DocketNumber: 14-15-00963-CV
Filed Date: 11/19/2015
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/30/2016
on 11/19/2015 4:20:36 PM OFFICE OF STAN STANART FILED IN COUNTY CLERK, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS 14th COURT OF APPEALS CIVIL COURTS DEPARTMENT HOUSTON, TEXAS 11/19/2015 4:25:17 PM November 19, 2015 CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk Court of Appeals 301 Fannin Houston, Texas 77002 LETTER OF ASSIGNMENT Trial Court Docket Number: 1067413 Trial Court Number: One (1) Style: TRACETTE HOUSE VS. CUNEY HOMES APPELLANT(S) APPELLEE(S) Judge: CLYDE R LEUCHTAG Attorney: Appellee(s) Attorney: Tracette House, Pro Se Kevin Fulton, No. 24059787 Po Box 24453 2855 Mangum Road Suite 114 Houston, Texas 77229 Houston, Texas 77092 Phone: N/A Phone: (713) 677-0109 Fax: N/A Fax: (832) 201-8847 E-Mail: E-Mail: N/A Tracette House, appellant, a of Appeal on November 9, 2015 the Final that was on October 30, 2015. The Clerk’s Record is due to your office on or before December 29, 2015. /S/Joshua Alegria Alegria Deputy Clerk P.O. Box 1525 Houston, TX 77251-1525 (713) 755-64211>.o. 1525 I TX I (713) 755-6421 1 of 1 1 NOTICE OF APPEAL (COURT OF APPEALS) THECIVILCOURTFORTHECOUNTYOF HARRIS STATEOF TEXAS CUNEY HOMES § NOTICE OF APPEAL CIVIL FILE NO.1067413COURT#1 TRACETTE HOUSE DATEOFORDER DATEWRITENTERED TO: County Clerk, County, Texas Civil Courts 201 / Suite500 Houston,Texas77002 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, the Defendant appeals the judgment rendered by this Honorable Court in the above styled and number cause. From an order WRIT OF POSSESSION ON PROPERTY of the court (Entered 11/02/2015) on the date shown. e.g., denying Defendant’s motion for a new Trial. e.g., Dismissal under The Rule 12(C) Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings.\ DATED: TRACETTE HOUSE (Party Appealing) POST OFFICE Box24453 TRACETTE@BU.EDUHOUSTON, TEXAS77229 KEVIN HAROLD FULTON (Attorneyfor 2855MANGUMROADSUITE114 HOUSTON, 77092 7l3—677—0l09 SBN:24059787 ORION REAL SERVICES ESTATE i HOMES ·· 1455w. LOOPS.SUITE 800 TEXAS HOUSTON, 77027 · SIGNATURE 2 NOTICE OF APPEAL (COURT OF APPEALS) 1 THE CIVIL COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF HARRIS STATEOFTEXAS CUNEYHOMES § NOTICEOF APPEAL v. § CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 1067413COURT#1 HOUSE TRACETTE §DATE OFORDER DATE ENTERED APPEAL PETITION AND REVERSAL OF JUDGMENT AND STAY 1. SettlementAttempts. Then, in 2015, T made a second attempt at settling LL/Tenant dispute. In many of the attempts at settlement failed. of by Attorney of "Attorney seeks possession T, before 2. A "demand or substitute method, was given to the Defendant on: August 04, 20 l 5. Response: The Defendant has fully the Judgment. 3. to Collect the Defendant. The likelihood that the Defendant is able to pay the judgment if obtained, is: "good because Judge determined that Defendant did not owe Plaintiffs any money on Plaintiffs claim." 4. Up Defendant Response. Anticipated Defense. Dollar claim is exaggerated. The Claim was in the wrong court. Claim is not valid. Jury trial requested (where available).CASE Outlineofthe Case. Introduction.1. Notice of appeal or Motion for Appellate review. 3 NOTICE OF APPEAL (COURT OF APPEALS) 2 2. has force T to post a bond or provide other 3. T does not need to post a supersedeas bond to begin an 4. Explain why that amount of the bond is appropriate to secure the interest. 5. FRCP 62(C) permits a to stay an injunctive order pending an appeal of the order, whether the order is granted or denied injunctive (characterizing any "order to do," as opposed to an "order to pay," as injunctive. 6. FRCP 62(a) (applying automatic stay while post-judgrnent motions remain pending). 