ACCEPTED 04-15-00078-CV FOURTH COURT OF APPEALS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 3/23/2015 1:05:44 PM KEITH HOTTLE CLERK No. 04-15-00078-CV FILED IN 4th COURT OF APPEALS In the Court of Appeals for the SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 3/23/2015 1:05:44 PM Fourth Court of Appeals District KEITH E. HOTTLE Clerk San Antonio, Texas BRIAN FREEMAN, Appellant, v. NEWFIELD EXPLORATION COMPANY, Appellee. ON APPEAL FROM THE 452ND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF EDWARDS COUNTY, TEXAS APPELLANT'S UNOPPOSED MOTION TO DISMISS TO THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS: NOW COMES Brian Freeman ("Freeman"), appellant in the above- referenced case, and respectfully files this motion seeking voluntary dismissal of this appeal pursuant to Rule 42.1(a)(l) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure. Appellant no longer desires to pursue this appeal and dismissal will not prevent any other party from seeking relief to which it would otherwise be entitled. See TEX.R.APP.P. 42.1(a)(l). 5515701.5 Lloyd Muennink, counsel for appellant, has conferred with James M. Truss, counsel for appellee, regarding the merits of this motion. Appellee does not oppose the relief requested herein. WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Brian Freeman respectfully requests that the Court grant this motion and dismiss this appeal. Respectfully submitted, Lloyd A. Muenn^nlc (512)478-6623 Telephone (512) 478-6626 Facsimile State Bar No. 14629000 Attorney for Appellant Brian Freeman 5515701.5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Appellant's Unopposed Motion to Dismiss has been forwarded to all counsel ajid parties of record, listed below, by e-mail, on this the 4& day of ^/"/C^j , 2015. James M. Truss jmtruss@coxsmith, com David Vanderhider dvanderhider@coxsmith. com Benjamin Robertson brobertsondalcoxsmith. com 112 E. Pecan Street, Suite 1800 San Antonio, Texas 78205 Tel: (210) 554-5500 Fax: (210) 226-8395 Attorneys for Appellee Newfield Exploration Company 10 5515701.5