Filed: 12/2/2015 2:33:24 PM JOHN D. KINARD - District Clerk Galveston County, Texas Envelope No. 8055212 By: Pamela Stines 12/2/2015 2:40:26 PM UNITED STATES DISCTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS FILED IN GALVESTON DIVISION 14th COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 12/4/2015 12:09:18 PM JAMES KEITH WINGATE CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE PRO-SE PLAINTIFF. Clerk CASE NO. VS. GALVESTON COUNTY COURT AT LAW NO. 2 GALVESTON TEXAS DEFENDANTS RE: CASE NUMBER 15-FD-1440 EMERGENCY AND EXPIDITED HEARING ON MOTION OF VIOLATION OF SIXTH AND FOURTEENTH AMENDEMENT RIGHTS AND DUE PROCESS AS DEFINED BY FEDERAL AND STATE STATUES PARTIES 1 JAMES KEITH WINGATE 1612 COUNTRY MEADOWS LANE SANTA FE TEXAS 77517 DEFENDANT AND PLANTIFF IN CAUSE NUMBER 15-FD-1440 2.COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER 2 GALVESTON TEXAS 3.JANA LANDRY ATTORNEY SERVICE THROUGH E -MAIL JANA LANDRY@PRODIGY.NET 4.KAREN S. WINGATE THROUGH ATTORNEY JANA LANDRY JURISDICTION THE JURISDICTION IS CORRECT VENUE THE VENUE IS CORRECT PLEADING James Keith Wingate Pro-Se seeks immediate Relief from the assigned Court Because he has been Denied Equal access and Due Process His 6th and 14th ammendment rights have been violated Because: 1. In a divorce filed on or about June 16th 2015 2. Mr. wingate saw the first violation of Due process when a County Court Judge violated a Bankruptcy stay filed July 1 2015 Dominat Jurisdiction recognized by Presiding Judge and Order issued July 1 Asst. Judge in fact violated that stay on July 2nd by allowing parties to take steal procur and hide personal and family items subject to protection under section 3. To Date Mr. Wingate has had to file an advesary two recusals of judges one motion for Mandamus with a notice to court of second to follow one motion on contempt one motion for emergency consideration one expidited motion because a malicious charge was filed against him while he was at his house by agreement by the efforts of Jana Landry And Karen S. Winagte and had to post bond and suffer embarassment this expidited motion is still yet to be heard 4. Mr. Wingate fears for his safety and liberty and the Judges and process as Defined has not only failed but appears to be broken DUE PROCESS As defined by Law guarantees me Equal access with no fear of bias or discrimination no fear of loss of liberty or life no fear of false imprisonemnt or harassment Not only should I be able to question these actions as My rights guarantee But should not fear retalitory actions because I do there have been Paperwork Issues addressed Mz. Landry filed a Petition with the court and civil Process documents showing the wrong address for service the pleadings as to discovery level Are incorrect she has denied me any information related To Karen S. wingate Im wondering what the next shoe will be dropped SUMMARY OF FACTS Plantiff in this action for emergency relief Requests an immediate hearing And offers to the court Oral argument for federal intervention because His civil rights have been ignored pro-se is not a legitimate term in this court He is afraid for his life and liberty the assistant judge has answered a recusal Motion that I didnt even file I have had to ask the Regional Judges son To Recuse himself to avoid Judge Bias being shown I have been arrested for Trespassing on the property I own Oral argument Requested PRAYER James Keith Wingate seeks immediate relief in an action thats in abatement A presiding Judge facing recusal the assistant Judge denying recusal on unflied Motions after a Violation of a federal stay a motion for summary judgment two motions of contempt one motion for harassment one motion for expidited Reconsideration two recusal motions on presiding Judge one Advesary and one Motion for Mandamus all ive gotten is a Realization of what the True definition of a want of Prosecution is Im Requesting an immediate Order estopping any further action Pending investigation of this cause and parties to this cause Respectfully Submitted James Keith Wingate Notice of Service: This motion for Expidited hearing will be forwarded to the district clerk Of Galveston County with notice of this Leave to file in Federal court in accordance with Rules and has been E filed with said court on December 2nd 2015 a true and correct copy will be sent to Jana Landry through her e mail service at and Karen Wingate through counsel Afadavit of Fact Now appears James Keith Wingate and swears all content in this motion and all statements made are based on his best recollection of facts experienced and any and all documents that may be requested or offered have been obtained from my Personal Records or are the true and correct filings from my hand Sworn December 2nd 2015 \s\ James Keith Wingate James K Wingate Pro – Se 1612 country meadows ln Santa Fe Texas 77517 409-457-5147 ORDER ON DECEMBER 2ND 2015 JAMES KEITH WINGATE APPEARED SEEKING HEARING ON MOTION FOR VIOLATION OF 6TH AND 14TH AMENDEMENT RIGHTS VIOLATIONS ON AN EXPIDITED EMERGENCY AND DENIAL OF DUE PROCESS AS GUARANTEED PRESIDING JUDGE GRANTS ORDER DENYS ORDER \s\ James Keith Wingate James K Wingate Pro – Se 1612 country meadows ln Santa Fe Texas 77517 409-457-5147