ACCEPTED 06-18-00044-CR SIXTH COURT OF APPEALS TEXARKANA, TEXAS 3/28/2018 4:14 PM DEBBIE AUTREY Appellate Docket Numlber: 06.1 00044-cR CLERK Appellate Case Slyle: Shaw Michael Willard FILED IN ,funended/Corrected Stat ement 6th COURT OF APPEALS TEXARKANA, TEXAS DOC TING SI|ATEMEI{T (Criminal) 3/28/2018 4:14:16 PM A, late Cout: Select 6th Court of Appvals to be filed in DEBBIE AUTREY the: rfection of l undel TRArPClerk 32 Narne: Shawn Michael V/illard Name: litate of Texas Appellantllncarcerated?(X)Yes lt{o Appellee [ncarcerated? \'es No Borrcl Amount:None Bond Am,cunt: N/A Pro lie 196 Pro Se If P'ro Se I'arty, enter the Jbllowing i,nJ If Pro Se ParQt, enter the.fotllowinSy informution: Adclress: Address: Cit1,l31v1"1;7ir, CitylStatetZip: l-el. Ext. Fa.x: Tel. Ext. Fax: Email: [.ead Attorney Select Lead A.ttomey Sielect Name: Jefl'T. Jackson Name: Jc,hn J. Roberts Bar ].,lo. 2'1069976 BarNo.2,+07Q512 F irnr,,'Agenr;y: Firm/Agency: Gregg Co. DA's Olfice Address 1: I 16 N. Kilgore St. Address l: l0l Methvin Addr,ess 2: Address 2: Ste. 333 City I tStatel i/,ip: Kilgore, TX 7 5662 CitylStatelZip: Longview, lfX 7 5601 T'el. 903-1554-3362 Ext. Tel. 903-113 6-8440 Fax: ll17-887 -4333 Fax: 90:i-237-2549 EmaLil: JefLT,Jackson.La Email : j ohn.roberts@co. grergg;.tx. us L.c'ad Attorney Select Lead Attorney Name: Bar No. Firm/Agerrcy: Address l: Address 2: CitylStatelZlp: Ext. Tel. Fax: Email: Docketing Sratement (Criminal) Page I of5 ancl$eniCncinc' Nahrre of'Case (Subject Matter or T. pe of Case): I Was the Trial by: Jur"y 6;won_Jury Sr:tecr Siex Offenses v 'Tyoe of I nut" Nolice of Appeal filed in T,rial Court: Judgment: I Select [lench Trial v I r 1fi4t2017 Date Trial Court imposecllor suspende I sentence in open I tf maiteO to the Trial Court clerk, also give the dare I mailed: court or date Trial Court entered appez able order: I punishmenr Assessed: I I 10t23,t2017 ur. Off'ense Clharged: ligg Se:xual Assault I f, ,n. Appeal from rhe pre-rrial order? yes No I Date of Offense: 211612013 I Does the Appeal involve thLe constitutionality or the I validity c,f 'fes a stafute, rule or ordinance? Del'endant.'s Plea: Select Guilty vl | (X)i'.Jo If guilty, does defendant have tl e Trial Court's I Certificaterto Appeal? (X)Yes Nc W, ActionsExtendfns'Fimd To per fectrAppbal : ' Motion for: New Trial: (X)No If'yes, date filed: Motion in Arrest of Judgnent: (X)No If'yes, date filed: Oth,;r: (X)No If yes, date filed: ,U' Otherr, please specil[z: stamped cop'i of M6fion aridAffidar{t +t Motion and Affidavit filed: \.es X) No NiA If yes. date filed: Date of Hearing: NrA Date of Order: NiA Ruling on lVlotion: Gramted De ried N/A If granted or denied, date of rulins: Dockr:ting Statement (Criminal) Page 2 of 1i Court: l24th District Court Clerk's Record County: Gregg Trial Court Clerk: District County Trial Court Docket No. (Cause No.): Was Cler:k's record reque$terl?:(X) yes No 42,341-B If yes,, date requested: 3l23l20lg Trial Court Judge (who rried or di ofthe case): If no, date it will be requested: Name: Hon. Alfonso Charles Were palment arrangements made with clerk? Addrer;s l: l0l Methvin Yes No Addreris 2 Ste.441 fi) In