DocketNumber: WR-44,750-04
Filed Date: 1/26/2015
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/28/2016
HH,-J*o-c»i Clerk Of Records: G0URT0FCRIIW|^LAppg4s Mr. Abel Acosta Court of Criminal Appeals JAN 26 2015 Supreme Court Building P.O. Box 12308 Abel Acosfa, Clerk Austin, Texas 78711-2308 Re:NO.37,023 & W-37,879-E Donald Smith vs. The State Of Texas Find for filing one original and one copy of my motion for the trial court opinion and the court of criminal appeals opinion and for for setting. By this letter, I have cause a copy to be served on all parties as indicated in • the certificate of service. CC Respectfully Submitted Donald Smith #806482 Ellis Unit 1697 FM 980 Huntsville, Texas 77343 Certificate of Service I, Donald Smith certify that a true and correct copy of these motions was filed with the clerk and placed in the U.S. Mail box on the ellis unit postage pre-paid addressed to: THe Honorable Douglas Woodburn In the 108th Judicial District Court of Potter County, Texas 501 Fillmore St. Amarillo, Texas 79101-2449; Court of Criminal appeals, P.O. Box 12308 Capital Station, Austin, Texas 78711; The Honorable Sharon, Keller Judge, 201 W. 14th Street, Austin, Texas 78711 Executed on the ^Q , 2015. 1st Declaration I, Donald Smith being presently incarcerated, declare under the penalty of perjury that I have read the letter for filing two motions and the foregoing motions and attached appendix A, are true and correct. Executed on the #Qday of January, 2015 IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS NO.37,023 & W-37,879-E Ex Parte Donald Smith * in THE DISTRICT COURT Applicant, * 108th JUDICIAL DISTRICT Vs' '" * .POTTER COUNTY, TEXAS The Honorable Judge Douglas Woodburn * The Honorable Judge Sharon Keller * ' . Respondents * MOTION FOR THE TRIAL COURT'S OPINION AND THE COURT OF CRIMINAL OPINION AND MOTION FOR SETTING TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: Comes Now Donald Smith and files this his motion for the trial court opinion pursuant to Rule 10 of Rules of Appellate Procedure. For Cause Applicant will show the following: I. oP?7iCo^t/fiied,?\S f°Urth Writ °f habeaS COrpus on 9-8-14. The State responded filed mark r li .' 11~l2~^ ,the court of criminal appeals received the writ. See Appendix l.The trial court never made findings of fact or conclusions of law. The Court of criminal Appeals denied all motions and denied the writ under Texas Code of Criminal Procedure 11.07 sec. 4a,c. See Appendix 1. II. Relief Applicant is proceeding to the supreme court with his writ and need the opinion of the trial court and the court of criminal appeals as required by Rule 14.1 (i) Supreme Court Rules. Applicant request the court's to send him the opinions. WHEREFORE PREMISES CONSIDERED, Applicant forever prays for relief. Respectfully Submitted, Watort^lLon^aL Donald- Smith #806482 Ellis Unit 1697 FM 980 '. Huntsville, Texas 77343 Certificate of Service I, Donald Smith certify that atrue and correct copy of these motions was placed in the WoL r ^n^ elUS Unit P°StaSe Pre-Pa^ addressed to: The Honorable Douglas A^rmo Te I 9m Ht?*? " ^ °f POtter Count^ Texas 501 ^ore St. Austin" V £ 0*Crla,inal Te'as 7871The Honorable aPPeals> P'0' Box 12308 Capital Station, 78711-2308 Sharon, Keller Judge, 201 W. 14th Street, Austin, Texas Executed on the /QlD ,2015. f~\ a (j lj Declaration m.kfen/t ± OFFICIAL NOTIOi; 1'ROM COURT OF CRIMINAL APPI-A1 SOF TEXAS P.O. BOX I230X, CAPITOL STATION. AUSTIN. TEXASJi,'"^ 10/24/2014 » — - V" £ fcsS&R; '* ' ^" SMITH, DONALD Tr Ct fco 3787^ f" On this and day theto the presenled apphcation Court for 1 07^ Wnf ,, Vof"harfeas 3beaS Corous Corpus h, has "H*-"'750** been received Abel Acosfa, Clerk DONALD SMITH ELLIS I UNIT - TDC# 806482 . 