DocketNumber: WR-82,871-01
Filed Date: 3/13/2015
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/28/2016
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SlD#: 524l385 Bond Amount: _``9 3 w _ '4 ¢'::v:t ¢- ’ z f§\-e.;§ § ..,~.* ' . v \l"_``m » ‘ E?§v: N §‘"‘"‘ CBUS€ NO. 2013 ' 091-227 ~C 2 W§c;){@ .¢-" l eng 1 w s ,,\§§ § TRUE BILL OF INDICTMENT -" z 4_.. w IN THE NAME AND BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: § The Grand Jurors of McLennan County, State of Texas, duly organized at the July Term, A.D., 2013, of the 19th Judicial District Court of said county, upon their oaths do present that JONIQUE RAMON WEBSTER, hereinafter called Det``endant, on or about the 27th day of June, A.D 2013 in said county and state did then and there intentionally or knowingly enter a habitation, without the effective consent of GABRIELLE MASSEY, the owner thereof, and attempted to commit or committed theft of property, to-wit: a tivo remote and/or United States Currency, owned by GABRIELLE MASSEY, PARAGRAPH 11 And it is further presented in and to said Couit that the said JONIQUE RAMON WEBSTER in the County of l\/chennan and State aforesaid on or about the 27th day ofJune, 2013, did then and there, with intent to commit theft, enter a habitation, without the effective consent of GABRIELLE MASSEY, the owner thereof, llllllllll\lll\llillillllilllglllltlllllll ENHANCEMENT ALLEGATION And it is further presented in and to said Court that prior to the commission ofthe primary ot``fense, on the 8"1 day of .luly, 2003, in The Criminal District Court Nu``mber Five of Dallas County, Tex_as, in Cause Number F-03517l7, the said JONIQUE RAMON WEBSTER was convicted ofa felony, to-wit: Burglary ofa Habitation, and the said conviction became final prior to the commission ofthe primary offense, AGAINST THE PEACE AND DIGNITY OF THE STATE. M.L garza r@miea/u belino Reynaw /U Foreman oft&}c Granci})u Criminal Dr'strict Attorney McLennan County, Texas CORRECT|ONAL MANAGED CARE OUTPAT|ENT MENTAL HEALTH SERV|CES Outpatient Clinica| |nterview (Psychologist/Psychotherapist) Patient Name: WEBSTER, JON|QUE R TDCJ#: 1905668 ESTELLE(EZ) Age:41 Race: B Sex: male Date: 10/29/2014 08:56Faci|ity: Patient Language: ENGLISH Name of interpreter, if required: Most recent vita|s from 10/21/2014: BP: 118 / 64 (Sitting) ; Wt: 158 Lbs.; Height: 67 |n.; Pu|se: 56 (Sitting) § Resp: 16/ min; Temp: 98.2 (Ora|) BM|: 25 Allergies: NO KNOWN ALLERG|ES Current Medications: 90D-IBUPROFEN 600MG TABLET l TABS ORAL TWICE DAILY for 90 Days KOP As Needed (PRN) #30 - 1 CARD TO LAST 90 DAYS. LlTHIUM CARBONATE 300MG CAP 2 CAPS ORAL EVERY EVENING for 30 Days PERPHENAZINE 16MG TABLET l TABS ORAL EVERY EVENING for 30 Days PHENY'I``OIN SOD 100MG ER CAPSULE 3 CAPS ORAL EVERY EVENING for 30 Days ORDERING FACILI'I``Y: POLUNSKY (TL) ORDERING PROVIDER: NGUYEN, CO ORDERING FACILITY: POLUNSKY (TL) ORDERING PROVlDER: ALAM, SHANAWAR ORDER[NG FACILITY: POLUNSKY (TL) ORDER]NG PROVIDER: ALAM, SHANAWAR oRDERrNG FAcrLiri'; PoLuNsKY (TL) oRDERlNG PRoerER; JACKsoN, DIANE E LAST DATE GIVEN KOP: 10/01/2014 07:01;12PM REFH_.LS: 0 / 0 EXPIRATION DATE: 12/25/2014 01;24:00PM COMPLIANCE: 79.81 % REF]LLS: 3/ 11 EXPIRATION DATE: 7/13/2015 01101:00AM COMPLIANCE: 79.81 % REFILLS: 3 / ll EXPIRATION DATE: 7/13/2015 01 :01 :00AM COMPLIANCE: 79. 