DocketNumber: WR-82,778-01
Filed Date: 3/10/2015
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/29/2016
xz,vams ' RECEl\/ED ms F\LED `` ' TH MAS A Wu_DER, D\sT. CLERK COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS ?FARRANT couNTY, TE>Reed, 271 S.W.3d at 727 . Article ll.O7 (3)(d) of the Texas Code`` of Crim.Proc. enti-l tles this Court or the attorney or magistrate appointed by this honorable Court to hold hearings and make findings of fact, to take all of the necessary actions to find the facts. Discovery may be obtained about any matter relevant to the case. TeX.R.Civ.P.l92.3(a). ``A trial court may compel a party to respond to discovery of LEE's conviction history. PAGE 2 (MOTION TO COMPEL) The request laid out in this motion to compel is not unduly burdensome, harassing or annoying, and requested records are de- finately in the State's possession.. THE REQUESTED RECORDS ARE MATERIAL TO THE LEGALITY OF APPLICANT' S CONFINEMENT In short Applicant contended in the grounds related to this motion to compel that the State through it's prosecutor's atthe Applicant's trial blatantly lied to the jury by misinforming the jury that the the complainant had never been convicted-of any# thing. Applicant has pointed out in those grounds that these repeated lies to the jury bolstered the complainant's credibili- ty with false information because post-trial a private investi- gator uncovered records that establish that the complainant had multiple convictions prior to trial. Applicant also has made it clear that only small portions of records were turned over in re~ sponse to that public information request.(See Exhibit P in the Appendix of Applicant's Hemorandum attached to his ll.O7 writ Application.). See Exhibit P at p.l;(City Of Fort Worth)t "...the City asserts: that it must withhold all reports, if any, involving the specified individual, other than in a capacity as a witness, victim or reporting person." THE CITY REFUSED DISCLOSURE OF CRIMINAL HISTORY, CONVICTION RE- CORDS, ETC. lAND ONLY RELEASED RECORDS IN WHICH MELleNA LEE WAS THE WITNESS, VICTIM, bR REPORTING PERSON; IT WAS IN THOSE REC- ORDS, UNBEKNOWST TO THE CITY, T H A T T H E .A P P L I C A * N T D l S C O V E R E D A M U L T I T U D E O F E V I- D E N C E L E E H A D M A N Y C O N V I C T I O N S. The city of Arlington also released Arlington Incident Report (N0.08-6577l) in which LEE was taken into custody from home on PAGE 3 (MOTION TO COHPEL) 8 warrants in all on misdemeanors out of Arlington and Fortworth . The last narrative page of that report says that Warrant t 0003349l63 is for a "SUBSEQUENT CONVICTION'. The term convict-o ion is self explanatory. The word "SUBSEQUENTF means that LEE has prior convictions that are not in that report. WHAT ARE-THEY ? WHATFS THE CASE NUMBERS?- OUT OF WHAT CITY? Raised in the 11.07 Appiicati¢n en p.14v§15v &14w-15w & 14x-15x. that report is in the memorandum's Appendix attached to Applicant's habeas Application. As far as the limited records released from Fort Worth they are mostly police reports that Melvinna Lee was making against different men(similar to her accusations against Applicant) in the past. Applicant presents some of them as BRADY violations in other grounds because the investigators repeatedly found out that LEE was making false police reports against men simply be¥ cause she was mad at them(Grounds #30-#32, not relevant to this motion), the State failed at it's duty under BRADY/KYLES to turn over that impeachment evidence to Applicant.(not relevant here). WHAT IS RELEVANT IS THAT IN TWO OF THOSE FORT WORTH REPORTS IT REVEALS THAT LEE HAS OTHER CONWICTIONS FROM HER PAST STILL SECRETED FROM HABEAS REVIEW AT THIS TIME. IN ONE OF THEM LEE ENDS UP GETTING ARRESTED AND GOES TO JAIL. FOrt WOrth Offense Report(Service No.02280218)(Date:O4/19/O2)(8 years before Appli- cant's trial) indicates twice that Melvinna Lee FHAS A CRIMINAL RECORD” which includes "RESISTING ARREST” &`` ”FAILURE TO IDEN- -TIFY TRUTHFULLY"(Tarrant County Jail records reflect the same, and certain printouts revealed that these convictions were some PAGE 4 (MOTION TO.COMPEL): that she ran from that ended up being warrants for a while until she was-finally arrested again.)