- tdo t ii l 8t.u a g e nc y,In th e Dbture 0r a ussf-pubal o o c - gorati0n, o r ~ta d a na 888p lo y 6 bdy th e mat0 Po r th 8 p ur p o se 0r camylng out th6 duty or th8 mato to oontrol,oomervo and 6eVdOp the VStOn Of th6 &UO8 fffVOr rrrdt0 UOMWVO Whtf ?6Cbi8! u&8 BmOted by it8 m0d& It 18 a OolPpownt pkiFt 0r thestateend QerJvssall of lt8 powtw ami authority by dele.egatlon !'mmtheState. SOaAOt8 1929,4titIn&, 2nd C.8.c sp. L. p. 22, Cb. 13;ArtSole7$66 (R.C.S. 1925)#f7 mm. S~U.~$,~%. 65~ Lmmr Colcmdottloer Authorlt~ V. RcCrav, . . uk8 Simil8.P I- t6 8trt6 &CfzOb8, 8uahU tCTUXl8hlp8,snd 8ohoOl dDUtFiOt8, it bsa a0 poVO= OOUTitiCrS, or dutlaa ercoptt&O88 vblohaX'8 OleVly 8Ot forthand deflmd m the COMtitUtiOth Uid Of th6 Skt6. E&IU'd8 COWtJ ** Jenofng5, (cit.APO., 33 3.V. 58fQ lltratton ve GOID-- ad8l1ODW8’COtIl't (cl?. &D., n Antonlo, 1911),1378.V.ll?O# 11 Tax.Jur.563,eeo*)6 1 DillonRun%.Corps.,Sec.25. Any mblguityw mmsoxusb ie doubtaa to theexlrtrncs of a unl688 ~p6~iri~ii~ 8uthorit~ by tho Con8tltutlo!l or Strtutos,.rueh agcumleshaveno powerw suthraltyto state oonvey any or th8 poperty laqufrewlby them ior the purpoma oicwa-ylngoutthr, dutloade&getedtothm. Nhonauthwlz8d by rtatuk to oonva~lwh pmperty, theymut do 80 8trZctly Crowh ve toroy (Clv.App. 5th t&l: i$i$z ~%koa~ 37 ~6% Jur.'g!io, &o. Si. Vha ta pww ro ro rlut.koz%tf tJwBntr# RiverConner- VSAtiOiI a& ROOb5!8u~ a8tFfOt bar t0 di8``80 Or 85Y O? it8 PCO- pert;,is darivd tropntbsp.368,A8w a9 , U$b Leg.,ast O.S., p. I=, vbiohaaoadnChap,3 Aota 1934, 7 >a'&Leg.4th C.6. urd ~00. 3 0r chap.19, lota 1935,44thug., Beg.a088i0h Seotlon l2 of tblrA& ma& aa f'ollowt ~&8fOhOdO, itbrlngtbOintO&i0aOrtb18~t that 0 by ule aa in thisaeotlon 04mrrl~ authorlsed, no 8UOh PCOl3Ol'ty02' intOPO8t Bhall 0Vof Oopb lllt0 the ~PWD 0~ 00w0i. dimtif w indamti~8 or rurf. puson, r:m or oomcmtion other tam a xa~blw auth- ityamto5u!laoP tb IEVS ortho mate ormxaa. All xrd0ad.J. ti8~ ths prOtiSi088 Or thil.SOOtf0~1 f&O Iu8t~ctoouldaotooaveyaayoflt8 &uadtoprlv8taptmooxm, flm QI oorpovatlona exoept won the equwr tern aad m&or the lxxwe88 oodltl# th e r ein Such a oonmy8nw lt o ut. would dlVO8t fhs stat. ortta tltlb. 887 the nlrtrlotalrp0w of Its wlqmty'.ul~lt to another State agsmay? Bucrh a mr, iS it lx.lstr Lo ths WstrIot,nut bs rou8dIn the or thestatut8 quoted above. It la apparent l&horlFJis not srpn884 uu!clerrly.J~. wit sxuta,ltMtba by lmplloat1on. rromat``~truotlonofthe portionofthe~uot+letrttrta\rhioh rutbt 391 8on. mank 0. WI=, 0%. 4 The tinmaw qwtbd spmem to us to be fatmad by the ``e~tUFS# not a8 a grantof paver, but as a r~t.rlc- tlonor afmltatian.In our wfnfon, th8 aawu40 qu0tsd 2.8 IlOt 8UfffOlOnt~ SmifiO t0 00&O? the m? Upon tbs DIetrIot to di8mO or It8 proportf by gi*iag it to wtkw 8tM. the por1t-J and -ati=pl -vmge wphoft+heAottbt atothbg~athle Ao t#b ab ll eaonetruod a sluthoriahg the 8610, mf6Ue of othe? diSjpr:tiaQ Of Urp 8wh mPe?ty o? btem8t by the dlet?lot. xtlstoboob8etlredmtthepro~loA8llaiting the value ofp?oportyvhIohaaybe sold inaayoao ysarand nquiriag dit~th WM or th8 60~nraing hods 0f the m8trf0t to datetaLrre, p?ior to 8Wh -10, that the property 18 not new8 to tha btmlnmb of tiM m8t.?fOt, 8p~ly only to ‘“I: SSlbS. oon8truotlon pM'8tlttlrqthe DirtHot to oxerotee the pow? 0rdhp08lngorlupr0perty by *lag it to wthor stata agwuy vould IEpuu to th8 Lsgle tuw the latent to VS8t iI& thS Baud Of ~OtOF8 Of th8 WStXfUt tb povO?S t0 frmrrer poperty or the Marlot by @t to another state 8gw b7 (L 8irpiO Sta$??ity tot8Or it8 SI&M~?S, Without ?f#rWWS t0 t&J SggWgILtS w~8 Of th0 pFOPS?w t&USdl8pO8Od of Iamy one Jber+advlthoutregardto the aue8tlonwhether 8UOh pFO~?tyir XlWO58w t0 the bU8iBO88 Of t&l DfStFlOt. In vlw or the 6are vita vhloh the LogIslatu?a he8 Ororidsd~triotion,upoath6'~'oip~yot~ ~St?iOt, ft.18 XlOt FMSOllSb~ t0 psVrM that it f8lknded. that t&a pow? to glre property of the DIetriot to 0th~ &$3fI;fS8 VithOUt S'SStriStfW w tb f@l&$Fo$&iS ho& b8 poeeessed by the unaglag Dl.t?10t: fn- ~MO& thSPe18,tO PUtitdld4,tigulty o??aa8Wb~ Qubt M to the paVerOt th ~StrlOttodi8gos6 0r it8 pr~party bygirt to lnoth* ame agenay.suohmbigaw oc ?MSOWL``~ &UbtWt b@m8Oirsd S&Mt ths #Xf#t&U308Or the m?. LOU? QUO8tiOU &AbS? 1 18 thO~fO?e ons9W'Od illth8 rusg6tIve,vhLohenSve?readbrr UKUISOSll~SB-r tOyQu? SSOond~US8tifXi. Pours wry truly ATTORRBY oPalERa OF TxAa