DocketNumber: 04-15-00499-CV
Filed Date: 11/16/2015
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/29/2016
ACCEPTED 4-15-00499-CV FOURTH COURT OF APPEALS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 11/16/2015 12:00:00 AM KEITH HOTTLE CLERK COURT OF APPEAL NO. O4-15-00499-CV FILED IN IN THE COURT OF APPEALS 4th COURT OF APPEALS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS FOR THE FOURTH SUPREMEJUDICIAL DISTRICT 11/15/2015 7:58:36 PM KEITH E. HOTTLE SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Clerk ROBERTGOMEZ, APPELLANT V. BERNAL, INDEPEI\DENTEXECUTOROF THE ESTATE OF LOUIS A. BERNAL. APPELLEE RESTRICTEDAPPEAL FROM 2015-PC-0983 IN TH ESTATE OF ) IN PROBATECOURT ) LOUIS S. BE]RNAL ) NUMBER 1 ) DECE ED ) BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS APPELLANT'S BRIEF Appell t wajves oral argument. TO TH HONORABLEFOURTHCOURTOF'APPEALS; COM NOW the Appellant, Robert Gomez,who files this his Brief in Supportof his Restri Aptrreal. submitted, Respectfully ReedGreene, MPA, JD 26254IH10West,Suite135 Boeme,Texas78006 Tel: (210)826-1233 Fax:(210)463-9241 By: /S/-__- ReedGreene StateBarNo. 08390970 Attorneyfor Appellant JenyH. Kagan TexasBarNo. 24008963 1600Culebra Ave. SanAntonio,Texas78201 Tel.(210)737-0333 Fax.( 210)738- 0088 Attorneyfor Appellant Certificate of Service certily that atrue copy of the abovewas servedon eachattorneyof record or partyin accordancewith the TexasRules of Civil Procedureon NovemAergiZOl,S. ReedGreene Attorney for Appellant Index of Authorities 74rham mentto theU.S.Constitution ..... 13 Amen e n t l 9 t o t h eT e x a sC o n s t i t u t i o.n. . . . l3 Statutesnd Rules Tex.Ci P r a c&, R e m C . o d e$ 5 1 . 0 1 3 ....,.,.4,6 Texas Code, $ 2 2 . 081 Texas Code, 522.034 . . . . 7B, TexasE t a t eCs o d e$,1 0 1 . 0 0110, 1 . 0 0130, 1 . 0 5 1 . . . . . . 11 Texas TexasE tesCode,$ 254.001 8 Texas Code.6254.002. ........ o / TexasR le of AppellateProcedure25 . . . . .. 9 Tex.R. Tex.R. Cases Eckhard v . Q r . r a l i t eestta l , 7 5 1F 3 d 6 7 4( 5 r nC i r . ) . ......12 Alex Boutique,134S.W.3d845(Tex.2004) v. L,ynda's Bunow Arce,997S.W.2d229(Tex.l999) 10 203( Tex.1999) . Cor p..997S.W ,2d C o .v. V a l e roE n er gy IngersolR a n cl .......13 Huiev. ( Tex.l996) . S h a zo9, 2 2 5 .W.2 d 920 ..........11 lll Bestv. ya nA u toGro u pIn 670( Tex.l990) , c.,786S.W .2d .........6 Garcia I n s u r a n C , 5 8( T e x . 1 9 8 8. ) . c eo .o f P a , 7 5 1S . W . 2 8d 5 7 8 ........6 King v. u e r6, 8 8S . W . 28d4 5( T e x . l 9 8 5 ) .....6 Mont e ryv. K e n n e d y, 309( Tex.1984) 6 6 9S .W.2d . ......11 Brown MclennonCountyChildren's Clinic,6275.W.2d390 (Tex.1 In re e of Hutchins,829S.W.2d 295(Tex.App.- CorpusChristi, te92), , 1 5s . w . 2 d5 5 1( T e x . l 9 9 1 ) . c o r p .v . M o f f i t 8 ......7 Stonev, w ye rsT i tl eIn s.C o rp.,554S.W .2d183,185( Tex.I9l7) ......12 514,577( Tex.I975) . Humane S o c'yv. A u sti nN a t'lB a nk,531S.W .2d ...........1 1 Oilwell ivision,United StatesSteelCorporationv. Fryer,493 SW 2d487( 45 S.W.2d572(Tex.Com.App.1932,holding Wilson . Jones, ,... .,.........12 approved) v . I ( r a h l1, 5 5T e x . 2 7 0 . 2 8S5. W . 2 1d 7 9( 1 9 0 5.) ..........8 Gamble B u t c h e e , T 8T S . W . 8 6(l 1 8 9 5 ) e x .6 4 3 , 3 0 ...........8 B a u m a n8,4T e x .1 7 4 7 . 8 2( 1 8 9 2 ) . , 9S . W 3 .........7 66 Tex.442,I S.W.308(1886) Kenned v. Upshaw, Fowler S t a g n e r ,T5e5x . 3 9(31 8 8 1 ) . ..........9 Piercev. State,113 S.W.3d431.439(Tex.App.