05-18-00587-CV Eli. ED No. — ft 149-(YS 1DIBIKY 2? Mi /9: Q7 fl-/aC’.L \bU±€’T4S ffithecccouno1i; S Plaintiff -‘. P1JTY ftfx. MsoL \JL(443 FXLED ZN Coin of Appeals Defendant Dallas County, Texas MAY 212018 Lisa Matz NOTICE OF APPEAL Clerk, 5th Distrla TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: COMES NOW the Defendant, self-represented, and files this Notice of Appeal fromthejudgmentsitaedbytheCourton Mfr/ Zl / ZU IS AU) \. dJ.F4A, Defendant, appeals to the (Thu r+- of- /lyp at Dallas, Texas. PittName: t]]1AW4Cc vQ/FMS Address: GiL- i - Mt ThLUIS Th,mszô Telephone: LA 19 CERTifICATE OF SERVICE I. ftCIC Defendant, do hereby cérti’ that a mae and correct Copy of the foregoing has been mailed, certified mail, return re eipt req ested, to ?ERLA i4gSôL. ‘VUE€1A 5 ,AttorneyforPlaintifat S(1 nI 9 WbW, 4LLS, r.._ sexô. ofl LlisS thc .- tidy °‘ k 1 itature Print Name 4 (tO V L Lt%u CAUSE NO._DF i1 /4p3-u IN THE INTEREST OF: IN THE DISTRICT COURT 302ND JUDICIAL DISTRICT \1u±€LSfL4. A CHILD DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS ORDER TO APPOINT AN ATTORNEY FOR AN INDIGENT RESPONDENT CAME ON THIS DAY to be heard a [ ] Termination; [1 Bond Hearing after the Issuance of a CaDias, [4