NO. 01-14-00366-CR FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS IN THE COURT OF APPEALS 1/28/2015 10:02:56 PM FORTHE FIRST CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF TEXAS Clerk HOUSTON, TEXAS CHRISTOPHER WASHINGTON, Appellant vs. THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee on Appeal from thc 178rli Judicial District Court Harris County, Texas Trial Court Cause No. 1259853 APPELLANT'S MOTION F'OR EXTENSION OF'TIME TO FILE BRIEF TO TIJN I{ONORABLE JUSTICES OF SAID COLIRT COMES NOW, CIIRISTOPIIER WASIIINGTON, Appellant and files this, his Motion to Extend Time to File Appellant's Brief and for good cause would show the Court as follows: Appellant's brief was due on January 26, 2015. Appellant is turning the brief in along with this Motion to Extend Time on January 28,2015. Counsel would request an extension of 1wo days. During the last 30 days Counsel has been busy on the following matter alongside the Appellant's Brief: l. Efrain. Lopez v. State of Texas, in cause nurnberl4- 14-0075 8-CR, an appeal out of the Courl of Appe als for the Fourteenth Judicial District of Texas- Houston. This case involves a non-death capital appeal ou1 of the 179t1' Districl Court of Harris County, Texas. The appeal sterns from a week long lrial. The brief in this case is due on February 2"d, 2075. Counsel is working diligently to rneet that deadline. 2. In re Michael Glynn Brov,n, cause nurnber 13-35892-I'14-1 , in the United S1a1es Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas. f'his case involves the bankruplcy proceedings of Michael Glynn Brown's estale, and an investigation into the location of his assets. Counsel has a hearing scheduled in this case on January 29,2015. This case involves 1,000s ofpages ofdiscovery which must be reviewed in order to prepare for the hearing. Counsel is working on getting prepared fol that hearing. 3. United States v. Ramola Brown, 4:12-CR-00366, in the United States District Court for the Southern Districl of Texas Houston Division, This case involves a federal marijuana and cocaine distribution conspiracy based out ofHouston, Texas. The trial in this case started on January 27,2015 and is expected to last until January 30,2015. Counsel has been revicwing documents, talking to witnesses, and preparing for llial over the last 1wo weeks. WIIEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, appellant respectfully prays that the couft granl this rnotion and extend the tirne for filing his brief for two days until January 28,2015 2 Respcctfully submitted, WENDDL M, JR Texas Bar No. 15208500 440 Louisiana Strcct, Suitc 200 Ilouston, Texas 77002 (113)223-ss75 (713)224-28tsFAX CII,RTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certily that a lrue and correct copy of the foregoing Motion was delivered to the Court of Appeals, a copy being faxed to the Assistant District Attomey in this cause on this the 28tl'day of January, 2015. NDELL A. DO JR. 3 STATE OF TEXAS $ s COUNTY OF HARRIS s On this day personally appeared WENDI'LL A. ODOM, JR., who s1a1ed under oath as follows: "My name is WENDELL ODOM. I am the attomey of record fol the Appellanl in this cause. I have read the foregoing Motion for an Extension of Time to File Appcllant's Bricf, and swear that the natters contained in such motion are h'ue and coruecl." G WENDELL M,JR. SwoRN To AND SUBSCRIBED before me on this the &X of 2015, to which witness my hand and seal ofoffice. iIARY C T,|iOORE **i,?'"'"*'^llSdB]tli3'il:'o' NOTARY UBLI I AND FOR TI{E ST E OF TEXAS SEPT. 3, 2016 4 NO. 01-14-00366-CR IN THE COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF TEXAS HOUSTON, TEXAS CHRISTOPHER WASHINGTON, Appellant vs. THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee On Appeal from thc 1781'Ir Judicial District Court Harris County, Texas Trial Court Cause No. 1259853 OITDER On this day came on to be heard Appellant's Motion for Extcnsion of Timc within which to File Appcllant's Brief. It is the opinion of this Court that the Motion to Extend Time to File Appellant's Bricf should be and is hereby GRANTED, and it is therefore ORDERED that the Appellant's Brief is due to be filed in tlis Coutl on day of 2015. SIGNED on this the day of 2015 .IT]DGE PRI,SIDING 5