-Texarkana 2003), writ refl .............8 iv Ludlow Delleruy, 959S.W.2d265(Tex.App.-Houston [14thDi . l 1 9 9 7n, ow r i t ) . . . . . . . . . .1.1 Hawtho e v. rGuenther,9lT S.W,2d924(Tex.App.-Beaumont 1996,writ denied). Enserch ploration,Inc. v. Gardner,836 S.W.2d739 (Tex.App.Eastland t992), w r i t .. . .. . . . 8 Geeslin . Mclllhenney,788 S.W.2d683 (Tex.App.-Austin 1990,no writ). ..........11 TitleIns.Cotp.,537S.W.2d55,67(Tex.Civ.App.-Corpus Stonev. Lawyers Christi 7 6 ) , r e v ' od no t h egr r o u n d s , 5 S d 8 3( T e x .1 9 7 7 ) . 5 4. W . 2 1 ..........12 Moore MooreDrillingCompany v. White,345S.W.2d550(Tex.Civ.App.-- Dallas1 6 1 , v r r i t r e f d n . r . e . ) .....12 mo .v . D a n i eM Phillips e t r o l e u C 9 . W . 29 l o t o rC o . " 1 4S d 7 9. . .........12 (Tex.Ci In re of Rosborovgh, 542S.W.2d685(Tex.App.- Tex 1 9 7 6 )w, r i t r e f d n . r . e . . .....7 Huntv. 551S.W.2d764(Tex.Civ.App.- Tyler,1971) 11e, No writ. ...........8 Moore MooreDrilling Companyv. White,345 S.W.2d550 (Tex.Ci. A p p . - - D a l l1a9s6 1w, r i tr e f dn . r . e . ) .........12 Specia , Specia292S.W.2d818(Tex.Civ.App.--San Antonio 1 9 5 6w, rL -t w^ l l ru' ] l -l . *t . ^w .\ L 6 l Scan v. Beto,234S.W.2d695(Tex.Civ.App.--Waco 1950,no writ) . 8 Phillips troleumCo.v. DanielMotorCo.,149S.W.2d979 (Tex.Ci.App.--Eastland1941,writ dism'djudgm'tcor.). l 1 TABLE OF CONTBNTS Index Authorities ., iii Table Certi e o f S e r v i c e. . . . . . . . . . .2 Listof r l i e sa n dC o u n s e.l . . . . . . Stat tofJurisdiction. .........2 Stat ofFacts and ProceduralBacksround ofReview .....4 ISSUESR E S E N T E D ,..,....4 Discussi POINT POINT POINT POINT N O .F I V E POINT F E R R O R . . . . . . .9 POINT F E R , R ONRO . S X . ........9 POiNT F E R R O R N O . S E V .E. N .. ......10 POINT F E R R O R N O . E I G H T . . . . . .1 .0 POINT F ERRORNO. NINE 10 N O .T E N POINT F E R R O R , , . , , , . . ,1, 2 Conclus and Prayer 13 Lis_to.fParlies g{rd Qounsel omez,Appellant, is a Deviseeunder an unprobatedcodicil of the Decedent. ReedG , MPA,JD 2 6 2 5 4 r 10 Vy'est,Suite 135 Boerne, exas78006 Tel: (21 ) 826-1233 Fax:(21 ) 463-9241 State No.08390970 Attorne for Appellant JenyH. Kagan TexasB No. 24008963 I 600 ebra.Ave. SanAn nio,'fexas 78201 T e l .( 2 1 ) 737-0333 Fax.(21 ) 7 3 8 -0 0 8 8 Atto for Appellant Phillip is the Appellee. , Executorof the Estateof Louis. S. Bernal,Deceased, C e c i l ' res"BainIII THE LEY FIRM 1 5 8 s0. ln St.,Suite200 Boerne,Texas78006 Fax.(8 ) 8 1 6 - 3 3 8 8 Attorne for Appellee Statementof Jurisdiction ppellantswould show that this HonorableCourl hasjurisdiction under TRAP 25 and45. Appellant demonstratesthat the Trial Courl committedreversibleerror and requesthat this Court reverseand remandthejudgment of the Court below' STATEMENT OF FACTS AND PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND March 19,2015, Philip Bernal filed his Application to ProbateWill and for estarnentary.Clerk's Record(CR), p. 4. ln that Application Philip Bernal stated 5. Decedent whichwas left a validWill datedJune2,2000, never revoked and is filed herewith. 6. The Will was madeself-provedas requiredby law. 7. Upon information and belief, Decedentalso left a Codicil to his Will ("Codicil"), datedFebruary1A,2074,which was never revokedand is filed herewith. The subscribingwitnessesto the Codicil areUrlandoMolina and Miriam Vasquez.whosecurrent addressesare unknown.Id. By ion
