FILED IN 4th COURT OF APPEALS frourttl @ourt of 9Bpestg SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 1/9/2015 1:21:56 PM KEITH E. HOTTLE Clerk NOTIFICATION OF LATE RECORT) Court of Appeals No.. if know n.04-14-0067-CV Ramiro & Edna Ramos and Federico Salazar v. The Unknown Heirs of Tomasa Gonzalez Trial Court Style: Trial Courl No.: I am the ofllcial responsible tbr preparing the clerk's record/reporter's record [circle onel in the above- relbrenced appeal. Thc approximate date of trial was: l-he record was originally due: I anticipate the length of thc rccord to be: I arn unable to flle the record by the date such record is due because [check one]: n the appellant is not entitled to appeal without paying the fbe. and the appellant has lbiled to pay the lbe or make arrangernents to pay the lbe fbr preparing such record. tr rny other duties or activities preclLrde r.r'orking on the record and include the fbllowing [attach additional pages if neededl: I informed all attorneys Before the transcript was even requested that I was working on a Capital Murder appeal from 12 years ago and that it took precedence right now so have been unable to work on this appeal. n Othcr. Explain [attach additional pages if needc'd]: I anticipate the record will be cornpleted by: ? I. as the Lrndersigned coutt otlcial, certifl' that a copy ofthis Notification of Late Record has been served by first class mail of lax to the pafties to the.iudgrnent or order being appealed. ou,.. January B, 2015 Signature : Printed Name: Gay Richey 11,1.. Official Court Reporter Rev. 1.8.14