DocketNumber: PD-1459-14
Filed Date: 1/23/2015
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/28/2016
•>mpiMAl onf pii\l A I UKtbllNSnL Couer Shs&k. /Y59VY /Able /Icosfo^ Cieck Cou<4 Of Cnwioal Appeals £upr£(v\t Ccuri blelg PC &CX l220«-23og' FILED IN .RECEIVED IN MOTX 7*7//' COURTO^NALAPPEALS COURTOF«NALAPPEALS jAN 2 3 2015 JAN 20 2015 U£6r LlerK^ Abel Acosta, Clerk Abel Acosta, Clerk koelc££d pi^etje r\nj my Pewion ^or QiscfetionGfy kzuicoj-. Please Ale W\£ *PoA and ixw 4 fe ^e cSenhcn o\ Wie Coot/, address sUemn he\ou), X also fefuesi ihaT you mk$y /vie of ikt Ca*ds calm &n O locerely ) (3 (W>7/. 7W* i Ab. IHH-00259-GIL /Marcus 0^ feoo +k rm state of rate Jclenliry Of P^r-ft'es o^i Counsel Trial Ceuff: A/ppe/Zanf; HoAor&Ue £oWn /X Oarr Marcus. 0,fkx Of /Utarrhes-*. ° • .llii bfalemen-f Reatandina Gtol /lr < 3 "Htirv\asoA. V 5fo+6 ffo.Cft'iA>%>> fifr?) 72£ $M ;)A "3l&,„, , ., 5 Tn/.h v/ 544 foy 6^ V ^ 563 £W. ^ #to> 923 ., „ , e. 3 a v z> SJricUaJ v/ 5f*4 (Scfe 2051.2°) L\% US. S.Ck UP) 6*7„ . , , , 3 J 0 *' « nu braremeni Ke^ar^ino Oral flrcjumervh (Madams/Sirs, X do no-/ fully understand uhah X am ^g/a^ GaoI X houa no attorney Ko Kelp rm do fe n^Kf. IT -feel // ooa/d bett&r WeA'} me ~fc> i/erbal/ £?a?6<£ my case 0especially in ceqerds ho cjM all hanspiced a-} my inal dale. 6jA<*a X frW io fire my attorney* £o many hkincs are corona mmy OQ£& hd ai -/Ac fi^e X aj^s faliAcI Ac fhe -Paahs Qr\d oy (xdhw my frusT mmy oiferAey X 6Jas oiAakle -/o avoid "/Ae oafoo/vie. POy /ack of knowledge and re&oucces art hinderiAc me^ but -fke, Operjunify +o be asked (freshens Qr\d ask questions uauld make up for fkof Q(\c\ possibly brine ho \\he (v\ish&k>s X Cm uncuJar^ of. X Coa^ afford io aeh 4\\S tJrorvz. Thank Yea for YoucT'" Introductory 70 T7C HQAlomii 'JUSTICES Of TH£ COURT OF OZIfAIM APflE/)L£>: (U/Self IKe QppelloA^ (AaccuZ D. &oo4k, respecl& lly ^aUifs •fkis fer/A/on fir Discrel/dAQA/ £Wa; in accordance uitk -fbe-lms duks of Appe\\ah& Procedure in response io ihe -trial C&As July \H& £o\L{~, jucWneAf &f\d Sertkncina of Auen/y -five yeafSD '/eyas D^oWa-I ef CnWnal v£tff<<:&;, QAd s\\ouj$ ike courf as folUajs' 1 LOLL clement u \ l r ^ On [Aacck 11^2G& X uos arrested arvd charged co)A Possession of a (LoAroWed Su^s\ancc^/Jasper[An t*)Ab Quidence-. _2- -fdd rny attaches/ brent fAermn T cJonhed ho ckeJIariQe 4ke. HrrtshnQ 0$icec$ probable, cause for puma me fro/n pay ueMe ouhick led ha fke. fr\d\i\Q of clruas., and also AAe Shhcs accuasahon of possession of cl.muck larger omsuM of druas found in Ae shfeeh CJhiU X uqs already CuMed in 4Ae paftok Osr. fOy attorney qquc me -Rake -fccfs about /ny nohls aad oih.eC \^crcryGMo/\ obouA my ease, He. also cjflhheld ciafAenlno euic\ence fro/*\ iwe u/vAl/ oJrler hucrunQ dc^n my-fi^l-pto 0I lOymt"cjktch uxxJA kaue e-Pfecred rriy decision ho hum doun hUe pU^. /ny aHornty also a((ou>ed urdue l/N-H^ixe <3^d cteAdicA^e ghatcmenk from People of epT 25 QO\H 3.1 fiW ray r€Sp6nse *CW £*2o^\ '*/. X recia/ed /A<£yVe response Och lip 26Wx 5. X 'filed 4 AlcAtfn Aof e/leahom o£ A/Kwe1 ^ -fi/e my Pi)H U Qourl o& Cnrni/io/ 6. H&\vJ4.d d pguao1 Ga^ Plrcjumenh On. (Aarck I1& <20/3j X coas pulled from my uebvcfe, by a police officer jusf offer pullina fnho a club portinj-loA(/^x. Code., Cc\r*\, Proc, Ann (art l£M) a p^fSoA f$ acc&sfed u)\w\ be- is actually placed under reshaink or {aker\ /n-fc cuskody. An arr^si occurs af Ae. mor^nf -/ne pe^Sc^ freedom or rnoueswAT is restricted or restrainedJ •£3 by physically puling we from My i/ehick ond fercin /vie q/5 ciqamsk aw car fly WdarA cA moje/nenl uas reskictea* f\ dollar W' contain ins 03Gq/0d. /Aa/ tjes /n my jap pncr ko heme pulled ouf of my car fell on \W Ground and CJoS cedrieOed jy tke. polico, officer. (irui* 1/ Skate (cam fipp IW)5CZ 5M 2d %to (/fores/- ll,m)Xn order &>r €\j\deN2.c Seized incident \o acred- h he admissible,^ ike Srchtz wost shooo ikz, eysismnc^ or pfcWJe Cause eJrkUCstt SwM 9X1) kme of arrest or SeaccU oxs mock)jke.affe6hm officer did nor ask we for license, or insurance, ror dd he qiue reason for fulling me &&/K my vX tttmind tom ^HM^/Or^s and tfarcok.cs m>lo) Xlieqal actisk or defeidio/) of defendant frJirkout probable causes rendered defendant Sokse^ent cfhandancAenk of Cocaine, im/donfary Mas required Suppression of eudeAai. of cocaine OS $J e£ ifepl defend ($**^ ^ Measures U,fc) fthcrdonfAmt o( properk/ occurs So ash authorize, pclice b iate possession of prap&rfy if He. defendanf intended io chcjdon fie, pc6Mckf and ki4 derision h ohandor\ if cj^s rxd due to police- misconduct USCA Cms, ,4n Hd Xf lie officer UfOuid nol kout pulled me (W\ wy cor /ne dollar kll ljoM koue nof fell er\ jk gcoukIi f^S X (^cubi rA hauc b^A d^ar^eA ^(fk possession* The Aifsl Ame- n\y attorney ore/i-l morao/s come \o see. me at (Awa*d County Af/*4//o Cenkr X kdd h<* ohed kapp&ncd Of\d fk^k X ddnl feel ike oQicef kod Me ryk^ b pjl me fro/* my i/ekicU. /fe sWaJ lA^-f 4c officer uxxS uirkir\ Ao rkkh\ bud af kked kime he htf cs Scorched and and put in ike back, bJkm in ike keck Od the poll CSu\ser Tsfoded trytno to tefnwe anoHer small hw of cocaine fronx My boxer briefer Onca. Xreinex/ed 4Xemptied if on tke seed and stacked fa iry and gn^de, rt into ike s&d U&rq my skcrfs- fill my mouemenh caugU He okntion o-f jke officers and /Ly eewt and opened tie door and discovered 6jW X6j^s doina* X coas pulled fn/n lit police cruder and edrznsmly Zmcckp Xwas jken placed on iVc^tound at ike beck of Ike cruiVeA One, Officer Shod CJaick euer m^ ukile He. oiker collected Ike evidence tU ike. beet Seat okHe police cruiser. nfler jk evdence u)o$ collided lit officers helped me io my reef ^UJhle kelpnc\ mc up one or He oNicecs noticed a small account of cocaine en IW ground od&ce~ Xao&s Jus4- sitting, TA-c Cocaine came from my skods fnom toUr\ Xwas /'/> Ae. hack seed of ike pot/ok ear One. or He officers Grated cmo^er evidence- bog a. tried h coned uk<\f ke could off of -/Ae ground* Xuas Hi«2A fUced back in He. patAt car, ft fe^> mmidts laker Xmkceck lie hjo offxetb dom a peritnehr Stearck of tke parlmcdof\ One o$ tkz officers look underneait ike front of jke pafrde Cor, He sfood op and Jcid ike. dker officer to pa|| tke- pakode car up i Once tie pafrde ear uas pulled up one of ike officers Owe io my cJindoc) and showed Ale tux> lanae ormunhs of ukne pou)der^ later tested to ke Cocaino* from jfe kn& Xodas usdf^d ftun my Car by 2 offcecs M\fn*jk a club parknylai fill cS c&& Cnd Qecple kl X much rnovemoxf X rnade h retrieves He eooxne XgfAnkied a*\ Die beck Seat^So hou> uzdd X be atie ko repeat ikd Sarte^actm fa retriejje QAyfAin^ ifai- loca not fLrd tden X uo5 stroked cd\(U benfo ucJeLtd by fkc c&cef, UU^s a?& Jlla^kcS^lpZ^lJi- Conuichon &r possession ol illecclc dfucS regu'ircj v^d jit aausd mA hofarki tout exercised actual ccrt^codrd] or custody oh sobska^cc^ bui also be, conscious d\ Ki5 connection uitt Mr Cfd knoun utci it c^cs j evidence soXrices akick artt'rr^aixuely jinkr h«*> k> f^e Substance, Suffices ^ (p^l ik*f he possessed d b\°u\/iciy•. lire, o^bkc cannof Dc6o\fe llvis uiriouf c\ reuScncjole dcubk Dcu^S ord JUarccktS &* 65 -UeiendoAf rmst U cdfricrwdwely linked 001H drws allegedly pcsSeSSedi but Inks does rd- hade k> he S6 stfbno iked if eludes euery otter oastandtnG reasrncbk r\fpoiies\h except defendants guilt. Ihe SCeno, u)o$ a crouAA cUo pedum-lot m a kef cn^e cd druc, or#\^fhe- ctcG«\e, you drop your -drugs and uoqH o$f. Himascf) v/ Skdc (TexC«« fro? m) IM M & 2(o3 Oaks \J S'tak (TeyCr^ fipo m) IM So) 2d I1H Kut %0li>'./packing Qf\d Supf&rfvtj Credit)) lit/of Defended. /linc^inc X cJcakd htfjlh tke ckatues u^y uedd my Mamey no\ file rmU to chalice jUts.j&jen a%r kWiq h^ foo7. (x>found Three- Xne*rPecAi^e/ fissis \onee ol Counsel by fcimcj Jo Oct as locoyer QQenh' r% mv ftrsl pre-Wl in fit r*cdk 0l (A^j 90^1\my aUomy tod me. Me pcosecukr /"s oMennj /6yrs for Hie Possess^ dT«^r^o^ rle Xds&dk, Xidd my attor^y-fa See if M* prosecJer till drop He 2e&zdfs aJ X*)) kk He /Oyrj £*- lie p*ssestp*/hir«,pesin °s3esSiGn/tar\penr\c aod ac fo fried Son We ^ essaulfs, A'y affofAey Came hack end J&U me fie prosecutor Sad^ He cant drop jfa assaults because ke P AeiKic pfCisufed \>j )ke dveriJfe dept k> prosecute me, and fkei X haul fo plea fa cdl &&^r czk&r&eS to(\e%&r or kdu all flu-r to> trial, X informed my oAwey that X - o X skaJd he able \o pk out ho Hem seper^fdy. lie idd me tkc,fs Oof kcu^kkd f(ie prosecubr doesW- kavt to awe r^e a, pies, ed all (Pea^l Cade Ziffl-Seu&rance) rAy qfe//^ kda (^eX fed no ricikV [o sepeccde my cfacces kdr X do kcjui IW cidd> X idd my attorney Xdid rof coMrvjA lAe assaults io lm rtcl -fe\bi^g jke pl£<^ Mg ^uc/<^ ^jqs rumwy lede So He pcosecufor idd my attorney X Can Consider fie ded unir'l the nexk fredncil m"3une ol 30/7. Pi cjfeet or tujo law wy ottorn^ Said io Como see kin imi he hod new euideAc^ cuken X Oz^c |a Ke Idd mc ahoid He mdask camera o^ fk paffok ond it made me, loot bad, lie. Tad me X Srodd \oke H»e to years IX tken asleJ km tf JocX uaJd tre^i tte asSoulh S^i he fede-d kts Wd yeS\ X tken idd nmn X JJnt commit He assaults SO X* net johny tic deal* He Sc.«J *C,l Xll sfarf prtpairmc He tad ,± J-umd da** He jQyears JuneL XiH^ &cuzek k&hre my AW cdafe o§ Xuly IH\7oM\ X A^J a meeknc uifi my attorney and ke -kid me abood ex darnpamc pkma coll X nncde.'iMU in To/, X osfod kirn cdy £JGSh* X kdd atoouf Vus before fuminCj cLuin Hi (ilea^ Ac5 fopy uxls X Idd yju ^ bke ike lQ ydars ! (Ay alemey and proSecukr denied me my rtdk k seueranct, f^ly attorney musinW/^ me Oibojc Ac assaults heme 3b hefcte X turned doj« f^ 1^years} W en XJy W^W/ oi my W Ae Idd me inlodr oP my utters mo&er 3ep*ank U^S *ok yect lis not 36?1 Mlomj h^n iked Ufore OJauid kout pAcde a ^ dfffeAwe \n my decision concern^ my plea, /Use cyhdJy hack eudence of Ike dartacing pjlnone call uMI after X-turned dou>n
He Cxxme hack Said eke kcxs Inr in for me tr&rn a\ pc\$i case in XQ®5 oUn ode. a)qs dke profecuUr. fuay 36/V; of my first pre-tricl ike- prosecutor Sold my attorney AaA he canialfop ike assaults b&^arc ike Sheri&ts depi. IS pressunnc hum io prosecute me. /vol he-mc an attorney myself SC do not knaJ a^toi all rny cdromty oaufdOe done Jbu4 X do knocJ he Snouldue amm SomeHinc, From ukci X haoe reed tkase interferences fro^ Ike Sherds and head (dJI, are Undue- ia-Piu&v&S'i h<- ah lea&i skculd haue triced h change ike uenu& -So moh X cjcotdle hod ex fair ek&ncci, Ev Ue IWn t/5g m 3d HS2U)(Xey Crtm fa 26QS>) OS a vast mcZjcnhy cf clams of ineffective o\ Counsel^ tke trial records ace- insufficient Id allcu) appeW&Tes Ccud io resclue Ake issue, because applicant could not provide suck eudence. tuikout aoifK ouhide trial records^ he may raise cdue process clrsitn- £x ferle Torres HH2 SLaJ, 3d W^IS CTey CnnsHtf /W) U fade Itcosia tft ^ 2«d l/7o, cm [fey Cn %> /W) Gcormci [\\J€s X uas Aen\ed my 5ixjk ftm_endm.ent AcKk ia eiffechii/e assistances oi Counsel by ^uAqe Kcbin Oarr, 7 C^rounc! Fii;&> /)r^ume/1 f On ouL /V^ 50Wj Anc cdoxy of nay AriaI X came Aj /As, condu^/on my cdkmey &a£ not properly repteSenknn pne^ especially after he made -the cpmmeni f(X<2ot hm d plea deed beeaure my dauchtess mofA«f Xeyuana LecjiS asked km out nf •trostrahiem 'iokak kojje you- done for km mins case , X "told fam X oJanwd to dire kn^n Gnat be jold me X had Jo take if up usitk dine Xud^e, Onc£ ue t^ere inrfiwk af ike Xudge X VOLceJ 4^k X coanked ka hire my ecjn cdiamzy \o replace my Court appointed vHocney\ She hid me Mo! Tha-f X had enough time to do So, X do Aol fkel X Incd enouQk Ame >X oo^s inccra^ccxfed AWw r^arck \1& 2oiS until /°Wk IZ& 2oiLl. Ourma iked year X uzs unacjarc my at%mey IrJOS not properly representing me because tke last h months X ojos ineareercdrd m o\ federal prison uitk no confacd cjffh v\y oSorney. Upon my release (AacoU )2^k2o/1/ Xcjcs broke, and homeless ond discovered my d&oc^tcrs mo-fker Gnd my otacACikkor Uoact in a $kemf} So uken X got out cntrmj on my Peef and heipnc my fismh ejeaz my first concern, Fro^ (Aorck l&left lili Tune IH^2CI CJas not enouqi kn\e U ge-f riyself and my family sducded plus (]ef enouqi money Io kirt an cttlbrAzyi o^f iUi ooas all Ha kme He Court Qaut rV\e> AfW I Cozephed ike, pleo^ of <25 yeans Ike 'Judge asked me /A my attorney represented me r\qkf\ X (yoemted to say no huf X " da aPPr&id jtaf ske ujaAd -hfce my $dec back and force me to eje -fa rrio.1 /A? ske already -fried j-uiioe ^Jki/e Xu^s On One stand once ske heard n\y fecscnS t^ky. X Teed rXudqe f