,jfnmtf) Mutt 13f Wealfi fim gamma, Emmi JUDGMENT Ne; welsmwmv mm DEPfiRTMENT {It}? PUBLIC SAFETY, Appallant V. Gerarfla PALACIGS, Appellee me the (Emmy {mm at Law Na; 2} Webb (imam “Rama; Calm N9, 2i] 136V Kfiflfifiélm Hamflmble Jesus Judga mailing BEFQRE CHEF JUSTICE STQNE, JUS’I‘ICE ANGELE‘H; ANI) JUQTIQE CWA In mmme ‘sfith this {mum‘s apirfim 6f date} we REWE AND RENDER IN PaRT m 1H PART thug trial! mm*s (mgr fifExpunctifin signed 1 111;; 2, 2313, relating m petitimeriappeflee‘: NAME: Wfi: Palaeim SEX: Male MfiE: {lawman DATE OF BIRTH: DEWER’S LIESENSE N10,, STfiTE: _ seem, SECURITY HQ; H We REVERSE that part mf’ the trial mm’a mtdletr granting mgunafion {if rewrds and files 8f {ha fulfilfiwing msfidxarge: aLLEGEI} GFFENSE: Asgang Tmfisfig Thmat, ViaEafian 6f Pmtfifitiw Met DATE OF ALLEGED QFFENSE: Mifimfifi? DATE 0F MST: {3433mm CQURTY ARRE$TED2 Webb ARREfiTmG AGEWQY: Imam Polka Depaflmem ‘Tlm mm} infwmafim is minded in this jufigmant pursuant m wide $5362, mafian Mb), if the Team {Sada af firimiml made 04- l 3-00865-CV With respect to the above-referenced arrest, we RENDER judgment denying Gerardo Palacios’s petition for expunction. ' In all other reSpects, the trial court’s July 2, 2013 Order of Expunction is AFFIRMED. We ORDER the clerk of this court to send of copy of this judgment to each of the persons and entities listed below: National Crime Information Center CJIS Division 1000 Cluster Hollow Rd. Clarksburg, West Virginia 26306 Texas Crime Information Center c/o Texas DPS PO. Box 4143 Austin, Texas 78765-4143 The Federal Bureau of Investigation 9th and Pennsylvania, NW. Washington, DC. 29535 Webb County District Clerk’s Office 1110 Victoria, 2nd Floor Laredo, Texas 78040 Webb County Clerk’s Office 1110 Victoria, 2nd Floor Laredo, Texas 78040 Justice of the Peace Pet 1, Pl 1 Judge Hector Liendo 1110 Victoria, Ste. 106 Laredo, Texas 78040 Justice of the Peace Pct 1, Pl 2 Judge Oscar Liendo 1110 Victoria, Ste. 103 Laredo, Texas 78040 Justice of the Peace Pet 2 Judge Ramiro Veliz 901 S. Milmo, lst Floor Laredo, Texas 78043 04-13-00865-CV Justice of the Peace Pet 2, Pl 2 Judge Ricardo Rangel 901 S. Milmo, 2nd Floor Laredo, Texas 78040 Laredo Police Department Records Department 4712 Maher Ave. Laredo, Texas 78041 Webb County Sheriff’s Office Identification Information & Records 1000 Washington Laredo, Texas 78040 Texas Department of Public Safety Attn: Expunction of Records Division 5805 N. Lamar Austin, Texas 78705 Webb County District Attorney’s Office 1110 Victoria, 4th Floor Laredo, Texas 78040 We further ORDER that each party shall bear its own costs of this appeal. SIGNED February 5, 2014.