______________ 05-18-00594-CV C, lAs-cc’ No. -DV- i o’> Le 9cxsh*q {fri5cr the Q5coun Plaintiff I v. CFwsLi.c Defendant Mtcw(ou5l, FILED tN Dallas Countv,Texas - Cow nf Appeals MAY 2 1 Z018 NOTICE OF APPEAL Lisa Matz Clerk, 5th District TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAW COURT: COMES NOW the Defendant, self-represented, and files this Notice of Appeal from the judgment signed by the Court on ThH Vl’ Defendant, appeals to the Lou-.t OF fy’PaL’3 at Dallas, Texas. Renecthifly submitted ci (tuB%ttt W1t.2. Print Name: Ltqueska& Wrcr Address:3t—9 S. lnUu-1 Dr. Ii-pl-’( OccU.açflj 7CZ-t(p Telephone: 9-ia-2,m-7s10 Cf OO!u15;&rajn S CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE C i.L±g - U S[ti,l_I.4 l.&Xut r, Defendant, do hereby certi& that a true and correct copy of the foregohg has been mailed, certified mail, return receipt ?g9sch to C-KaAe for Plaintiff, at t- qg gfj. if etthj b&ttcj-, oathis the ‘1 I day of Sianati j’qLctaL& LAkiscr Print Nae