I o CauSe. NO: 22../53 - 2o/ \:L H-~ 6OI{J ,i " ti~ YVM UNAWA.e€ 0 F Tftf' F1\c-t.:r M Y(~6f" an I 1\ flit f\. \via. \\IF nE'rt /\IE' V!'>1l -5!\owtD Uf "'¥) M~ f\ 1I.YL I\r g "10 N+ d A~\ CON1€" clod i\~d I.-\.(Ii-\\ NO 1Ai6tO ~vLOrvl 1'\f1. VL, V\{~l tta.. , -So MVl. \'\1t\-lc.~n {ook..· \-t (\,\v\u A ~l.-t~ c>"\N.O dld Not C.ONsul"T !VIE OQ.. 'V1Ct\L ME: A Lc·H-£ (~ 0 I-b:s .p \~(\l~. :::n He -\ 00"- ~\~ \.)~w,.\ t\i ~ ~\f v,II\V1OU\- M,--\ J::ru:. WIt:'dqE Of/... CO w:.t NT, W 101 XJ I N '1\ t: 6U',re a V~K....s CQ/ ~ci 40"'3" 11. '1 CI I I I ! M ~ AIZJtAJ:~ ME: NT. DUll Ii;, it LIl5J-ec/ 30.... MW! u-iS • Itt ~I ~" -t\\\v'lC].SA: ~ 0 ~ M" I~.· I (qse 4Nd qAve J.Ji,.,." A1~ WltNf&:> fhoNC ()uMb~e~ ok> "-'\'1 ~'-Olt_ \ ~ j I P'U5eN-I~. pAppeR I"IOfti: ",..d Leflwu -1-1111-+ 6i10W+AV()It'~ M~ bR 11 " If c ~ I i .;iN~O~" ·c.e ANd IJ~ -s1-I>1-ed off(.4t 'fOil NlE.j-., Hold Oil( .j() iVl'1 f"'fpe tt liven.!::. I I' r l SfAtFcJ '/-h"f:r INFf,yfeci +v .:lee p,-S(o" l\th.s "'1rt 'v\#!/K:ea r/t'cI N(".ll Aru'5Wef{ (\fl~ photJ~ t Cqlls tJOtL \(1 `` CAli AW, of VV1~ t\ltttJe~, La.Jle- dlCl r tN()W /\1 fl. Welkef( w~ Not- wonbvJ ON rv1..~ CA`` A-i- A\l tl2cause ::c. \eA~rJed 1\.1rt We lk'ee I I \A/ft!> Wort 1t-J'9 dN ticS' ON p~bl€1Vt5 0+ br::t~9 f\i.J1tsted ~t CAtll~ ~hu6e V\Ji(~ \M\-l. ~elJ asblcl b\.{ fV1~-+O 1'-11t.lt\mlt:'erL WelLe -HA\f€ Ou~ f(l.oa sS C LflUSl: I :t:: Ht'Wl I Il ~(QHt f6 ~4+Cd-ive Ilssis+I\IIfCt oF CouNSeL iN M~ tAl/Oft. f\Nd I ~'l~. v..lFlu W-P6, No~ 'N q::-~fjvt OlL c1 id C:Mu, +\bout f\-t~ \Nf!LL bQ.''''9 at I h rz ,.' CAVl£ct A: 0\ W~S ~Nq O~.+ 6+ ur\k:tett "'1.~ C.'~s-e :It.l ~l"s-e 1iw I\1ol\.:\tks . t i (00\2+-6 lc>i 1ptA iNlt'9 4\\)6v.r ~.I\ Q - WE lke~ Awo '1: dlCAtf ((4.-/ "-t'ly n..eSPON012 (; il p&vf 1'-1~ .2-g:ZtJU&J- of fil~P(Nf (\It (L !J~l iet2. flNal -e:s-t- j'f\(tru.s+ 0 f -tht: ('Clovt+S 'f'I' CV\01"t'i IM.t-eod ~Q.QS~V\-+1 "'-5 M~ wr+l~ p fCfEl1 t?'~c>:}'v.R IN lVz.i +=AVOrt ftfV..ett % pifRt. (OMplo.I\'b 0+ t-,.-{yt .. weliuft Ffi cl /vrz N ~.:5:S 6 F Co U N (j fl.. L ON . (L ..5 "gh4 I hove +ne J ILI IN --the I 7.. 1t5k.e: /-1«. weIkeR. IF,he Made' eollifod W,'I-h a List ot: t'1'1 I Wf+/IIe6:5. HIZ skrkd lie dtdN'J- Have ,HI'H? becaux He was IIJoTlkirl9 I ON My ~. ,H£ (iJ/led Ny ,,'/OIIIe/? IN +M JZI/zy t YLke-c/ iOll 3:rt ClJ1/d 'Nat.. Y!?OIl..5 I iNVu!ye 1# Ml( +Cwli/~. Wha-.fs 3 kIds who /l101l.l; Lt orze. I be~-ft(LJetVds Of -+he aC Des.f.iN1 LiIC-/ol2ict HQle +ha.J. WorJ/cj be C({..5etz I 0(1 'II! Mi 'F(iV~fl. Wdee/Z dId (I/O! qitle Mil' +his fZtcfhf 0{' /-1Q. defQ/AJIN . v-..ltfNeS5 AI\JdIhAVe IiI/ellS noM Each WrffJR~ who I 1Akls. fJo£.q lied -ht{ M V Jow vrzlZ H 12.. Wrcl k(L f.... I \> sf"P"N fl/OYl (ou fd he htlp Il/ll, fit: said: L/O()n. No-t h-RQl'il)9 VO\te~ OR cpNN ki It onq bod~ ~ '10. l\ 'oe f('rUl. tvl ~ W .~ x1>r 7 - I~( i \ l \ I .trine. \T,'\i_~ilS ---~- --~--- ---- o o 402 nd Judicial District Court Wood County P.O. Box 1707 Quitman, Texas 75783 (903) 763-2332 G.. Ti othy Boswell Joy Parker, Court Coordinator Distri t Judge Una Garland, Court Reporter 71712014 CH ISTOPHER HALE, Sr.. ~:~ ... ~\ \/;. 