February 20, 2015 John R. Soard FILL'U IN COURT OF APPEALS 38 Delsie St. 12th Court p? Appeais District Clarksville, AR 72830 Cathy S. Lusk, Clerk Twelfth Court of Appeals 1517 West Front Street, Suite 354 CATHY S. LUSK, Tyler, Texas 75702 RE: Case Number 12-14-00211 Dear Ms. Lusk: This letter is in response to the Twelfth Court of Appeals Order dated January 8, 2015. I did have a response from The Trial Court Clerk in a letter dated February 5, 2015. In reply to this letter, I sent copies of some of the documents they had been unable to locate and provided specifics for some of the others. I have heard nothing from Court Reporter Misty McAdams. Misty McAdams refused to provide her Reporter's Record to the Court, until the last day of the stated final extension, about 10 months after it was due. Please enforce the order that she must respond within 30 days. ' Yours tfuly, - John R. Soard Letter faxed to Misty McAdams