7. Posting a full bond is financially impractical, unnecessary, or impossible because of or exceptionalcircumstances. 8. Legal system should not force parties hit with immense judgments to forgo their rights to appeal. 9. Fed.R. App.P. 8(a);Cal Civ.Pro.Code,995.240(permittingthe trial courtto waivethe bond requirement for an indigent); 10. Cal. R. Ct. 8.112 (West 2008) (permitting a petition for writ of supersedeas to be filed in the appellate court) l2. Need for stay and the reason why security cannot be provided. 13. T of inability, the amount is excessive, legal theory was weak. 14. T will be able to raise substantial issues on appeal. First, Plaintiff failed to show, as they must, that the Trial Court committed probable error. Instead they simply reiterate arguments the trial court rejected. (e.g., LL claim for back rent). Nor can they show probable B. Second, Plaintiff failed to show, as they must, that without a supersedeas, they would be deprived of the of success on appeal. That is, they have not shown either that the denial of supersedeas would cause them irreparable injury or that the granting of supersedeas would not cause the T disproportionate C. Indeed,Plaintiffcannotmakethat showing. D. The harm in denying supersedeas would be insubstantial, as its plan is to evict the T. E. By contrast, the grant of the supersedeas would cause the T and her animal aide substantial harm.F. "With their obvious potential for financial prejudice and disruption," challenges like Plaintiffs' must not be permitted to drag on to the potential serious injury" of an entity like the PHA or the public at large. G. Given Plaintiffs failure to carry their burden and the serious injury that further delay threatens, this Court should summarily deny their supersedeas and stay request. H. A bond procured through fraud or duress may be unenforceable, but mistake on the part of the obligoras to the contentsof a bond,or its legaleffect,is not a defenseto enforcementof the bond. I.T can win a reversal. Context.15. LL may not obtain a writ of recovery as if for failure to pay rents not alleged as due in the complaint. 16. Holding forfeiture of T’s public housing lease, considering her disability, indigence, and her willingness to cure any claimed breaches would be inappropriate. 4 NOTICE OF APPEAL (COURT OF APPEALS) 3 17.WhereT was evicted,the LL must bearthe expensesof storage, and retum of the T’s personal 18. Involving govemment·subsidized housing, payments of government subsidy after issuanceofwrit thewrit. 19. LL waived the right to restitution by accepting rent for the month in question for future months. 20. And that the rent transactions created a new tenancy by the parties. Legal Negligence, Breach of Contract, or Breach of Warranty. Amount of the counterclaim. $1000 response to payments, $906 personal property damage, $500 decreaselossof use, $500lossof use. Witness : JUDGE CLYDE R. LEUCHTAG What the witness can offer: By his two in play, were regarded as alternative remedies for the same wrong. Contacted on: October 30, 2015 Discussion held with witness: Plaintiffs right to possession and the conversion itself. Uncooperative Witness : KEVIN HAROLD FULTON What the witness can offer: Writ of Possession Letter. Dispossess by Uncooperative Witness : VALEX "DUKE" AMOS HI What the witness can offer: "Duke" by fraudulent representations as to his induces T to deliver dwelling unit to him. T believing in good faith that he would conduct an investigationof disputedor transactionor occurrencethat is subjectof claim as agreed. For which he stated required compensation. Otherwise, theft and damages offenses, or other late payment fees or penalties and compensation have not been returned to me. Uncooperative