CR45624 CR45624 F /t r= TII E TATE OF TEXAS N Tl IE 441ST DISTRICT COURT ?OJq , V. MIDLAN D COUNTY, TEXAS ;,/ XFILED t IN 11th COURT OF APPEALS OljTfifC JESSE VILLAFRA CO JR EASTLAND, MIDLAND CJ ~'1-r f TEXAS B~ 05/17/18 4:20:03 · X.\S~ PM SHERRY WILLIAMSON TRIAL COURT' CERTIFICATION OF DEFENDANT'S RIGHT OF APP Ctin., ~ Clerk CAIN /1, Judge of the trial Court, certify this criminal case: JL'.: is not a plea-bargain case, and the defendant has rhe right of appeal; is a plea-bargain case. but matter were raised by written motion filed and ruled on before trial and not withdrawn or waived, and the defendant has the right of appeal; is a plea-bargain case, but the trial court has given permission to appeal , and the defendant has the right of appeal; is a plea-bargain case, and the defendant has O right of appeal: the defendant has\\ aived the right of appeal. Signed the ~ of May, 2018. I ha, e recei ved a copy of this cenification. I ha\'e also been informed of my rights concerning any appeal ol' this criminal case, including any right to file a pro sc petition for discretional) review pursuant 10 rule 68 of the l'cxas Rule of Appellate Procedure. I have been admonished that my nnome)' mu~t mail a copy of the court of appeals" judgment and opinion to my last known address and that I have onl)' 30 days in which to file a prose petition for discretionary revie\\ in the Court of Criminal Appeals. Tex. R. App. P. 68.2. I ackno\\ledge that. if I "ish 10 appeal this case and if I am entitlc:d to do so, it ism) dut) to inform m) appellate anome). b) written communication, or any change in the address at which I am currently living or any change in my current prison unit. I understand that, because of appellate deadlines, if I fail to timely inform m) appellate attorney ofan) change in my address. I may lo~c this opportuniL) tu lilc: a prose petition for discretionary reviel\ . ·~5>e..V, I\ DEFE DA t...bto :(9 , r Mai ling address: Mailing address: 2.uoo ~:\~:it ,HUM: {)(A,\ \U. \ 1`` J~ior 1 elephone ( ) _ ____ _ Telephone ('l)f) J 2,u - 5S$''2 Fax() _ __ __ Fax 0f 1·W -O\S:\L.\ ...A defendant in a criminal case has the right or appeal under 1hcse rules. 1 he trial court shall enter a certification of the defendant"s tight to appeal in ever) case in \\ hich it enters a judgment of guilt or other appeal able order. In a pica bargain case - that is. a case in "hich a defendant"s plea was gui lty or nolo contendere and the punishment did not exceed the punishment recommended by the prosecutor and agreed Lo by the defendant - a defendant ma) appeal only: (A) those matters that "ere raised b) written motion filed und ruloJ on before triul. or ( B) Qf\cr getting the Lri11l 1.:ou11·5 pcnnbliUll lU .ippeal." TEXA Rl,Lt. OJ- APPLLLATE PROCEDURE 25.2(a)(2)