71 % REFILLS: 2/ 11 EXPIRA'I``ION DATE: 8/17/2015 01 .:01 OOAM Active Prob|ems: Chronic Care: Seizure Disorder - Ccc First Observed 10/29/2007 10:45AM Hanging, Strangulation, Or Suffocation, Undetermined Whether Accidenta||y Or Pu First Observed 10/29/2014 05:19AM Cid: Tb C|ass_ 0 (no Ex_posure Pulm. Tubercu|osis) First Observed 2/19/2014 07: OOAM Varice||a, Possib|y Suscéptib|é First Observed 2/19/2014 07: OOAM ’ Mental Health: Mood Disorder Nos First Observed 3/11/2014 12:40PM Mh Other: Mental Health Suicide Risk Assessment First Observed 1/30/2008 12:42PM Offender Returning From |/p Psych Faci|ity First Observed 1l30/2008 12:42PM Mental Health Behaviora| Observations First Observed 2/15/2008 08:09AM Not Specified: Cid Assessment First Observed 3/16/2011 10: 09AM Muscu|oske|eta| First Observed 2l14/2013 02: 27PM Open Wound Arm Mu|t/nos First Observed 3/27/2013 03: 03PM (Probab|e) Age First Observed 2/19/2014 07: OOAM Observation- Cond Not Found First Observed 7/14/2014 03: 37PM 1of4 CORRECT|ONAL MANAGED CARE OUTPAT|ENT MENTAL HEALTH SERV|CES lndividu_aBed Treatment P|an for Psychiatrv Chronic Care (|nitia| or Fo||ow-up) Patient Name:WEBSTER,JON|QUER TDCJ#: 1905668 Date: 12/08/201412:03 Faci|ity: POLUNSKY(TL) Date of Birth: 05/27/1973 Age: 41 year Race: B Sex: male Fo||ow-up appointment in __ months weeks Other recommendations: HSM-18: |||: Work Restrictions #19_yes __no #20 _’_yesv _no #25 _yes __no Other: ||: Housing Assignment A 5. Extended medical hours __ yes _ no Other HSM 18 Restrictions: PULHES: _ S-1AP _ S-1AH _ S-ZBR _-__S-ZBT _S-3NR _S-3NT __S-4PT ___ S-4MR ALERT CODE: MED|CAT|ON ORDERS: t.ab/EKG/PROCEDURE ORDERS: | have discussed with the patient the risks, benefits and alternatives to the treatment plan as specified above and he/she agrees to the recommended treatm,ent(s). l have also discussed that some medications can affect the manner in which the body relates to excessive heat especially in the summer. A discussion was held about appropriate work restrictions Al| medications do not have automatic heat restrictions Offender/patient will contact nursing/security if they felt dizzy, confused or over heated and will be checked for vital signs. Offender/patient understands that excessive heat can cause life threatening conditions and acknowledged understanding regarding the need to drink plenty of water when the heat is extreme. ' Yes No ~ N/A | have discussed with the patient that this session is being done via telemedicine/DMS. The patient acknowledged understanding that there may be interruptions or disconnections and that the picture may not be ciear. A|so that UTMB has taken several security measures to ensure proper transmission_and that-it-wi|| remain _contident_ial. The patient agreed to have this-session done via telemedicine/DMS. Yes " ' `` No N/A Eiectronicaily Signed``by PARKER, SHARON E. PA on 12/08/2014. Eiectronically Signed by HARDEN, JEANETTE M. MA, MHC on 12/10/2014. Eiectronically Signed by l\/|OORE, ANDREA CCA on 12/16/2014. ##And No Others## ' 50f5 PETIT!ONI§R’S INFORMATION 'Pe'titionerl’-#s;printed:name;;_§ Z)Nl HQS) l§i£[l_'i£ )Ai élCL§QS/€/\ Stat__e bar number if applicable _Adttr¢§s: . 355 / E/ /E /]AL v élé>£/ /~/W/``_ 54/7f /m//``< /////;» />< 77302:> telephone . ' 93 é) cig/ft (/0?@0- Ea;<'~: INMA'I‘ES t)_E.efLAitAfrtoN '?Sign¢d*.o_n:, aaa/aa l jfg_na ze.>of Appheant / Petitioner (cn'cle one) 17n gsa 91/14/14 OFFICIAL NOTICE FROM COUR'|" OF CRIMlNAL APPEALS OF TEXAS P. O. BOX 12308, CAPITOL STATION, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 ``“'=:=.:. :'=: rt ;;-r.r.= Y§<§€».== oFr-‘ictm_ BusiNEss “.‘ 513 “*° PENALTV FOR 2l13/2015 PR|VATE USE »: _,w¢ 0006557458 FEe 25 2015 WEBSTER, JON|QUE RAMON_~“~.:Z 7r Ct 1``0“5.``29- ~:7"1227’-'0'2AROM Z.'PWRE823,8~7-1 0-1 On this day, the application for 11 07 Writ,of Habeas Corpus has been received and presented to the Court . , .. . AbelAcosta, C|erk JON|QUE RAMoN WE§§"FER '/;/ EsTELLE uNiT Toc #1995668 264 Fivl 34'/8 HuNTsvui_ E Tx 77320 3322 newas;aa ':='P:a~aci' |lll'i"\'*'*1|-*"'"\'|1"n~nu*|im|i_'lii"*l"i'i``u~t."_'l\r*“‘ 1