CHIEF JUSTICE CAROLYN WRIGHT LISA MATZ JUSTICES CLERK OF THE COURT DAVID L. BRIDGES (214) 712-3450 MOLLY FRANCIS DOUGLAS S. LANG GAYLE HUMPA ELIZABETH LANG-MIERS ROBERT M. FILLMORE Court of Appeals BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR (214) 712-3434 LANA MYERS DAVID EVANS Fifth District of Texas at Dallas DAVID LEWIS 600 COMMERCE STREET, SUITE 200 FACSIMILE ADA BROWN DALLAS, TEXAS 75202 (214) 745-1083 CRAIG STODDART (214) 712-3400 INTERNET BILL WHITEHILL HTTP://5TH.TXCOURTS.GOV DAVID J. SCHENCK December 10, 2015 Shelly T. Greco Eberstein & Witherite, LLP 3100 Monticello Ave., Suite 500 Dallas, TX 75205 Vanessa Rosa Thompson, Coe, Cousins & Irons, LLP 700 N. Pearl St., 25th Floor Dallas, TX 75201 Re: Matthew Goggans v. Tonia Marie Ford; 05-14-01239-CV Dear Attorneys: Enclosed is corrected page 2 for the above-mentioned case. Please note the following typographical error, which has been corrected: At the bottom of page 2 the word sufficient has been changed to insufficient. Please replace pages 2, of your previous copy with the enclosed. Sincerely, Lisa Matz Clerk of the Court cc: Trial court judge Trial court clerk