(also a THEFT BY CHECK shows up) . All crimes of moral turpitude. Fort Worth Report #02280218( cited above) alone calls for the release of LEE's conviction history in this habeas matter. That report is also in the Ap- pendix of the Memorandum filed along with the ll.O7 Application/ first cited on p.lSV in Ground #27, and cited for Grounds #27-29' ALL OF THOSE CONVICTION RECORDS MUST NOW BE EXPOSED O§ THE FACT FINDING WILL BE INCOHPLETE,YAND FATALLY FLAWED. There is much more. LEE is making another report the investi- gators determined was false(just like the one above),WHEN SHE AGAIN IS ARRESTED,WHILE MAKING THE REPORT. This.One is also in the present writ filed by the Applicant in the Memorandum's Ap- oendix(all reports in that Appendix are listed by actual report #) It is Fort Worth Offense Report(Service No.O2295202)(Date:04/ l9/02)(also about 8 years before Applicant's trial). In this report she is TAKEN TO JAIL ON 7 CAPIAS WARRHNTS & 2 GENERAL COMPLAINT'WARRANTS FOR A TOTAL OE $3,234§25. These resulted in misdemeanor convictions as a matter of fact. ALL OF THESE REC~ ORDS,STILL IN THE STATES CUSTODY,ARE MATERIAL TO APPLICANT¢S PRESENT GROUNDS. 0verall the records show that LEE is the type_ of person that lies to police and judges freely and has made nu- merous promises to pay fines,etc. ultimately failing to do so most of her life. Instead she builds up warrants waiting to get caught and accepts the convictions simply sitting them out in jail obtaining time served on the fines. This is her style. A documented habit exposing_the misconduct of the State at trial. PAGE 5 (MoTIoN To conPEL) w There is more. Exhibit P also reveals that there is more the §tate is hiding inreference to LEE'S conviction record. Exhibit P can also be found attached to a motion for a live evidentiary hearing in this matter filed along with this motion entitled: "APPLICANT'S SUBSEQUENT REQUEST FOR A 'FULL AND FAIR' LIVE EVIDENTIARY HEARING; SPECIFICALLY IN THIS PARTICULAR RE- QUEST TO RESOLVE PREVIOUSLY UNRESOLVED FACTS, AND TO DE- VELOP THE FACTS IN STATE COURT, WHICH ARE MATERIAL TO THE LEGALITY OF APPLICANT'S CONFINEMENT AS THOSE FACTS PER~ TAIN TO HIS PRESENT GROUNDS #27-29" Please see Exhibit “P" attached to that motion or view it in the memorandum's Appendix attached to the ll.O7 Application. As already noted on the third~ page of this motion, page l of Ex. VP" makes it clear that the conviction record is Cr€t€d- Although Ex. "P" uses the "if any" language(if any exist ') when refering to LEE's conviction record and the refusal to disclose it, we have already seen in this motion, as well as in the ll.07 Application that LEE has multiple convictions still undisclosed, while some,on the other.handqare already exposed. On page 2 of Exhibit "P" the City of Fort Worth indicates that it refused to disclose records pertaining to an "abuse and neglect of a child.” On p. 3 of Ex. FP" the Assistant City At- torney asserts: ‘"Witnesses reported the conduct to the Fort Worth Police De- partment in accordance with Section 261.103(a)(l) of the Texas Familly Code. The City asserts that these allegationsi describe an incident of abuse or neglect of the child. See TEX.FAM.CODE ANN §§ 261.001(1),(4)(West ZOll)(defining abuse as "physical injury that results in substantial harm to the child, or genuine threat of substantial harm from physical injury to the child,..sexual conduct harmful to a ChildFs mental, emotionall or physical welfare, including conduct that constitutes the offense of ...indecency with a child _ under 21.ll, Penal Code, [or] sexual assault under 22.0ll, PAGE 6 (MoTIoN mo coMPEL) Penal Code,;.."(defining neglect). The result of that investigation/conviction of any sort must be added to the habeas record if it resulted in a conviction of any kind, guilty plea, etc. There is more,_ Page 3-4 also indicates that possible juvenile convictions are being withheld. IN ANY EVENT THE STATE INFORM- ED THE JURY SHE HAD NO CONVlCTIONS AT ALL. THAT OF ¢OURSE IN THE MINDS OF THE JURORS INCLUDED ALL CONVICTIONS. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MISDEMEANORS,FELONIES, ADULT, JUVENILE, AND VIOLATIONS OF THE FAMILY CODE ETC£ ,(ALL NOW RELEVANT&ZHATERIAL) Since the State told the jury she had no convictions, all ofl her Convictions of any kind are now material to the legality of the Applicant's confinement. :Specifically as laid odt in the writ Application(p; l4V-15V) Tarrant County Assist.Crim.D.A. (imputed under law with knowledge of LEE's conviction history( (whether misdemeanor, felony, etc.) TIMoTHY cHoY, lied to the jury straight faced in opening arguments telling them: "...Melvinna has no convictions for drug possession, drug delivery, prostitution, S H E H A S N 0 C 0 N + ' ~ Y l C T I 0 N S A'T A L L." at volume 6 Reporter‘s Record, p.7 lines 19-21. (a copy of v.6 RR is in the Appendix of the ll.O7 writ``Appli. Memorandum § This is a SeVere DUE PROCESS WIOLATION MAKING THE TRIAL FUNDA% MENTALLY _UNFAIR. D.A. Choy had told this lie while making a credibility com- parison with the Applicant. He went on to argue to the jury: "Now,on the other hand, the_Defendant, he's been popped for stealing a car, possessing crack cocaine, and lying to the PAGE 7 (MoTIoN,To coMPEL) \ cops about who he is.Id. at lines22-24. ED.A. Choy's first words to the jury prior to making this false credibility comparison at the outset of this argument was: "Members of the jury, you are the JUDGES OF THE_CREDIBILITY of all the witnesses that take the stand. Id at p.4 lines 25-p.5 line 2. D.A. Choy's credibility argument eventually led to the lie in the record bringing his own credibility under the microscopew aswan agent of the State. This motion to compel must be grant- ed with all due respect to this honorable court. This lie definately made even LEE's misdemeanor warrants/con- victions material. See Lopez v. StatewaQO S.W. 2d 770, 779( Tex.App,~%Austin l999,no pet.)(misdemeanor bail jumping was ad- missible as offense of moral turpitude as it involves deceit and deception._).7 LEE's already exposed,as well as secreted re- cord is full of such convictions. ALL THE ABOVE IS GROUND #27 During the actual trial D.A. Choy, asked it's witness(Detects ive Obrien) in the presence of the jury: "Has she been convict- ed of ANYTHING? he responded: "Not that I saw.” after first claiming before the jury that he ran a check on LEE. This took place during the guilt/innocence phase. Whether D.A.‘Choy and Detective Obrien conspired to obtain an illegal conviction ba- sed on false and misleading information, or the lies were the product of a shoddy trial preparation on behalf of the State, inadvertence, and oversight, the probability of a different out- come in this_he-say-she-say trial is high had the jury been informed of the truth that LEE's record was not flawless ass PAGE 8_(MOT10N To.coMPEL) portrayed by the State. JThis§isna~factor the State was well a- ware of in this trial and the 2nd District Court of Appeals al- so made it clesr on direct appeal in their opinion thattv"As Appellant points out, the jury had to DECIDE WHETHER THEY BE~ LIEVED APPELLANT'S TESTIMONY OR THE COHPLAINANT'S". DeSmOnd Le- det v. State, NouOZ~lO-OOZBl-CR, at *ll(Tex.App.-Fort Worth, Main, 2013)(unpublished, slip Op.)(now Exhibit "H" in the writ Application's Memorandum's Appendix). WHICH EMPHASIZES THE MATERIALITY OF LEE'S TRUE CONVICTION RéCORD AND THE NEED TO o GRANT THIS MOTION TO COMPEL THE STATE TO TURN OVER LEE'S TRUE CONVICTION RECORD IN IT'S COMPLETE ENTIRETY TO RESOLVE THESE. HABEAS CORPUS GROUNDS. It's been long recognized that the ju~ ry's determination of the credibility of the witnesses can make the difference between guilt or innocence. Applicant and LEE both took the stand with conflicting testimony.-The above soli- citation of false and misleading evidence by DiA.'Choy is in hh; the writ as Applicant's GROUND #29. There is more. Finally at the very end of the State”s clos- ing argument, a different assistant D.A.