Witness : ORION REAL ESTATE SERVICES dba CUNEY What the witness can offer: Misrepresentation or fraud in the debt. from: TRACETTE DESHAWN HOUSE Obtained on: September 14, 2015 What fact(s) this evidence will supply: The lease was removed and appropriated by third persons —that he was privilege to do so. in Plaintiffs Public Housing Authority (PHA) Notice to Vacate 5 NOTICE OFAPPEAL OFAPPEALS) (COURT 4 Whatfact(s)this evidencewill supply: Paymentof rent andotherchargesallegedto be owed. Other: Police and other Agreement. Obtained on: October1, What supply: Theftand personalpropertydamageoffensesand Even child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right. Proverbs 20:11 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that a true and correct copy ofthe above and foregoing Noticeof and of was to the County Civil Court’s and sent by U.S. postage fully to the followingcounselfor Plaintiffs: on this the day of November, _ PRO SE 6 10/30/2015 WebInquiry _ Password: · oun er Civil Courts - January 1977 to CaseNumber: 1067413 available fromJan. 1, 2008 to Present 29 7 77 File Date (From): (To): Civil - reflect(s)filings accepted through 2015-10- _ 7 VS. 77 7 7 I 09/14/2015 1067413 JPNotice |12:30 PM 315496 1067413 09/14/2015 JP Receipts CCCL-2015- 12:30 PM 315498 1067413 09/14/2015 JP Citation CCCL-2015- 12:30PM ons/websearch/Civil.aspx1/4 .ccIerk.hcix.nel/applicaii 7 10/30/2015 WebInquiry 1067413 09/14/2015 JP Citation Returned 12:30PM 09/14/2015 1067413 JPDocket Sheet - 12:30PM 1067413 09/14/2015 JPAnswer DEFENDANT'S 12:30PM ORIGINAL 1 ANSWER 1067413 09/14/2015 Contest JP APPEALED 12:30PM TO DEFENDANT'S 3 _ _ PORTION OF RENT 1067413 09/14/2015 JP Notice DEFENDNAT'S 12:30 PM OF 1 _ _ APPEAL 1067413 09/14/2015 JPAPPEALED 12.30PM AFFIDAVIT OF 3 INDIGENCY 1067413 09/14/2015 JP Notice OF FILING 12:30PM SWORNSTATEMENT OF TO INABILITY CCCL-2015- PAYTOAPPEAL 315513 AJUDGMENTIN ANEVICTION CASE 1067413 09/14/2015 JP Notice ON FILING 12:30PM SWORNSTATEMENT OF CCCL-2015- INABILITY TO 315516 PAY(EVICTION APPEAL) 1067413 09/14/2015 JP Notice DISBURSEMENT 12:30PM HISTORY QUERY JUDGE ZINETTA A.BURNEY 1067413 09/14/2015 Transcript from of the Peace CCCL-2015- 12:30 PM Court 315521 1067413 JP Notice BILLOF COSTS I 12: 0 PM 315523 1067413 09/14/2015 Exhibit JP APPEALED CCCL-2015- I 12:30PM 315524 1067413 09/14/2015 04:09 PM Case Initiated -Petition — CCCL-2 I 1067413 09/15/2015 Pauper's - 314191 CCCL-2 10:31AM 315036 1067413 09/15/2015 Pauper's Eviction CCCL-2015- 10:31AM 315037 2/4 8 1067413 09/15/2015 JPFax Inquiry - I 10:31AM 1067413 09/15/2015 Receipt# 1079631 for the 10:58 AM of$ 227.00 using Non- Monetary Funds 1067413 09/17/2015 crt for Trial - 1067413 09/17/2015 09:23AM 1-Order Crt for Trial 1067413 09/24/2015 Rule 11 RULE11 CCCL-2015- 02:01 PM AGREEMENT 328119 106741310/01/2015Motion MOTION FOR 08:28 AM DISMISSAL/RULE 12(C) MOTION, FOLLOWINGDEFENSES: THE PARTIES, VOLUNTARYWITHDRAWL OF 14 THE COMPLAINT, ANDPROCEDURALDEFECTS SUCH ASLACKOF JURISDICTIONOR AFAILURE TOSTATEA CLAIM 1067413 10/01/2015 Funds to of Court TO BE 03:22PM DEPOSITED INTOTHE OF THECOURT (RENTFOR OCTOBER)$202.00 1067413 10/05/2015 1-Motionfor Entry/Notice of Intent CCCL-2015- 03:31PM to Dismiss-Settlement 1067413 10/05/2015 Crt 1-Motion for - Intent 03:31 PM to Dismiss-Settlement 340 61 1067413 10/20/2015 Funds to Registry of Court TO BE 12:14PM DEPOSITED INTOTHE REGISTRY OFTHE COURT JP 0 APPEAL 9 10/30/2015 Inquiry `` E\/72C0039956 RECIEPT#188213 $202.00 1067413 10/26/2015 Motion RULE12(C) 03:55 PM ON 36727 JUDGMENT MOTIONFOR THEPLEADINGS CCCL-2015- 4/4 10 NO.1050094 HOUSTON § COUNTYCOURTAT LAW § . TEXAS COUNTY, HOUSE et COURT NO. inthe theHoustonHousing filed Notice prejudiceits House. Therefore, the is withoutprejudiceto