of the codicil, the beneficiariestheretobecamepartiesto the litigation. The ad onal beneficiariesand leeateeswere Nicole Bernal.ChristopherBernal,Aaron iley Bernal,Philip Bernaland RoberlGomez,the Appellant. CR, p. 16. Apr:il13,2015,thetrialcourthelda hearingon theApplication.CR,p.29-30. No no wasgivento thebeneficiaries underthe Codicil. SeeCR,p.4-40. andlegatees At the inp the trial court found. recitedand ordered: The Court heardthe evidenceand reviewedthe Will and the other umentsfiled hereinand finds that the allegationscontainedin the mencledApplicationare true;but that the Codicil filed in this causeis adrnittedto probate;that notice and citation have beengiven in the and for the length of time requiredby law; ... It is ORDERED that Wi[l, but not the Codicil, is admittedto probate,and the Clerk of this in the ourt is ORDEREDto recordthe Will, with the application, inutesof thisCourt...It is ORDEREDthatno bondor othersecurityis uired and that, uponthe takingand filing of the oathrequiredby law, ters Testamentaryshall issueto PHILIP BERNAL, who is appointedas t Executorof Decedent'sEstate.and no other action shall be in this Court other than the return of an Inventory, Appraisement and ist of Claims as requiredby law. No Notice to Beneficiariesas required y law.... S IGN E Don Apr il 13th,2015. JSI KellyM. Cross JudgePresiding cR, p. STANDARD OF REVIEW llantbringsthis restrictedappeal,seekingreversalandremanddueto eror. Generall speaking,a restrictedappealdirectly attacksthejudgment within six months after the udgmentwas signed,by a party to suit, who did not participatein the actual trial, an the error he complainsof is apparentfrom the face of the record. Tex. Civ. Prac.& e m.C o d e$ 5 1 .0 1 3T; ex.R. App.Pr o.26.1;Tex. v. R.App.Pr o.45;Alexander u e , I 3 4 S . W . 3 d8 4 5 , 8 4 8( T e x . 2 0 0 4 ) ;I n r e E s t a t eo f H u t c h i n s , 8 2 S 9 .W. 2d295, 97 (Tex.App.- CorpusChristi,1992)writ den. courtsignedtheOrderon April 13,2015.CR,p.29-30. Appellantfiledhis thefirst Appealon July6,2015. CR,p.35-36. Thissatisfied Noticeo Restricted element.By virtueof his beneficiaryandlegateestatus,Appellantandthe other proceeding, individ ls namedin theCodicilwerepartiesto theprobate He did not partici in the hearingand did not file any postjudgmentmotions. CR, p. 33-34. If thisCou finds er:rorapparenton the face of the record,the Order Admitting the Will to Probate void and must be remandedto the trial court for further proceedings. ISSUES PRESEINTED ERRORNO. ONE THE L COURTCOMMITTEDREVERSIBLEERRORBECAUSETHEREIS NO EVI E OR PROOFTHAT THE CODICILWAS NOT ADMISSIBLETO PROBA F ERRORNO. TWO THE AL COURTCOMMITTEDREVERSIBLEERRORBECAUSETHEREIS NO NO CE IN ANY PLEADINGOR ELSEWHERETHAT THE CODICILWAS NOT MISSIBLETO PROBATE;THUS,THEREIS A MATERIALVARIANCE BETW TFIE PLEADINGS AND THE PROOF. F ERRORNO. THREE THE IAL COURTCOMMITTEDREVERSIBLEERRORIN NOT ADMITTING THEC DICIL TO PROBATEBECAUSETHE CODICILCOULDBE PROVED. POINT F ERRORNO. FOUR THE AL COURT COMMITTED REVERSIBLE ERROR BECAUSE THE PROOF OF FA ISERRONEOUS. POINT F ERRORNO. FIVE THE AL COURTCOMMITTEDREVERSIBLE ERRORBECAUSETHE PUBLIS ED ]PLEADINGAND CITATIONDO NOT REQUESTCOURTPROBATE WILL D NOT CODICIL. POINT F ERRORNO. SIX THE DUTY TOWARDDEVISEES UI-ORBREACHEDI-IISF'IDUCIARY LINDE THE CODICIL. POINT F ERRORNO. SEVEN THE E UTORCOMMITTEDFRAUD ON THE COURTAND ON THE CODICIL BENE IARIES. NO. EIGHT POINT F ER.ROR THE E UTORBREACHEDDUTY OF ORDINARYCARETO THE BEN IARIESOF THE CODICIL. POINT F