(Paige McCormick),told the same exact lie again to the jury. Seconds before they retir- ed for deliberations. She argues: "SHE HAD §§ CONVICTIONS, no arrest for drugs, no arrest for prostitution;" v16 RR, p.22 lines 22-23. THIS IS GROUND #28 THE.PRESENT 11.07 APPLICATION. Compelling the production of LEE!s conviction history will prevent the Court(FACT-FINDER) from adopting facts proposed by ' PAGE 9 (MoTIoN To coMPEL) the State concerning LEE's conviction history that very well could subsequently turn out to be incomplete, false,or mislead- ing§ Surely,the record of every conviction of LEE's that is w now before the Applicant/should be included in the State's pro- duction of LEE's conviction history(misdemeanor,felony,etc.). As shown,that definately does not only include Fort Worth re- GRANTING THIS MOTION TO COMPEL is the step that aids the COU- rt(HABEAS CORPUS FACTFINDER) to scrutinize the State's proposed findings, as well as the Applicant's, and resolve this matter with honor and impeccable precision. See Ex parte Reed, 271 S. W. 3d 698,729(Tex.Crim.App.2008)("the trial judge asba neutral arbiter should have more carefully scrutinized the State's pro- posed findings ...” .Respectfully, the only way to exercise the level of scutiny required by the CCA is by way of``a critical . examination of her complete conviction record under the micro- scOpe Of the trained eye. THIS MOTION SHOULD BE GRANTED. PRAYER Often times motions and request, drafted by the accused, re- gardless of how justified they may be, get looked overlnot take en seriously, and rarely even get a ruling. While the State is often able to be heard regardless of how severely they may have violated the-State and Federal Constitution. My(Applicant) humble and respectful prayer is that this honorable Court will take this motion seriously and GRANT IT so that these habeas PAGE 10 (MOTION To coMPEL) corpus proceedings before the Court will not be just another meaningless ritual. The Applicant may not have used all the right terminology or cited.all the right lawl please construe this motion liberally and GRANT IT; Please set a reasonable tie me in which the State is to turn over LEE's full conviction history as is satisfactory to this honorable Court; And please allow thehumble Applicant to review that record himself, so that he himself can have the'same fair chance as the State who already has the record, to tender proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law in regard to Applicant's Grounds``#27~#29.; Applicant further prays that beyond compelling the State to turn over LEE's conviction record(misdemeanor,felony/etc.) that this Court will take whatever action it deems it should to re- solve these unresolved grounds.effectively. Rl_:s ECTFULLY UBMITTED, l l Desmond Ledet #01651095 ,Telford Unit 3899 State’Hwy.98 New Boston, TX. 75570 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE \ l certify that the original and two copies of the foregoing motion have been hand delivered to the Tarrant County, TX Crim- inal District Clerk with instructions for the Clerk to file the original with the 396th Judicial District_Court of Tarrant Coun- ty, TX; and also with a further request for the Clerk to file one copy with the appellate section of the Tarrant County Dis- trict Attorney's Office(401 W. Belknap, Fort Worth} TX 76196- PAGE ll (MOTION TO CQMPEL) 0201)- - _ @UFMM%%M DESMOND LEDET UNSWORN DECLARATION “I, Desmond Ledet, TDCJ#Ol651095, am presently incarcerated at Telford Unit in Bowie County, Texas. l declare under penalty of perjury that the facts stated in this document are true and correct. DESMOND LEDET PAGE 12 (MOTION TO COMPEL) NO.C-396-01027251152016-A EX PARTE § IN THE 396th JUDICIAL § _ § DISTRICT coURT oF § DESHOND LEDET § TARRANT COUNTY, TX ORDER on this day Of ,20 ,``the forgoing "APPLICANT'S(DESMOND LEDET) MOTION TO COMPEL THE STATE TO PRODUCE FOR HABEAS CORPUS REVIEW THE ENTIRE CONVICTION RECH? ORD(MISDEMEANOR, FELONY, JUVENILE, AND ADULT) OF MELVINNA W. LEE FOR THE RESOLUTION OF APPLICANT'S PRESENTLY UNRESOLVED HA- BEAS CCRPUS GROUNDS #27, #28, & #29" came on to be heard. The Court is of the opinion that the motion should be: G R A-N T E D D E N I E D (Please circle one) JUDGE PRESIDING PAGE 13 (MOTION TO COMPEL) (ORDER PAGE)