The to their own `` - \ 11 ALLIED 5 Dear the for 2015. Please will do home been the of willbe well. Mr. of 'enee will be to · your · ent home be next to these you supply so performed. supply as the inyour . be will of a needs for year. 100 for i ti| by July The 6, to be (3) For month you will all t owed. be and if lf onceyou your to be made, for all Orion 12 be resident an ofthese willbe will terms but not to community be at time will be a Orion will be meeting · of concern you your you and hopeyou will by · and we welcomeyour we be of · i yo to within _ youcall · we the o · Cuney Vice 13 . 14 Sh t_ 0 A.BURNEY CaseNumb| · V72C0039| 6 ‘ . CUNEYHOMES HOUSE. Rent byTenant Amountof RentPerMonth c AmountofRentPer Month by Present Trial. `` Notice Given by: AppealAmount Defendant’s setat · set at ' No writ of possession will until the expiration of days from the time of signingof this ' Rent of The amount of rent to be each pay the pendeucy of any appeal . A portion of the rent is payable by a government agency, and the of rent to ¤ Portion of rent government appeal is: $ by defendant; $ by government be paid each rental pay period during the pendency of any agency The other relief not in the signed below. AGREEDJUDGMENTFOR (S) styled cause, by of the judgment is for On 08/21/15, the court the above·numbered for of the sued for in the above by the parties, the writ possession will the for issue on or some day and above attomey fees and all costs of suit with at of 5.00% per annum, the date of Judgment until owed, plus for which let issue. - Justiceofthe 08/21/15 for the above for On 08/21/15, the court heard the above-numbered and styled against for which let of possession issue on AUGUST27, 2015, possession of the property sued for in s and further, that defendant(s) for rent owed, or someday of let plus $00.00 as attomey all costs of suit with 5.00% per annum, issue. · · . Ju| thePeace 08/21/15 _ F|" ' On 08/21/15, the court heard the above-numbered and styled that the above to appear, failed to answer, and whollymade It is decreedthat is enteredforthe above possessionof the property for in s petitionagainstabovedefendant(s)forwhichlet writof possessionissueon AUGUST27,_2015,or someday and thatabove for plus attomey fees, as rent all costs of suit with have judgment against above interest thereon at a rate of 5.00% per the of let issue. of the Peace 08/21/15 - judgment is for the defendant(s) On the court heard the above·numbered and cause, above for possession of the sued in above as and cost any, with interest thereon at a rate of for which let execution issue. |- Justiceofthe Peace 08/21/15 · DISMISSAL On 08/21/15,thecourtheardthe above-numbered andstyledcause,determinedandorderedthatthe caseis dismissed dueto lackof jurisdiction as neitherof appeared on the (s)' motion on the above motion by agreement of the above and defendant (s) and each side bears their cost incurred (s) Peace Signed: 08/21/l5 - 15 Sheet CaseNumber: NOTICE PARTIESINTENDINGTO APPEAL:RIGHTTO REQUESTAPPOINTMENTOF ATTORNEY lf you intendto appealthe Judgment the JusticeCourtby a Pauper’s you have the right to requestthe ofan attorneyto you in the proceedingsin the CountyCivilCourts at Law. You may Pauper’s has been and the appealperfected. You must make your for appointmentof an attomey, in writing,to the CountyCivil Court at Law in which the appeal is An appointed attomey’s is in the trial de novo in County Civil Court at Law. The County Civil Court at Law may therepresentation for cause. NOTICE TO INTENDING TO APPEAL BY FILING PAUI’ER’S AFFIDAVIT appeal If you are unable to pay the costs of or an bond, you may the Judgment of the Justice Court by a pauper’s no laterthan the day the date judgment is lf you are the