X No. 03-14-00457-CV In the UNITED STATES COURT of APPEALS for the THIRD CIRCUIT LINDA BALDWIN, Plaintiff- Appellant V. ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant - Appellee On Appeal from the 261st District Court of Travis County, Texas CAUSE NO. D-l-GN-13-001281, Gisela D. Triana, Judge Presiding APPELLATE BRIEF CHANGE OF ADDRESS TO THE HONABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: Linda Baldwin, Appellant gives no change of address from 10151 Dorrell Lane, #1164 Las Vegas, NV 89166 to 9 Prairie Court, Las Vegas NV 89149 tfespectfully Submitted Linda Baldwin, Pro se 9182 Brilliant Prairie Court Las Vegas, Nevada 89149 512-605-7638 r^RECEIVEDN DEC 0 7 2015 THIRD COURTOF APPEALS y CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Linda Baldwin, hereby certify that on this November 30, 2015, 2014,1 served a true and correct copy of Appellant's Brief change of address, via mail, as follows: Jessica McCarthy Flahive, Ogden, Latson P.O. Box Drawer 201329 Austin, Texas 78720 inda Baldwin?Pro se 9182 Brilliant Prairie Court Las Vegas, Nevada 89149 512-605-7638 w.iuaHimwih U.S. POSTAGE "Ma LAS VEGAS, NV- I 89128 "»***$$& DEC 01, 15 AMOUNT roirtL wtvicc* 1000 78711 $3.94 R2304Y122332-04 7D15 1SED DDDl 5DA5 7TAA ;; m a C^cA, M^ Tx -iij/l 7S7i 1254747 IlI'M'll'll'-ll'h'll Ill|l||l''|.||||.ll,|||.lll|,l|.l|