John E. Rodarte Sr- pj| rr Fourth Court Of Appeals T.D.C-J.i 1263270 FN THE I ' A' : Office Of The Clerk Clements Unit .*■ ' '.': '.'i"'' " ' ■ " '300 Dolorosa St.,Suite 3200 9601 Spur 591 San Antonio,Texas 78205- Amarillo,Texas 79107-9606 20I5FEB18 PH 1=01 3037 Febfr/ar.y A'0,20-15 yjll C. !--, RE:Causes 04-14-00922-CV and '04-15-00012,Correspondence From The 4th COA Dated 02/02/2015 And 02/04/2015 to Include A Court Order To 02/19/2015 In Which To Submit All Indiqent Filed Cases, Pursuant To Chapter 14 Inmate Litiqation To The Honorable Clerk: This letter that I write,concerns first and foremost,a qreat con cern with the nail here on this unit- As it may be verified,! sent mail to the U.S. Supreme Court in Washinqton,I quess you already knew where the court is- Anyway,mail that was sent January 12,2015, was stamped received January 23,2015 about twelve days later,when mail from the Washinqton court,only took five days for me to receive. Therefore,I am submittinq this letter,so that the proper allowance of time is recoqnized by the court,as to why I did not submit a copy of a six month inmate trust fund printout with this letter- This is because,I have to submit an 1-60 for such a request,which will not be picked up by mailroom personnel,unti1 02/11/2015,and then proce ssed by the indiqent supply department,issue a pass to obtain the printout,then,indiqent mail,will not run until Friday 02/13/2015 which,will probably not qet mailed out until Monday or Tuesday the 02/16/2015 which is after the holiday,thus makinq it all too poss ible,that what the court requested of me,will not be received on time. To which,I believe,that this court,should already be in reciept of a more current printout already. I will now address some of the cases that I have filed indiqently, which will not include some cases where I had to simply represent myself. These cases are as follows,! will try to present as many of the case numbers that I can:2005-CI-18884;2010-CI-12625 ; 2010-CI-0398; 2011-CI-03434;in Bexar County,Texas;in the 4th COA 04-10-00880-CV; -/ • \