ERRORNO. NINE THE AL C]OURTERREDBY NOT REQUIRINGAPPELLEETO PARTY. JOINT E APPELLANTAS A NECESSARY DISCUSSION POINT F ERRORNOS.ONE.TWO AND THREE THE AL COURTCOMMiTTEDREVERSIBLEERRORBECAUSETHEREiS NO EVI ENCEOR PROOFTHAT THE CODICILWAS NOT ADMISSIBLETO PROBA E. THE T AL COURT COMMITTED REVERSIBLEERROR BECAUSE THERE IS NO NO CE IN ANY PLEADINGOR ELSEWHERE THAT THE CODICILWAS NOT MISSIBLETO PROBATE:THUS"THEREIS A MATERIAL VARIANCE BETW T]F{EPLEADINGSAND THE PROOF. THE AL COURTCOMMITTEDREVERSIBLEERRORIN NOT ADMITTING THE DICIL TO PROBATEBECAUSETHE CODICILCOULDBE PROVED. pafty may appeala finaljudgmentto the courl of appealsby petitionfor writ of errorby mplying with the requirementsset forth below: (a) iling Petition.The party desiringto sueout a writ of error shall file with the clerkof he courl in which the judgment was rendereda written petition signedby him or by his rnev. and addressedto the clerk. o ParticipatingParty at Trial. No party who participateseither in personor by his in the actualtrial of the casein the trial court shall be entitledto review by the co of appealsthrough meansof writ of error. (c) equisitesof Petition. The petition shall statethe namesand residencesof the parties versely interested,shall describethejudgment with sufficient certaintyto identify t and shall statethat the appellantdesiresto removethe sameto the court of appeals r revisionand correction. ( Ver non1986)Tex. Tex.CivP ra c.& R e m.C o d eA n n.$ 51.013 ; R. App.P.45;Hutch i ns , Id.;S Antonio1956,writ refd 292S.W.2d818(Tex.Civ.App,--San n.r.e.). ppellantchallengesthe probateof decedent's will by writ of error.He is an person"inthe decedent's estate. SeeEstates He is entitledto Code,$22.018. the probateof the will by writ of error. Hutchins,Id. determininga "no evidence"question,an appellatecourt considersonly that and reasonableinferencestherefromthat tend to supportthe findings of the trier of facts, isregardingall contraryevidenceand inferences.Best v. Rlran Auto Group. Inc.,78 S .W.2 d Kjng 6 7 0 ,6 1 1 (T e x.1990) , S.W ,2d845,846( Tex.1985) . ; v. Bauer688 a scintilla of evidencesupportsthe findings,they must be upheld.Garciav. 1 . W . 28 f P a . , 7 5S , 5 8( T e x . 1 9 8 8 ) . d5 78 I n d iding whether the petitioner for a writ of error has met the requirementthat grror t' appalentfrom the face of the record,"the court "may considerall of the papers on file i the appeal,includingthe statementof lacts."DSC Fin. Corp. v. Moffit' 815 s.w.2d51 (T'ex.1991). Ad attackby writ of erroron ajudgmentprobatinga will mustcomplywith the flrrst,thi andfourthrequirements there setout in Brown,627S.W.2dat392.However, is no irementthatpetitionerbe a parlyto the suit;all thatis requiredis thatthe petitio pafty"in theestate. bean "interested 292S.W.2dat 819.Appellant Specia, meetsal of the requirementsnecessaryto appealby writ of error' T Code requiresthat certainelementsbe provedto the satisfactionof the court priorto he ad:missionof a will to probateand the issuanceof letterstestamentaryor of admini ration. It is the duty of the court in a proceedingto probatea will to determine that the ill bt;ine offered for probatemeetsthe statutoryrequisitesbefore admitting it to 542S.W.2d685,688(Tex.App.--Texarkana1976), of Rosborough, probate.In re Estate writ n.r.e). s the Court knows, a testamentarywriting that is supplementaryto an earlier inst tisoalleda..codicil,'.