DocketNumber: WR-37,925-11
Filed Date: 12/10/2015
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/30/2016
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The case is not in review at this time. `` information you wish to present may be addressed to Texas Department of Criminal Justioe- Parole Division Attn: Correspondence, P. O Box 13401 Caplto| Station Austin, T_exas 78711 'According to our records you were received in TDCJ- C|D in 1996 and have not been out of custody . s1nce that time. On January 1st, 2015 you were granted parole on cause # 2154. Your time for cause # 2156 was backdated to a sentence begin date of 03-27-14. Your next parole eligibility date is 03- 27- 34 C.Owen , . `` 1 Amarillo,lPO ' ' ‘ Amarillo institutional Parole Office ~ 5809 S, Western ~ Ste. 130 ~ Amarlllo, TX - 79110 Offender Status Line (844) 512~0461 ~ T (806) 352-9500 ~ F (806) 467-1348 /`` .