206 CR 2840 . ' \ ')~:v MEOLA TX 75773 ~\ ) -{,\~ RE: THE STATE OF TEXAS vs. ~ CHRISTOPHER HALE, Sr. # 22,153-2014 De CHRISTOPHER HALE, Sr.: The above referenced case is being called for Attorney Review on 07/09/2014 at 9:00 AM, You are ordered to be in the District Courtroom at the Wood County Courthouse, Qui man, Texas, at that time. Failure to appear will result in your bond being forfeited and a warrant being issued for your arrest. Very truly yours, ``~ G. Timothy Boswell District Judge GT Ibjp CC MARK L L WELKER PO BOX 1150 QUITMAN TX 75783 Unknown o - X () ~ t'~ WARRANT OF ARREST ````: ~ Cause#.l>H-03..-:'13 "\~ ~ The State Of Tcxfts --, ~--~ .. ~.-~ Vs. , Christopher Lynn Hale W/M - O.O.B. l1l1311973 - Tx. D.L. 07661390 , Addl'ess: 206 County Road 2840. Mineola, Texas 75773 '---------------------_/ TO ANY PEACE OFFI,CJ.:R OF THE STATE OF T:EXAS, GREETING: You are hereby commanded to an'est Christopher Lynn Hale$ if to be found in , ~ you county and bring said person before me. a Justice of the Peace, Wood County, Te:x 05, at my office: located at Hawkins, Texas, in said county, immediately, then and ther to answer the State of Texas for an offense agajnst the laws of said State, to wit: f t Co tinuous Sexual Abuse of a Young Child, Felony 1 \ hich offense he, Christopher Lynn Hale, is accused by the written complaint, undC.':r alh of Kyle Henson, t1Ied before me. Herein faH not. but of this writ made due return. showing how you have executed I t f i Witnesst:u my official signature, this 15 th day ofNovembcr 2013. Rec ...mmended bond:~7s;=a()e\~.9,,~Q..:~, ... '" ~ t~ .I"t. e¢i\.ct:4,CJ.c.(.-.L- ,"!\J``\,p..)Gq' '-" ````I.;,Jqt...L)"l``-::::!!!.L- .--- y.... .... '\ ~'~ .. , ,,-,. 4, " ' , ~J ..:.1 : ustlce 0 e 1=, '-' ~. ~ .....1 .~'fr /' -. "'~0 I ~ '\.. 'rood County, ~S~EruF"'~REjj)_RN :'`` :.\ ~ " ~-:1~ ...-. '. ". ...'rY.~ Carne to hand on the ~ (fi}tp~; ``..,. . .2013, at o'clock M. t and executed on the ~ daybl:;r"il'l'?~ 20'3 at ;.:.2 0 ' o'clock $ £- M., by arresting (he within named ~t/I'flr':sf~ "''(t-N ~ at W t...J 0 in ~I) '__ ", County. Texas and placing him I her in jail at w ~() l~ 1}a..",, `` ~oU:V7: ~,w-,;,> This ollcnse occurred in J.P. Pel. 1#2 D~ F 910818££:06:01 b9b££:9L£:06 lI~r 0) aOOM:WO`` 1£:01 £102-61-nON o 14t i~ f~f\dC\l1t -+Fnd~6.S +Hi-5 notice Of( 4ixidcnc£ a {: His dESicf +0 Ap pEA L"t11t (onv/C.1IOn If1 CaUSE No. LL, l5.3...- 20 ltd ~G~ Ec,-H\.4 LL~ uu bfY' '"\tE d t Chti,o,lofrux jyvm HcJj> Uti€: ``~"-f"'-'~!o-....l..--lf-L-U-L-`` _Tbcs f\ \QL\300Q \::)c·\n~ f'a.t6( n-\-' '-\ I It me C\ (' c..e~Cl ::r..f\ Tn (J NlrrJ\aEi UnIt In Hunts\lr' l"€ 7E;sQ ') I R. p"Eno I-\-y 6f"' pEQ.}UQ..l\ ~at +t\~ tDCU)oifKj \-0 -\-rUt C\f\cI (0 (l.R€c.:t . I t ( I on -h\r5 ·ffit ( f OQck I'L c\c.\L\ ~t ,AI#t/, ~Ol L\ c.c\~ to b~ I f t -to tl"tt:> Ik-oN :s\-loulcJ DE': I).~ f (J r ~aQd bL) ME +r\€ b~f'£ndQut\J Nofice C)f AppRtL otjd if app.:rCIRS I I I I I, ( I f I , ! pg 2 of'!H I