@,84Tex.l]4,19S'w.382 (18e2).It alsoincludesa testamentary thatdirectshow propertymaynot be instrument dispo of. lfex. EstatesCode, $22.034. The documentmarked"Addendum to Original will", a "codicil". As usedin the EstatesCode,the term "will" includesa codicil. Tex. tesCodeAnn. $22.034(1). andeffect,a codicilmayaddto or In its operation modify provisionsof a will. Hunt v. Knolle,551 S.W.2d764(Tex.Civ. App.- Tyler, 1 77) no writ. A courtmaynot prohibita personfrom executinga codicilto an 'Iex. existing ill. CodeAnn. $253.001(b). Estates "materialvariance"betweenthe pleadingsand proof is fatal and rendersa v. Gardner,836 S.W.2d739741 (Tex' App' judgme void. EnserchExploration.Inc. -Eastl 1992), The varianceis materialif it operatedto the Respondent'ssurpriseor prejudi d hisrights.Piercev. State,113S.W.3d 431.439(Tex.App.-Texarkana 2003). Llantwas prejudicedby the failure to admit the codicil as he did not receive hisbeq underit, so thejudgmentis void. witnessesto the Codicil, Urlando Molina and Miriam Vasquez,the notary, Reyes,and the attorney,if any, who preparedit, are and were competent Appellant stipulatesthat the codicil was not self-provingbut would show it was if not ible of proof. TheEstatesCoderequireseverylastwill andtestament, wholly i the handwriting of the testator,to be attestedby two or more "credible wit " TFIX.ESTATESCODE S 254.001.It is long settledthat "crediblewitness"is synony witness." with "competent v. Krahl,155Tex' 210,285S'W'2d Lehmann v. 87Tex.643,30S.W.861(1895);Kennedy r 7 9 , 7 (1955);Gamblev. Butchee, to a will is onewho witness 66 Tex.442,I S.W.308(1336).A competent recei no pecuniary v. Beto,234S.W.2d695,698 benefitunderits terms.Scandurro S'W'2dat 180(husband (Tex.C . App.--Waco1950,no writ).SeealsoLehmann,285 credibl witnessto will under which wife was legatee);Gamble,30 S.W. at 862 (wife credibl witnessto will underwhich husbandwas legatee).Conversely,a person interest as taking under a will is incompetentto testify to establishit' See 55Tex.393,397(1881);Nixon, Fowlerv. Stagner, TEX. TATESCODE$ 25a.002; 38Tex. 298. The Trial Courl ened by not allowing the attorneyor one of the witn to provethe Codicil. POINT F ERRORNOS.FOUR.FIVE AND SIX THE AL C]OURTCOMMITTEDREVERSIBLEERRORIN NOT ADMITTING THE C ICII-TO PROBATEBECAUSETHE PROOFOF'FACTSIS ERRONEOUS. THE L COURTCOMMITTEDREVERSIBLEERRORBECAUSETHE PROOF OF DE AND OTHER FACTS IS ERRONEOUS BECAUSE IT DOES NOT MENTI N A},IY DEFECTIN THE CODICILWHICH WOULD PREVENTiTS ADMI ION O PROBATE. THE AL COIJRTCOMMIT]'EDREVERSIBLEERRORBECAUSETHE PLEAD GS AND CITATIONDO NOT REQUESTCOURTPROBATEWILL AND NOT E CODICiL. "Proof of Death and other Facts",unlike the Application, which was publi statesas follows: "ljpon informationand belief,Decedentalso left a Codicil to his will "Codicil"), datedFebruary10,2014,which was neverrevoked,as far as I know." R, Pp. 17-18. It givesno indicationthereis a problemwith the Codicil.Id. The tor's
Applicationto Probatewill states: alsoleft a Codicil to his will pon informationand belief, Deceder-rt icil").datedFebruary10.2014,whichwasneverrevokedandis led hr:rewith. The subscribingwitnessesto the Codicil are Urlando olina and Miriam Vasquez,whosecurrentaddressesare unknown. cR.,p. . The notary to the Codicil is Angelina Reyes,who is also a witness.Id. The Ex
