PD-1493-15 RECEIVED.,. IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL ARREALS COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS DEC 02 2015 DAVID K. THACKER, PETITIONER Abel Acosta, Clerk V. FILED m THE STATE OF TEXAS, C0URT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS APPELLEE c:: o n z MOTION TO SUSPEND RULE 9.3(b) of T.R.A.P. Abel Ac°Sta, Clerk COMES NOW DAVID K. THACKER, Petitioner pro se and requests this Honorable Court to suspend Rule 9.3(b) of T.R.A.P., and would show the following to support his request: Petitioner is a pro se applicant who is indigent, and is incarcerated at the TDCJ Estelle Unit. TDCJ policy does not allow inmates access to a copy machine to provide the Court with the; re- quired copies under Rule 9.3(b), and Petitioner has limited access to use of a borrowed typewriter. PRAYER For the above and foregoing reasons stated, Petitioner respect fully asks this Court to grant his motion to suspend Rule 9.3(b) of T.R.A.P. Respeetf-Nlly submitted, favid'jfK^Tnacker, pro se TDCJJA1990675 Estelle Unit fk FM 3478 Huntsville, TX 77320