DocketNumber: WR-82,114-02
Filed Date: 3/20/2015
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/29/2016
Cause _______... --=-{g_m e o}j -to Joe· 'h -ea rrl_ 1:h_e__!a_ko. v~ s1j'-lt_c/_ ~rLc/_ YJ IA!tlhtn"l cqusu£ flc.flb¥J1_ _ -._J)_e_f;-'t1rff1;_!1f -hJ~11-J w;o``w f(J Y fNy(f- fJf /J?q_nr/_Cflb_il£; ·and JJe·ftwr:LfJ!_....:...:;/?__c..T_ __ _ frI1Yl..Cf-Yt? ~-L tvI (jtllCt-;'LCl b1e to -th 't ()J cc1/_strl.;----!{c::...:....ow:...!:..-::r_,t'_ _ __ _ . !. <. ;hg_y£'6_~- -ex tJ.If/.111~ r/_ the .J'(i1fii~J--F/h i£: tlud CoYJ v/'ctl~I?S fo Y JJ a.s ctl! _Cawses F0'+-~7t/7 a11d Folf-:;27'1:_3:1 aYe· false 1 vot~---· _...;:_,_G1;;._;.....VJq betrr.-tri "-1 -tfm-e )/m;J:;- thCJt Conv;C~-m fi,y C~/)/1? (rJ"~-- . 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[or] 0 is a plea-bargain case, and the defendant has r. · ~ppeal. (or] 0 the defendant has waived the right of appea~ SIGNEDTHIS ·J.,J dayo~Matfh .20 J> · 1(.-f(;)~ . ~ ~:::v COURT'S COPY SIGNED BY JUDGE JUDGEPRESIDING . · I have recei``~· ``rt;fication. including afiyss·nht I have abo b«n ;nfurmOO of my righ" oonconllng any app,al ofth;, orim;nal "'"· .. ~!jro se petition for discretionary revie-w pursuant to Rule 68 of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure. I have bee~d~ on at my attorney must mail a copy of the court of appeals's judgment and opinion to my last known address and that I have~ 3 days in which to file a prose petition for discretionary review in the Court ofCriminal Appeals. TEX; R. APP. P. 68.2. I a owledge that, ifl wish to appeal this case and ifiam entitled to do so, it is my duty to inform my appellate attorney, by written communication, of any change in the address at which I am currently living or any change in my current prison unit. I understand that, because of appellate deadlines, ifl fail to timely inform my appellate attorney of any change in my address, I may lose the opportunity to file a pro se petition for discretionary review. COURT'S COPY SIGNED BY DEFENDANT COURT'S COPY SIGNED BY DEFENSE COUNSEL Defendant Defendant's Attorney Printed Name: 'f{Fat/1 !la~Jvk{J1s Printed Name: 1\o} erf Of\~-lfu/tfrqJ~;/2 Address: 35"3 !S" S Lal/e ]);- ttl€' -1 ltJi State BarNo.: so::.-11 ~10 TexarkMt'l TX 7SSO/ ' Address: 'J.o:JS" Ceflfr-ql cir"if',1 S£Art-e 210 !1tk{M~'If!y TX 7s-o1P? Telephone No.: qo3-~ J.3-37t.f1 Telephone No. '!"?d. ~.)G ~- YCfO~ Fax No. (if any): FaxNo.(ifany): ;).- ·- Revised:OJ/27/20 12 5 ( CAlliS[ 10j-S}j}7·c;tOJ) T h e 5;ate of .Texv;) ~ _ :IVJ theLJ-o;si Sto;te 1J>3·-tr/ci{owrf § 3 of J Ir 'YisYC'JyJ 2ad~k NavvkJhS') +he. ]·e-ftnc}an-f) rerh-Pj thCJf stnfftJt[ is i!J_e:yil due fOjwiSdii:ffOPt'l/ cfe-Fecfs of undtrJo'n:J CJ))fJpJ . COJ!)VJr~"OJ!J~: so ;h0t_conv/cf/OJ: )J'J /nsiVJHf CCJSt 5hi7JJ/ o)v::~ys bz; ~ cojl)sfltC1f!OfJV?/)y fVJ){-e: J"O" fkcrf CJ>1j st?tJftFr~ off~t1)JJJhJ~t.1J1f /Y r! )e!)c7l 'The ~ne3e~ con~irf!!IJS se--1 ~,;rth 111 -fh!_'?11?tfrr~!r;J o;~Jy~cl casfS crre (q/s-e) rn~J~ fJJ1tf void Tt><, CciJ.r-1. 1 ftyf;..L1§JP/·A//.v !/_, Jrq?J) ~£ s. !1/ 3 J ~ 0¥ (ff?x. c-ol>;. A-rt· J. ool), c~n dn- !Y ;}13 tf1fiyrroVJ/ ;)I}JJcfmtlrtr ~ te_J1 ot frif'd s/nce,sawt' w-ert 11 offow rd 1Jy hi? Ji! obpti-1r/ -hJ a))':Ji"tl ;nd;rf;rr&1fip>'tfVJV>/. 1J'f:.fendanf hertb/ c:1f!'f~/s c1J1! qJJJ ~-d) ~Pirft)Jr!.f q ndlor corrv;2i/o1Js ,' so fbqf th~ CJfpel }m'lt: courf h~s J. ~iYlf'thrfJ~)/} TO cor-reef the /) JttyC>J) J-tJ?·ftJJrt?(J') /f;"Zt>/1 x J7-CJ~) )J ~ .S:LVJc) r:f(}Lj (fCJ)I_ I is Cr-iht, /tpp, Jooj) Afft?q) rn·erFtoti.ous b-er0t11t the S'PYJf!JtJe~ ;5 ;1/;yq/~ ltpff~ I Is hoi for dt Ifl)'i bitt it1 .re'f!}l.rfict. do»~ frv J)r>ft rx/~ t1t-, . , . . 1) YlsriJ\y! 2~ q~k H[l7ilv'6JJ?S) so v3:J.O&&; JJ pre.sf~J_-t&. ,JYJt(]J'ft·~rC1·f};/ Jn ihe (v/)Jh ~(o.,JJ/? 1l~ten;.:[o0 fqcJ Jrty, co_fhn Co{)Ju_ty,, Te>(t!S 1 dr; d Pt-7o;~e fA)1 dtr p'~>t1 vt J-ry tffPr:J u 7 thctt· .l I:J"BieJve th·e- FoYt:f)v~uJ JS' trve omo/ cvrrtJC'C: I _ £xeCir+tJ by /l"~'~ ':JJMt``~ 6~7 sth d0J d i'JarrJ1 ';!0/b. . ----!tcrftpfl!;r_qL__________. --: -;;~:~;:~;::/t~J·-·--- - - - - · - - · --··"------·----------------·-············-··-·····-···------···············-f ________________ _ ____l/J~r:-~!/__!fqw.~2.it_L ____-:--_· __)___[~_lll=Y.l. _.[t2'df2fJJ . . 1tXt?£~. __ ___ ____ __ _---~__ J):t . &i?d~nt.£:_.11-r;_c_/ct``(?!J_. ----·---------·-- _ ---_ -f-;Q-;,- {J_y; _ _ __________ i._ __ :``~;q~h~I'Jgb~-e~2 ~-},_Qlr:;;~-x:~:/t:~cf``---- tl__..f/1--.. . . . . _________ .!11.~·-··----- _fl_ _______ ________ .... _.. _________f.J ___ . _.____ f.L ______ . ..... ..... __ ?!___:7 _________________ \t_evlf.:.t1!t_r/_T-e.x.q_ s_____ f3-&..r:J. 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