tenant and file a pauper’s to appeal an of rent, you must pay the initialdeposit of rent into the registry of the justice days of the date you the pauper’s The rent must bc paid by cash, cashier’s check or money order payable to of the Peace." `` Your to the into ourt by time resultin the a writ of appeal has been a pauper’s even though a writ possession transcript and will be to Civil Court at Law for trialde novo. _. ._ RIGHTTOCONTEST BYGOVERNMENT If a govermnent agency is responsible for all or a portion may the determinationof the portion of rent to be paid by the tenant. A must be with on or before day the date thejudgment in the eviction proceeding is signed. Not later than the Court will notify the parties and hold a hearing to determinethe amount be paid by tenant of the agreement and laws and regulations. If the tenant object to the Court’s on the portion of rent paid, the is required to pay onlythe portion that the tenant claims is oweduntil the issue is heard in the Civil Law. During the appeal, the tenant or the landlord may a motion with the Civil Court at Law to amount rent that the tenant must pay into the Registryofthe . - _ . 16 - - - ·· 17 - NO.1067413 CUNEY HOMES § IN THE COUNTYCIVIL COURT - —PLAINTIFF § v. ATLAWNo. TRACETTE HOUSE DEFENDANT § HARRIS TEXAS COUNTY, On September 24, 2015, the Court heard the Petition for Forcible Detainer brought by _ CUNEY HOMES TRACETTE HOUSE. 1. PLAINTIFF in and by attorney Duke Amos SBN: 24084295. 2. DEFENDANTTRACETTEHOUSE . 3. The Court determinedthat it had proper jurisdiction over the cause and that venue was proper.4. forcible The Court that this is a suit for detainer relating to leased premises at 3200 Truxillo #103F, Houston TX 77004 and a lease agreement entered into by the parties on · 1, 2015 5. OnAugust21, DEFENDANT appealeda JudgmentinfavorofPLAINTIFFfromthe Justiceof the Peace 6. A was demandedby DEFENDANT. 7. No jury was requested. |. |, ' • = 18 ``.| . _ • .. |.-· : · "'.· |fthe loca| - · • • , Signed on the of 2015.Judge . 19 NO.1067413 IN CIVIL v. AT On Court heard the Petition for Forcible Detainer by CUNEY HOMES 1. PLAINTIFF by attomey Duke Amos SBN:24084295. 3. The Court had overthe andthat venuewas proper. 4. TheCourt thatthisisasuit relating at3200 premises toleased Truxillo #103F, Houston TX 77004 and a into by the parties on 1,2015 5. On August21, 2015,DEFENDANT appealed in favorof PLAINTIFFfromthe ofthe · 6. Atrialwasdemanded byDEFENDAN T. 7. No jury was requested. |_ ' - · .l · · . . 20 ``. •_ - ·· • •. • ·· _ the |c entwhichis c • ¤ F 21 APPROVEDASTO FORMAND Fulton; SBN: 24059787 SBN: "Dukc"AmosIII; 2855 Road, 413 Houston,TX77092 7l3.677.0109 (832) 201.8847 _ IFF forPLAINT HOMES CUNEY ·-··· _ ‘ 22 HOMES CUNEY THE CIVIL COURT VS. ATLAWNO.ONE(1) HOUSE TRACETTE COUNTY, HARRIS TEXAS The supersedeas bond to stay of this Judgment is hereby set at $ . Said bond to be either cash of corporate surety bond. _ JUDGEPRESIDING 23 & 2640 ViewDriveHouston, 77057l Monthly For Rent and Other House, Tracette D 3200Truxillo 103F TX 77004 Houston, UnitID:501390 Development: Cuney Homes _ Security Deposit $244.00 _ Beginning Balance: $1,947.97 Current Activity from 10/2/2015 to 11/1/2015 Description Tran Amount Security Deposit TranDate 203.00 No 11/01/2015 11/01/2015 Rent Charge $2,150.97 Total Amount Due: Ending Balance: $2,150.97\\H 24 ISSUE 11:14:09AM County County L W G 0U L LC H-Texas 01 740 TX77002 ouston Please the followingrequest for Writof Possession . Please contact the (713) 677-0109 · I . Mangum Rd Suite Sincerely, Allen Legal · 25 STAN STANART COUNTY HARRISCOUNTY,'TEXAS COUNTY CIVIL COURTS DEPARTMENT Number: 1067413 ReceiptNumber: 1093715 11/2/15 $125.00 CUNEYHOMES In The County Civil at Law No. One (1) 201 