ACCEPTED 01-14-00783-CV FIRST COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 1/6/2015 4:08:50 PM CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK No.01-14-00783-CV FILED IN IN THE COURT OF APPEALS 1st COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FIRST DISTRICT OF TEXAS HOUSTON, TEXAS AT HOUSTON 1/6/2015 4:08:50 PM CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk The State of Texas, Appellant V. David B. Wilson, Appellee Appealed from the District Court of Harris-eounty, Texas, 151't Judicial District Trial Court Cause No。 2013-75695 MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE APPELLANT'S BRIEF Appellant the State of Texas respectfully requests the Court to extend the time to file the Appellant's brief in this cause under the authority of Rule 38.6(d) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure. 1. This is the Appellant's first request for an extension of time to file its brief. 2. The Appellant's brief is due to be filed on January 9,2015. 3. Appellant requests an extension of time until February 9,2015 rn which to file the Appellant's brief. 4. Counsels for the parties have conferred and this motion is unopposed. 5. Timely preparation of the brief has been and will be hindered by (1) counsel's schedule for mediations and settlements, (2) the closure of the undersigned county's office for County holidays on November 27 and 28, 2014, December 25 and 26. 2014 and January l,2Ol5, (3) counsel's work schedule during the holiday periods that required covering for 5 other attorneys, and (4) counsel,s previously scheduled vacation during early December. WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Appellant the State of Texas respectfully requests that the time for filing the Appellant's brief in this cause be extended until February 9, 2015 . Rcspcctft11ly submittcd, VINCE RYAN Harris Counサ Attomcy /3/3α′うα′ αS″ う あИrttrra″ f 子 Barbara Smith AllllstrOng Assistant COullty Attomcy Statc Bar No 24055112 1019 Congrcss,15th Floor Houston,Texas 77002 (713)274-5157 (tclcph01lc) (713)755-8772(facsimilc) barbara armstrong( ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT うι CERTIFICATE OF CONFERENCE I hcreby certitt that l contrcd whh counscl br thc Appellec Da宙 dB Wilson,on?,conccrning this inotion and the rnotiOn is unopposcd /s/ Barbaru Smith Armstrons Barbara Smith Armstrong CERTIFTCATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on January 15, 2014 a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served by electronic transmission on counsel for the Appellee, David B. Wilson via facsimile to 832-932-5688. Assistant County Attomcy つD