>r~* January 5, 2015 COURT OF APPEALS THIRD DISTRICT OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN COURT OF APPEALS NUMBER 03-1400485-CV TRIAL COURT CASE NUMBER 295,941-C STYLE: JOHN REED JR. V. FARMERS INS. GROUP ET AL. APPELLANT SECOND MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE THE BRIEF PRUSUANT TO RULE 10.5 (b) TO THE HONORABLE SAID COURT: Appellant states the deadline to file the Brief is Jan. 2, 2014. Appellant is seeking additional time of at lease 10 days to (2) two weeks after the trial clerk complete appellant Second Request To Supplement The Record; whereas, appellantis filing the Second Supplement on this day of Jan. 30, 2014 at the trial clerk office. Appellant filed the First Supplement of the clerk record on Dec. 11, 2014. Subsequently, on Dec. 29, 2014 the trial court appeal clerk; Lacy stated she was forwarding the supplemented clerk record in the mail to appellant on this day. Appellant had requested only pages 1-75 of the defendants Claim Summary documents to support the Brief on certain claims but Lacy is including the package of 216 pages that had been over looked. It will probably take a " minute or two" to review them all. There have been one previous extension granted to the appellant regarding the item in question. Appellant is attaching a copy of the First Supplement of the clerk record that» he presented to the trial clerk. Wherefore, appellant request this Honorable Court to allow the extended time as requested after the Second Supplement have been entered into the trial court clerk record. These Supplementation will actually support the appellant in present a proper and meaningful Brief to this Honorable Court. *£C£/V££T UN 05 2015 IPKCTFULLY SUBMITTED JOHN REED JR. 715 SO. 32nd STREET TEMPLE, TEXAS 76501 254 778 2558 CELL 254 913 2358 WILLIS MARTIN JR. 1318 SO. 2nd STREET TEMPLE, TEXAS 76504 254 7632246 CERT1F1CATK OF SERVICE I hereby certify that atrue and correct copy ofthe foregoing motion was forwarded to the clerk ofthe Third Court OfAppeals on this 30th day ofDec. 2014 and faxed to the Defendants counsel also. Appellant have made an attempt to contact the defendants counsel with no answer at this time. Appellant is also sending an additional copy in aselfaddressed envolope for the clerk to return after file marking the Motion. Sincere,y MOTION FOR SUPPLEMENTATION Oh' TOE TRIAL COURT RECORD PURSUANT TO APPELLATE RULE 34.5 (c) (1) HELLO CLERK Appellant is presenting this letter to direct the trial court clerk to prepare, certiiy, and lie in the appellate file ippellatc court a supplement containing the omitted items stated below: a. Enter the 12 exhibits that appellant had attached to the Second Amended Complaint that was filed on Feb. 18,2014. b. Enter Farmers las. Group, Claim Summary; Activity/Log Details pages 1-75, especially pages 70-75. Sincerely MMi^X