HarrisCounty, Texas77002 |-| STATE TEXAS POSSESSION ONPROPERTY(AWARDOFPOSSESSION) I 0 Any or or| |orizedPersonoftheStateOfTexas on the day |ctober, 2015 ' tiff(s)in numberedand styled was awarded possession Defendant(s), TRACETTE HOUSE following described property in the county: 3200 Truxillo I #103F,HoustonTX77004(“Premises") Andwhereas, daysormorehaveexpire|fro |session was Youare herebycommandedtoposta writtenw| |f st 11inchesontheexteriorofthefrontdoorofthe premises,notifyingtheDefendant(s) thatthewrithas it willbeexecutedon or aftera date and time statedin the warningnot soonerthan24 hours `` de| You are hereby commanded on the execution of this writ, to p|ss the premises to P1aintiff(s),and to: |.. (1) Instruct the Defendant(s) and all persons claiming under the Defen| |s) e the premises immediately, and if theyfail to comply,physically removethem. (2) Instruct the Defendant(s) to remove or allow the Plaintiff(s) representati| or acting under your supervision to remove all personal property the premises, other than claimed to be owned by Plaintiff(s); and (3) Place, or have an authorized person the moved personal property outside the p |b|ocation, but not a public passageway, or and not while it is raining, You are further authorized, at your discretion,to engage the servicesof a bondedor insured re| and store, subject to applicable law, part of all of the property at no cost to the plaintiff or the executin| e You are that under section 7.003 of the civil practice and remedies code, you are not liable for damages resulting from the execution of the writ if you execute the writ in good faith and with reasonable diligence. Make due return of this writ by showing how you executed _ P.O. Box 1525 I ’I’X77251- 1525 I (713) 755-6421 H-Ol-19 08/31/2011) Page 1 of 1 26 Filed on 11/3/201512:25:44 PM Docket Number: 1067413 Issued given under my and seal of said Houston, this, 3rd day of (SEAL) STAN STANART, County Clerk County Civil At Law No. One (1), 201 Suite County,Texas Benjamin J.Hemandez TONLAWGROUPPLLC 288 MANGUM’ SUITE413 HOUSTON, TEXAS O’CLOCK . M.,AND ONTI—IE __ AT _ ···— (AUTHORIZED (SHERIFF / CONSTABLE) BY DEPUT |COUNTY, 'I'EXAS (N 152SI 755-6421 (713) H-01-19(Rev.08/31/2011) 2 of 1 27 ‘ 2640 View Drive 400 77057 | Ernie President & CEO TimothyF. ofCommissioners Chair|Rev. Cloyd, Chair Tran |RuebenC.Casarez Office of Public Housing Operations NOTICE TO VACATE 27, 2015 _ HAND DELIVERY . TracetteHouseand All 3200 Truxillo St #103F Houston, Texas 77004 RE: Housing Residential Lease (the "Lease") Dated 10/01/2015 by and between Tracette House and the Houston Housing Authority (f/k/a Housing of the City of Houston for the unit located at 3200 Truxillo St #103F Houston,Texas "Premises"). _ _ _ Dear Tracette House and All Occupants: The of this letter is to notify you that, due to your default under the Lease, your right to possession of the Premises is hereby terminated. As you were previously the Housing Authority has become aware that your rent is delinquent in of $203.00 for the month(s) of October 2015 The . fees are also fees; and $0.00 in other fees. These actions constitute material violations of the Lease by you, including but not limited to the Rental Amountsection of the Lease which states,rent is due and payablein advance without demand on the day of each month and shall be considered delinquent after the fifth business day of the month. The Lease defines non-payment of rent as a material non—compliancefor which your tenancy may be terminated. Pursuant to the Lease and applicable law, you are notified as follows: A FairHousingandEqualEmployment Agency Individualswithdisabilitiesmaycontactthe 504/ADAAdministratorat 713·260-0528 TTY 713-260-0547or to requestreasonableaccommodations. 