DocketNumber: PD-1016-14
Filed Date: 3/6/2015
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/29/2016
Frank ELEWdHIlL § -iLy 1HE Cour+o-f- Criminal Appe[la»rh ProSe § V£ £ Appeals Dp \e*a& Ilia S+arfe. o£ leXas 5 Appellee, S'lRAVlS taT^TMAS Motion To OgTAlK b&OlM&tfTE> AndlfifoL 15 TU£ HoMdRAELE "3uk££ DP SAYb CcnjRTl Momm Gomes Frank E. fi^rdl ^TTbA^IJ. Mo. to^3 Mo\ISm+ rro Se^herein^Wno fasped~P"ulk| al4empfe Ho moVe 4ii£ Honorable Cjo-ar+"k allow MoVanf ifc proceed wHii 4fiis ^c+ion 6&ekinQ Copies o£domrYie^j+ria\ +ranserip'fe.3ncl cJerk records per+ainina -te> 4>e above merrHoned anc numbered ^au^e. NW&tti [& en+S+led dbsaid Copies and in Support dVlereo-f AWan+would r^fi"V.slitiw4)e. iW+ ^e ^llowmq: courQcriminalIeals 0 .^v FEB 26 2015 Under 4he auHWrfy of-4ie DP£M COURTS -mand^ffi CD OT leXaS ConafidlrHonal AHdcielS 13 and 4ie FburVeen4\ Amendmen+ o£dhelJn1+ed S-ha+es bons+rkdion dnis Honorable £>our-b has dvte Power lo tran-hdrie. ftelie^ Me>van4- has aood £au£e 4d show •+h^ he was denied his S\l-\Vi Amendment lini-Wd Sd~ade£ Cons+i+irtional maid's do £^ecd-We Assis-h&nce or Counsel. Ikefei-ore^ Movant is in4ie process o£ preparing an ApPLlcATiort D-P- Wabeas Corpus? So-thai-dhis Honorable Courd' can fevieW ^aid denial and qHW violations or L^ons+rhrhonal RiqHs. See E* Park. Banks, 7M S.W. 2>d 53^5^0 (Tert.Crim. ApptWl Habeas Corpus is available onta do PevieW... denials ot Fundamental or konerfi+urVional riqtaW See ako Ex Park Maidona^S S.W.^d *W/H> (Tel.Crim. Aopd^l Xn a pos+ convicd"ion srHfack 4ie burden is on dhe < Applicant do alleae and prove tacts which, i£ true, entitle him do reliedV See also Ex Parte M^Pherson, ZZ S.W.Sd 3loO,3W(TeX. OW App. £0&b). ' ' eti "PielleT may be denied when Applicant states onl\j conclusions, and not specific •facts.1' Hence Movant Snows that-the doeuments^-tri&l transcript^ and clerk records in die above atore mentioned Cause are most needed bv Movant so be can prove and show his Tacts and Constitutional violations instead or only statmq rfle^e Conclusions within his Habeas* Corpus Application, However, Movant is indiaend" and unable4b pay -for and /of purchase Said dDcuments^d-rialdTamcripts^and clerk records. See Motion to Proceed Xn RWna Pauperis.See atao braper V. Washington^£3 S.Cd: at 121. In terms syr trial records- ..thestate must attord 4ie indigent a record of Sutticient completeness 4b permit proper Consideration or Chisl claims' CJEL) Xn 4he Dcunds case the. Supreme, ^curt sd-ateS, (33 F See 6ounds V. Smi-hh^l S.Gt mi CleVen morethan an attorney actino in his behalf Would? IhereWe* Movant avers that the documents requested herein are essential and are Peauired tB present Movavrls Case mdhe most TaVorable lioht and -mat Said documents must be obtained do prove Movants alleaa4/on^4bdhe Trial Courdr as Well as dhe hiqher Courts. PRAYER WtfeftEFoftL PREMISES CDrtSlDEREi), Movant prays that4his Honorable Court CRAHTS> this Motion by ordering vJ dhe District Clerk &nd ~+he Court Reporter to provid e -(he Movant a Free Cop\i or the Documents requested herein this /Action of in the alternative order that Movant be provided a loaner Copy of 4ie^e documents H)nru^H 31 90)^ 4k&P£ETPllLLV Sll&vilTTED MARK W. STiloES M'\T 3DkD FM 3Sft BEAU MOMTITK. ^705 7 CERTIFICATE, DFSEflVlGE X rRAMKg^6YfiD3I;declar&n+ do Certify thab S -true and Correct Copv ot theroreaoinc document Motion "To Ob+aiio DocumandB and "Trial Pieoords In forma Pauperis ha&been Ser^IeA on dhe responden-h Wouqh dhe oftice or4)e ClerK oh theCourted Criminal Appeals DpleXa^ P.O.feDXlZ3D«5Capi+d Station^ Austin^ Texas TO*]11 dhrou^h 4ieUni4ed states First £l&£ Mail Service* Z-Z3 DhT£l -15 ^eSpectPullxi _JC^ 7 Submitted.3 fAMK El. fcVf<t^ZTO MA#K W. STlUES UrtiT 30kD FM 3514 fi&AUAAOM^ 1*. TODS' (70 (Cause. Nn. ]2Ar>LU»*J) To: Cour4 oT Criminal AppealsoP Texas Abel Acosta, CUrk PA Bo* 1Z.3DX,CAPITALSTATioM Aus+i^TeXa& 1X111 Dear Gierke X, Frank £, ByrdX^I"H^&.am Wrltina do request to the. Courts Tor a price redaction \t upon 4ind!nq -that m\j Motion Tor FreeTrial Transcripts- k denied. Xm a&Uina it dh^ Honorable Courts Would at least Set-t\e priceTor m\j trial transcripW at a reasonable and attoroVabW price Tor mec1b&nk You/har Veur 4iVne and mucU needed leqal Service, and assistance Ccnccrnincidhis uraent matter! tWpecT4uli\f Submi"H^3 r>ank Ek. 2>yA UL Mark W. STii^s UrnT «30£>o FM 351M- BeaiWorr^Tu T776& DECLARATION OF INABILITY TO PAY COST Now respectfully comes <_ 7>^/ f. tfV/ferUnit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice - Institutional Division where I am not permitted to earn or handle money. (2) I have no source of income or spousal income. (3) I currently have % /3 ' credited to me in the Inmate Trust Fund. (4) During my incarceration in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice - Correctional Institutions Division I have received approximately %^0,00 per month as gifts from relatives and friends. (5) I neither own nor have an interest in any realty, stocks, bonds, or bank account and I receive no interest or dividend income from any source. (6) I have Q dependents. (7) I have total debts of approximately % O (8) I owe $ CJ and restitution. (9) My monthly expenses are approximately %'7fl. OO . I, vSv*fr»C 6\ /fe>^C^ TDCJ # /&&?* ? being presently incarcerated in the Mark W. Stiles Unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice - Correctional Institutions Division in Jefferson County, Texas verify and declare under penalty of perjury.that the foregoing statements are true and correct. Executed this the *2.3 day of r-e.QUClr, _, 20Z£ f- ^ cf. ^ifc^g^ Name: