Laafir of CfliMfA/Ai rffffMi or ~/£x/9S f^\ Offal />/ The £/6fk. q Q0^"U Au$Tl/Ss 7lx/iS 7%J// RECEIVED m COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS Ex ffifiTz: FEB H2015 ft6 S\ y -v£- Ccu^tf M/)*/Ct {Lbusiry ~Thh Stat/ df Texas &/ urt talc a/o, /)0/0£%?J'K_ Conduct Zn Yht m77, Ju/ura £7HfCAL QaCuAleriTJs /?*}/ 7%l £t)urT £&/}dtfcZ /Ia/O Va/ * fate A of3. it /-> St" ^Judicial QtsrAscr ZduAt oAfi*/*,* /Lou^Y, Ztx/x /i#v& J^su/^i/y Ovd Zr?f£^Y/^aj/Z bJ/rt Ma/Ste,! L/S£°JlUJ6l d„Z U/iej),;^/" 'DcClJ/yttrfS; HortJuCT -Zn /lPP//£c^T EfD^5 kJf/T sZ HqL&oS Ctf?uS Tha7 IJ&S f//tJ DkS Q^tolz, /%7h Zq/j/ tnt, 12% JvtiXLlAL Ql57ZlCf £duZT £)7lti/]/6* £ou*7)CZ£xfi5 have, d/sfegafJtJ 7Z^// eZ/ilCti JuT/csS' L /7?7//£j„7 fi/tM, f)6v&/ f&Ce/veJ /j fat7s K'*JJ»4 /)*q £on£fu j.o,v D-t LojJ f/DM Ms vOf/T of tfal&s /ZttpuS fat "XlL&Qal d»Z JJ/ieZhUni QpiuM&rfrsi' t) txL'L'7- IT, The ®BCuMe„r is Ztie&z £/>** msi&ui, Zht Lrr&/ havz /id daurr Ltrrer/itajJas m IT, tfnJ /?6 Dn& 5;£/jATi/se, £)„ fZl., O txk;k;r- m, /)??//£^r &M A&;* (mm 3. ZUd£6l £uJ»d*T, yi/a ®/}7£ To UjJlErl IT UJ6$ Ur/rre/i a/d IsTfetti£*////,£, rft And 5i'£/la7u(£,„.3'ti££oi, j„/ U/i6l%fcal QoCuMam 0nS £esi//i/cZ •ZivJorJ /I??/;£ u*r/, Tzyas //ad 0/?yy Q/i/P "fhfof In f/),'z)cl, Convicra/ df?/M*/>T &&***/„* 'me, Conv/cT/on of /I le£a/// Z/)^c/r)7eZ^Z Odfe^c/^Z *y;t>L*rcj Quffzotess'/ 1//c Tf/n C^rr A*d fa£u zz BvcJencts Thir />?py/£*s?r £(ws Ms z* /my jMt>/»7aMr. Uouimn /Ic Srm /a// To &/*„ //p/yy^ &,>,*/ # ^p^k"^ A Y/aUtU* T />;> ®ot %U£S5 MShs; fttvMtJ fa j„ The /*» fat^jtotr & 73* U5 LD»57i7uZ;e« Zo /} U// 7?Zal *', H*\jtv6(, Hese, Hum ^y t/^rt/ui- ^cum^j do z„ htr SLu 7h*r 7h. m» J^f^L frsmcr C*u*ri CtziJatr z* Jf?/M4gif £a*„ss ~7//,i ^ *lueS*i a„j 1/vitik/tor The & At>u,nj,$x„ (erftaf*/// f/a/s /)?*r ~1ht h/ontidli 7un^£ of Zh& £*u/f si 6/M*s* JPP&tf #/• iixaS £(o*7 Zh;> jria/cn fi„z /lppe>;»r tipp/y^r &*„*, Z/ HcunSzL; 7^ f/*Tee;T fa '£/£fo7, jfPP/7^7 &,M Zs in foLTZACiMPtftjr. 'Jyn j* CocT Arder GuMvia/ Gr The ///m Df h.'s 9(DC£&J;r>£'e y(csTca/u/(/ ^uhtoTrAJ LteiX£* AtY&Xt>uj*ju S£.„ fa5, 1J3. &* &, Exttitiiz^ jz, GEORGE ROY BROWN, SR #1098499 DECEMBER 18, 2014 WILLIAM P. CLEMENTS UNIT 9601 SPUR 591 AMARILLO, TEXAS 79107 APPELLANT: GEORGE ROY BROWN, SR CAUSE NO: A010583FR Dear Sir: We are, this date, DECEMBER 18, 2014 forwarding your Writ of Habeas Corpus to the Court of Criminal Appeals in Austin, Texas. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the Court of Criminal Appeals at the following address: Court of Criminal Appeals State of Texas Box 12308 Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711-2308 Thank you, District Clerk Orange County, Texas IxHiEZT- JZT, y Lfflct kiss tec.e'.vd.c/ djo fcb 1; 2a/5 GEORGE ROY BROWN, SR ID # 1098499 CLEMENTS UNIT 9601 SPUR 591 AMARILLO, TX 79107 APPELLANT: GEORGE ROY BROWN, SR CAUSE NO: A010583FR Dear Sir: As our letter to you dated December 18, 2014 stated, we have forwarded your Writ of Habeas Corpus to the Court of Criminal Appeals. We have not received any correspondence from them other than informing us that they had received it. You will be notified by them when they have completed their review. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the Court of Criminal Appeals at the following address: Court of Criminal Appeals State of Texas Box 12308 Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711-2308 Thank you, District Clerk Orange County, Texas ;-'fc :•"z'->.\\ "'•'• .'v ;"• ,,• .wp'•'•-• • .;.„_. -,- '...;•