28 1. Due to your refusal to complywith the above mentionedportionsof the Lease, your right to occupy the Premises is hereby terminated. You have (3) calendar days fromthe dateof this letterin whichto vacate the Premises. 2. You are expectedto leavethe Premisesin a cleanand rentablecondition.You will be held resPonsible for any damages done to the Premises. 3. In the event that you fail to vacate the Premises within three (3) calendar days, it is the Housing Authority’s intention to suit against you in the applicable Justice Court to recover possession of the Premises. In any such suit, the Housing may seek recovery of any damagesdoneto thePremisesas wellas courtcosts,expensesandinterest. 4. Nothing contained herein shall constitute an election or waiver of any rights or remedieswhichtheHousing has;it is theHousing to all rights and remedies available to it pursuant to Texas law; any in taking any action shall awaiver of Housing Authority’s to take such action at any nothing contained herein shall of any other which may currentlyor hereafterexist. Sinc| M|rA FairHousingand EmploymentOpportunityAgency Individualswithdisabilitiesmay contactthe 504/ADAAdministrator 713·260-0528 TTY 713-260-0547or 504_ADA@hach.orgto requestreasonableaccommodations. 29 Officer's FeeReceipt ' State of Texas Stan Stanart, County Countyof County _ _ Courts (713) 755-6421 Cashier: SZAM Receipt #: 1084832 Receipt Date: 10/1/2015 Fees Assessed HOUSTONTX77004 Party Name: CUNEY, Court Number: One (1) Party Name: FULTON JR, KEVENHAROLD Court Number: One (1) Party Name: TRACETTEHOUSE Cash$202.00TotalPaid Court Number: One (1) Tender Type $20 Tender SubType Check #/CC Auth # Tender Amount Over Payment: $0.00 OCTOBE FOR DEPOSITED TO BE THE INTO Remarks: RENT COURT OF THE REGISTRY Change Due: $ 0.00 Print Date: 11/9/2015 4:04:15 PM 30 of of County Form _ (713) Fee Officer's Official Receipt Receipt #:1090052 _ Receipt Date: 10/20/2015 Fees Assessed By: SZAIVIORA OFHARRIS TEXAS TREASURER P VP · V P 1001 PRESTONAVE 77002 Court Number: One (1) `` CUNEY VS. TRACETTEHOUSE CourtNumber:One(1) Court Number: One (1) Tender Type Tender Su bType Check #/CC Auth # Tender Amount Check 01157257 $202.00 Total Paid: $202.00 Over Payment: $0.00 Change Due: Remarks: TO BE DEPOSITEDINTOTHE REGISTRYOF THE COURT;JP APPEAL;EV72C0039956; RECEIPT #188213 Print Date : 10/30/2015 12:54:53PM 31 -· ' ··¤ · "’ "' _ ·· ; |· I · . ·· `` " . · _ .... · -· _ _ . _ ._ — _ " ‘ _ · · - · _ · ON DASH UPONDASH FACE DISPLAY ONDAS| .. UPONDA| . _ - . `` _ - . ' _. __ · · · . . _ . .-``-._ 1 _ - `` |-. · `` ' `` ._ . NON · · · _ · ' · _ · · · . ¤ . . . · : `` RECORDER’S MEMORANDUM: At tIms this was . __ to ba tha carbon · . was . I 32 § INTHE CIVIL COUNTYCOURT V. AT LAW NO. ONE (1) TRACETTE HOUSE DEFENDANT § HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS On September24, 2015, the Court the Petitionfor ForcibleDetainerbroughtby CUNEY HOMES TRACETTE HOUSE. 1. PLAINTIFF in person and by attorney Duke Amos SBN: 24084295. 2. DEFENDANTTRACETTEHOUSE . 3. The Court determined that it had proper jurisdiction over the cause and that venue was proper.4. The Court finds that this is a suit for forcible detainer relating to leased premises at 3200 Truxillo #103F, Houston TX 77004 and a lease agreement entered into by the parties on February 1, 2015 5. On August 21, 2015, DEFENDANT appealed a Judgment in favor of PLAINTIFF from the Justiceof the Peace · 6. A trial was demanded by DEFENDANT. 7. No jury was requested. |. '| · |, an| argumen|, • · 9 9 ’| : • 33 ‘ • • •• the of 201|Judge Signed on 34 APPROVED ASTO AND REQUESTED: Fulton; SBN: 24059787 MillcnZcmo;SBN:24084143 "Dukc"AmosIII;SBN:24084295 2855 Suitc 413 Houston, TX 77092 (832)201.8847 for PLAINTIFF CUNEY At cf ° 35