ACCEPTED 04-14-00740-CV FOURTH COURT OF APPEALS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 1/30/2015 9:19:18 AM KEITH HOTTLE CLERK NO. 04-14-00740-GV FILED IN 4th COURT OF APPEALS IN THECOURTOF APPEALS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS FORTHE FOURTHJUDICIALDISTRICT TEXAS9:19:18 AM OF01/30/2015 AT SANANTONIO KEITH E. HOTTLE Clerk ART REYNA, Appellant V. IRENEBALDRIDGE AND KATHYHILL, Appellees Appealfrom Interlocutory CauseNo 2014-Cl-03985 Court,BexarCounty,Texas 285thDistrict JudgeCathleen The Honorable M. StrykerPresiding A P P E L L E E SU ' NOPPOSED MOTION T O E X T E N DT I M ET O F I L E B R I E FF O R I N T E R L O C U T O RAYP P E A L Appellees,IRENE BALDRIDGEand KATHY HILL, respectfully requestthe Courtto granta thirty(30)day extension to filetheirBrief,and wouldshowthe Courtas follows: 1. Briefis February for filingAppellees' Thedeadline 2, 2015. 2 The requested is 30 days,to March4,2015. extension 3. The requestedextensionis necessaryand is not soughtfor purposes of delay. 4. Thiscaseinvolvesnovelissuesinvolving the Texasanti-SLAPP the FirstAmendment, statute, andcommonlawdefamation. Appellant had 70 daysto preparehis 55 pageBrief(twoextensions). approximately 5. Therehavebeen no previousextensions grantedto Appellees regarding thisMotionfor Rehearing. Certificateof Gonference Appellees' counselhasconferred withAppellant's whodoes counsel, notopposethe reliefsoughtin thisMotion. Praverfor Relief For the reasonsset forth above,Appelleesrespectfully requestthat this Courtgranta thirty(30)day extension, or untilMarch4, 2014to file theirBrief. Respectfu Ily submitted, EdwardP. Cano TexasBarNo.03756700 201W. PoplarSt. SanAntonio,Texas78212 (210)223-10e9 (210) 212-5653Facsimile edcanoattorney@sbcq Rrlrvnxo Rtev ArroRrurYsAr Lnw DARBYRILEY TexasBarNo. 16924400 320Lexington Avenue SanAntonio, Texas 78215 (210)225-7236 (210)227-7907Facsimile darbyri ley@rilevlawfi ATTORNEYS FORAPPELLEES CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I herebycertifythat a true and correctcopy of Appellees'Motionto Appealhas been sent on this ExtendTime to File Brieffor Interlocutory dayof January,2015to thefollowing counselof record: Mr.RonaldB. Prince E-mail:ron@princecontre[ Pnrruce CorurRennsPLLC 417SanPedroAvenue SanAntonio,Texas78212 DARBYRILEY 3