__ __ 05-19-00728-CV ciEXAS OALL1 & -o3 !77L zuiju;io PH 2:07 1 -. Plaintiff — r v. i Defendant —— 0 14 Dallas County, Texas NOTIcE OF APPEAL TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAUD COURT: COMES NOW the Defendant, self-represented, and files this Notice of Appeal /& mtbejud n ,9—O / ‘7 evi edbytheCourton (‘t/ fondant, appeals to the’ V / at Dallas, Texas. Prbit Nam&7’XC%4_M% Address: zJf 3-S /7 Telehone:(-/ q; s-s-/-— ‘1 3I CERTIFiCATE OF SERVICE do hereby ceffi’ that a tme and conect copy fth.J,xegoing has been mthle certified , mail, return receipt requested, to //( ff— Aftomey for Plaintiff, at , I CAd.. Ut! 1Lfl UIC / .J çuaY UI C , Si2nature /%/4 Print Name