utor amendedhis Application,and it is silentas to the Codicil. CR., p' on March19,2015,states: 19-20. e Citation,published At,L PERSONSinterestedin the Estateof LOUIS S. BERNAL, ECEASED.AKA LOUISS.BERNAL,JR.,number2015PC0983, HILIP BERNAL has filed in the ProbateCourt No. I of Bexar County, exas,an applicationfor the probateof the last will and testamentand icil(s) of LOUIS S. BERNAL, DECEASED,AKA LOUIS S' ERNAL, JR... cR.,p 7 TheAmendedApplicationwasnot publishedasof thedateof the hearing cil.ationwas neverissuedon the AmendedApplication. The Application did not put Appellant on notice of any defectin the Codicil. Nothingin the Application or the AmendedApplication gives any notice that the Codicil deficient;therefore,the Courl erredin not admitting the Codicil to probate. POINT F ERROR NOS. SEVEN. EIGHT AND NINE THE E ECUTORBREACHEDHIS FIDUCIARYDUTY TOWARDDEVISEES L|NDE TI-{ECODICIL, 'fHE E ECUTORCOMMITTEDFRAUDON THE COURTAND ON THE CODICIL BENEF IAR.IES. THE BREACHEDDUTY OF ORDINARYCARETO THE BENEFCIARIESOF THE CODICIL. a claimfor breachof a fiduciaryduty,there enerally,for a partyto establish must ex a fiduciary relationship betweenthe plaintiff and defendant,the defendant must ha breachedits fiduciary duty to the plaintiff, and the defendant'sbreachmust resulti injury to the plaintiff"or benefitto the defendant.SeeBurrow v. Arqe, 997 s.w.2d 9 I 7 S.W.2d 924,934-35 (Tex. v. Guenther, , 238-39(Tex.1999);Hawthorne App.- ont 1996,writ denied). is one that e relationshipbetweenan executorandthe estate'sbeneficiaries glves 11 to a fiduciaryduty as a matterof law. Huie v. DeShazo,9225.W,2d920,923 fiduciarydutyto the estate's (Tex.1 ). An executor's arisesfrom the beneficiaries t0 execut s stafirsas trusteeof the property of the estate.HumaneSoc'y v. Austin Nat'l Bank,5 1 S.W.2d 514,571(Tex.1975).Underthe EstatesCode,a decedent's estate andheirsat law ofthe estate,subjectto legatees, ly vestsin the devisees, payme o f th ed e ce d e ndt's TEX.ESTATES e b ts. 101.003, CODE$ 101.001, 101.05 1. Theex tor thusholdsthe estatein trustfor thebenefitof thosewho haveacquireda vested ht to the decedent'spropertyunderthe will. Seeid. fiduciary dutiesowed to the beneficiariesof an estateby an independent executo include a duty of full disclosureof all matelial factsknown to the executorthat 'ect might a rights.Montgomeryv. Kennedy,669 S.W.2d309, 313 the beneficiaries' (Tex.l ) (trusteesof trust and executorsof estatehad fiduciary duty of full disclosure to bene ciary);seeHuie, 922 S.W.2dat923. A fiduciaryalso "owesits principala high duty of faith, fair dealing,honestperformance,and strict accountability."Ludlow v. De , 959S.W.2d265,279 [14thDist.]1997,nowrit)'Whena.n (Tex.App.-Houston indepen nt executortakesthe oath and qualifiesin that capacity,he or sheassumesall duties a fidrrciaryas a matterof law. HumaneSoc'y,531 S.W.2dX 5ll; Geeslinv. McEl , 788S.W.2d683,686-87(Tex.App.-Arlstin1990,no writ). fiduciary relationshipexistedbetweenthe independentexecutorand Appellant asa ficiary underthe Codicil, which includedvariousduties,includingthe duty to refrain commingling of funds and the duty to discloseall materialfacts.However,it is axio ic thatWilson s statedabove.the Executor'sduties fuli disclosureof all materialfactsknown to the eeutorthat might affect the beneficiaries'rights. There is nothing in the recordto 1l disclosure. The elementsof actionablefraud are: (1) thatamaterial ion was made; (2) that it was false; (3) that when the speakermade it he knew seor madeit recklesslywithoutanyknowledgeof thetruth andasa positive ; (4) thathe madeit with the intentionthatit shouldbe acteduponby theparty; (5) that party actedin relianceupon it; (6) that he therebysufferedinjury. Stonev. ., 554S.W.2d183,185(Tex.l97l); OilwellDivision.United d 487(Tex.l973); tionv. Frver,493S.W.2 45 Wilsonv. Jones, s.w.2d72 (1'ex.Com.App. | 932,holding approved).When the alleged fraud arises because f a failure to disclosefacts,a duty, becauseof either a confidentialor fiduciar1, relati ip. to disclosethosefacts must exist in orderto make such failure actionableas fraud. .,531S.W .2d55,61( Tex.Civ.App.