1697 FM 980 HUNTSVILLE, TX 77343 TOO' O f^) s I Jrtw'B'SSB "? ••'343 1•'j»i•11•i•>«• i-i•i*(if*»••iriit-ii•i'»«»-1j•iir-• .?n.U...».L&*itf.i -»...& ^vZt-ibxLiM&id OFFICIAL NOTICE FROM COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS P.O. BOX 12308, CAPITOL STATION, AUSTIN, TEXAS 787 H OFFICIAL BUSINESS, m &3KK3MHJ1S; £,,.—« «-™«™ srszai-ce*??-? STATE OF TEXAS -§3 ffllpl §^ =2S2f" PENALTY-FOR . §« IMlfil 02 ir< $ 0Q.2S5/ •^Mo,«niA 1./T^*.L"i4 PRIVATE•• USE *^ ,* -Sg Syillil 5C005S7438 NOV.14 20/4 g- {^ggf*^ MAItgO FROM ZIP CODE: 78701 • SMITH, DONALD Tr. Ct. No. 37878.-Q43E WR-44,750-04 The Court has dismissed without written order this subsequent application for a writ of habeas corpus. TEX. CODE CRIM PROC Art 11 07, Sec 4(a)-(c). ~ Abel Acosta, Clerk DONALELJSMIIH- ELLlSi*l3NlT - TDC# 806482 1697 FM 980 HUNTSVILLE, TX 77343 -522-20 IIAvkSSS i'" :"3^f-3 »lrii||.i.,»iMHUlfMi|V|l1!^,i'n4vl'Hi''ipl'M»i'l,ll ., ,' . IN-' THE'COURTOF'CRIHINAIvivA*EEAl®<" ^ T ' ' 80,37*023 S.'Wi^W**^--'' I* fivi* Stonald Smith * IB TBI BfST&ICT COURT Applleant, » I0ith JUDICIAL DISTRICT vs. * F0Ttta coufrrn miks The Honorable Judge Douglas Woodbucn * The Bonorable Judge Sharon Keller -* PP^Cii/cn im Bespondenta * „„„„ CUt,VtU ,N COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS MOT108 POR TBE TUlAI, COUHT'S OtlNIOH A80 THE GOUET OF -CftXKtftAl 0$*MGM MP HOTiGK 108 SETTING JAN 26 2015 TO TBI HONORABtEVMMZ 0? SAID CSOKT» Abel Acosta, Clerk Coses Ho» Uotial«t Smith and files this* bis sjotion for the- trial eosrt opinion pursuant to Bale i© of Swiss of Appellate Procedure, Fdrf^au«d;r..A^plie«ftt'^ll^.sbo«.n-tlift-->'f4bii6wi't!^i'' I. - Applicant filed file fourth writ of habeas, .corpus ea -f--S~W« TK'©-S.tja)t«-.t!?<(3.p«^*d^file,a'^»stJt; 9-17.., 201.4';-''On'M--1:2-1AV.'-•**>« court-sot^criminal .appeals- r6c©t«e#»:t^ex,w.l%%,.,«Ai)s*eoaiiK •*< ,- t* The •':triij.l-'«^.ur" 1aw«. T&^€bVrt""or" criminal Appeals dented ail motions- and deaied: the -%r-l* under Testa-a Code of Gricainal ?reeedi»re 11.07 sac. 4a,c. See Appendix. l» v If. . Be-Haf* Applicant is .proceeding, to the supreme epirw with'hie writ and need the.-opinion- of the tri»l'court mi. the court of' criminal appeals ae repaired by gule 14,1 (1) Supreme Court Bules.- Applicant request'the court*® to send hiss the opinions, ' WWEIUSFOKE PREMISES COiSStBEfcSi), Applicant -forever prajro for relief. ' l^apactfyl'Ly .Sabstteed, Co&ald Saith #806412 Ellis ttoit 1697 FM 990 .,, ,..„.,. 5h»htavi_l.le^'$exa»^73"#:f'"'''' ; Certificate of Setvlea I, Donald Smith certify that a true end", correct .eepy of these saotioas »a» placed, in-"-the- „_ U.S. Mail box on the.nilla xB»it;-'-p08t'ii^-d.pre-pai«;Md-trcia.«: i>rtfit1••!r'Viiti-ii•j-ri !--iii:--«"ir,i-,.,"-ii^''i*-i= J-Itm^ti ft OFFICIAL NOTICL FROM COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS 01 TEXAS p:0. BOX 12308, CAPITOL STATION, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 &-, OFFICIAL BUSINESS, ,-^ tttiwjjjuem / _^m,;™, STATE OF TEXAS f S-88^e» I W. S'SS^I,^;, 11/19/9014 PRIVATE USE &S fla«# 5C3 6'.''.' . SMITH, DONALD Tr. Ct. Mo;.,37878-04-JE WR-44.750-04 The Court has dismissed without^wntten "order this subsequent application for a writ of habeas corpusTEX. CODE CRIM* PRt)C Aft" 11 07, Sec 4(a)-(c) * ~' , Abel Acosta, Clerk DONALELSMIIH ELLISWNIT- TDC# 806482 1697 FM 980 HUNTSVILLE, TX 77343 322-2D UAv'RS3t3 .•" r'34; H!'1Ml'h>-lHni:illM!!Hll,Mlihi4ihii'Mi'h'il,ill,ll