- Cor p us S.W.2dl83, 185(Tex.1917);Moore& Christi 976),rev'don othergrounds,554 v. White,345S.W.2d550(Tex.Civ.App.--Dallas 1961,writ Co.v. DanielMotorCo.,I49S.W.2d979(Tex.Civ. refd n.r .);PhillipsPetroleum App.-- tland 1941,writ dism'djudgm't cor.). The Executorconcealedmaterialfacts from A lant Gomez as beneficiaryunderthe Codicil and committedfraud. Negli is the breachof the duty of ordinary carewhich causesa Plaintiff damages. ., 751F3d614 6tnCir.). Thereis nothingin therecordto demons the ordinary care,if any, the Executorexercisedin this casetoward the benefici underthe Codicil. The Executoris liablefor breachof fiduciaryduty, fraud, negligencetoward the beneficiariesunderthe Codicil, and the Order Admitti Will to Probateshouldbe reversedand remandedfor fuither proceedings. I2 F'ERROR NO. TEN THE AL COURTERREDBY NOTREQUIRING APPELLEETO LINDERTHE CODICILAS JOIN E AT'PELLANTAND OTHERBENEFICIARIES NECES ARYPARTIES. ppellant and the other beneficiariesand legateesunderthe codicil were denied theirri ts to due Drocessunder the 14tl'amendmentto the U.S. Constitutionand Amend l9 to the TexasConstitution. A party to a suit shouldjoin all claims that are com ry. Ingersoll-RandCo. v. Valero EnergyCorp.,997 S.W.2d203,207 (Tex, leee). claim is compulsoryif it meetsthe following criteria; 1)Id. The claim
must be within the court'ssubject-matter.iurisdiction. Appell t's claim is for money in the estateof the Decedent ) The claimmustnot bependingasa suit in anothercourt.Id. Appellant hasnot
ht to collectthe moneydue underthe codicil in anothercourt. ) The claim must be maturedand ownedby the pleaderwhen he files his appeara . !!. Thetestamentary to Appellantmaturedat Mr. gift from Decedent Bernal' deathand is owned by the Appellant. ) The claim must arisefrom the sametransactionor occurrence.Id. The claim
ar sesfrom the only codicil to the will of Decedent. ) The claim must be againstthe opposingparty in the samecapacityin party filed his claim.Id. Appellant was
a friend and caregiverto the All parliesmust be available.Id. Basedon information
and belief, Appell believesthat the additionaldeviseesunderthe codicil are grandchildrenor otherre tives of the Decedent. l'he claim of Appellant and the other beneficiariesunder the Cod il rreet all the requirementsof the Ingersollcase. The trial court, therefore, comml reversibleerror by not requiring that the additionalpartiesbe joined in the litigatio . If the other deviseesare minors, the Trial Court should appoint an attorneyad litem fo them. 1 a CONCLUSION AND PRAYER HEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Appellant requeststhat the Court reverse judgmentadmittingthe Will but not theCodicilto Probate,andfor suchother andfurt er relief to which Appellant may show himselfjustly entitled. Respectfullysubmitted, ReedGreene,MPA, JD 26254IH10West,Suite135 Boerne,Texas78006 Tel:(210)826-1233 Fax:(210)463-9241 By: /S/ ReedGreene StareBarNo. 08390970 Attorneyfor Appellant JerryH. Kagan TexasBarNo. 24008963 1600CulebraAve. SanAntonio,Texas 7820I Attorneyfor Appellant I4