DocketNumber: WR-20,206-22
Filed Date: 3/13/2015
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/29/2016
This document contains some pages ~hat ar~ of poor quality at the t1me of 1maging. RECEIVED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS MAR 13 2015 vJ"':t- C)~. Absl Acosta~ Clerk \J u_.. t ; 1/\613 S.W.2d 74, . Q__ This document contains some pages ~hat ar~ of poor quality at the t1me of 1maging. RECEIVED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS MAR 13 2015 vJ"':t- C)~. Absl Acosta~ Clerk \J u_.. t ; 1/\ , . Q__ 2. On or about the date of March 2, 2015,Relator File The Foilowing: 1. Applicant Moore Applicant For A Writ Of Heabeas Corpus,Article 11.07; 2. Applicant Moore Motion For Evidentiary Hearing; 3. Applicant Moore Preliminary Motion Request for Notice and Request For Leave to File Motion For Evidentiary Hearing and 4. Applicant Moore Appliction And Memorandum Law Brief In Support Of Texas Code Criminal Procedure ll.07,Pursuant To T.C.C.,P. Article 11.073. 3. Response have Refusal to Act On Relator's Motion For }Widentiary Hearing; A) Because the court of Criminal Appeals does not hear evidence only the trial court may condvct an evidence hearing. If there are controverted and Previously Unresolved issues at fact the Court must conduct a hearing ••• Ex Part Chamber,612 S.W. 2d 573,574(Tex.Crim.App.(l981); Only if the Application raises issues of law may the court dispense with a ·hearing) •• if the trial court denies a hearing to the applicant said Procedure Violates 'Art.ll.07 and Further Violates Due Procedure by Deying the Applicant to Sust=i ain his Burden·of Proof. Ex Parte Campos,
5,746(Tex.Crim.App.(l98l); STA"rl<'....MENT OF THE CASE Tuesday,July l9,1988,Moring Session:B:30 A.M. The Court:I Now Call 17,957-272 The State of Texas VS. riJichael Anthony Moore on a "Felony Information" Filed Today. Is the state ready~ Mr.Turner: State is ready Your Honor.The Court:Mr.Moore,Your Case,as it Now Stands Charges you with Burglary Of a Building by the Paper that we call a "Felony Information.",Which is Just a Charging instrument. In this Petition,Relator Moore alleged that the Trial Brief on State's failure to amend the Indictment Under Cause No.l7,957-272,File on February 3,2015, By Deputy Clerk Office of Tracy Knighton. l. Argument:The State Failed to Amend The Indictment Under Texas Law-,The State has not Amended the Indictment."Neither the Mo•tion (To Amend)Itself nor the trial Judge's Granting therof is an Amendment;rather the Two Comprise the Authorization for the eventual A..'llendrnent of the Charging Inst- rument Pursuant to article 28.10". Page 2. Rine V. State,28 S.W.3d 56l(Tex.Crim.App.(2000) Quoting Ward V.State 1829 S.W.- 2d 7871 793(Tex.Crim.App. (1992)( "Emphasis Added"). In order for the Court to deternine the merits of this claim· within the time allotted by the Texas Code Of C.rl.minal Procedure 1 it is necessary For the Court to desigate These Issues For future Resolution.See McCree V.Hampton 1824 S.W.- 2d 579); (A Trial court must desisate all issues reqiring future resolution within Thirty-Five Days after the Filing of a Petition For Habeas Corpus in order to retain its Jurisdiction over the Case); Cause No. 17,957-2721THE STATE OF TEXAS V. MICHAEL ANTHONY MOORE,Petition For Writ Of Hadeas-Corpus; See Also Tex.Code.Crim.P. Art. 11.07 § 3 (c)l(d); Arguments Mandamus is an extraord.inary.remedy,available_only in limited Circumstances. Canadian Helicopters .Ltd. V.Wittingl879 s.w. 2d 3041305(Tex.l994); it is the burden of the relator to show entitlement to the relief being requee sted. See Generally Johnson v. Fourth Court Of Appealsi700_S.W. 2d 916.917(Tex.- l985) Orig.Proceeding).In Order to be entitled to relief,the,relator must show the Following:(l) a legal duty to perform;(20 a demand for performance and (3) a refusal to act. See Stoner V~ Massey1S86 S.W. 2d 843~846(Tex.l979). A. Relator's Petition For Writ Of Mandamus should be Grant because the Trial " Court has not Rule on his Motion For Evidentiart Hearinq,Pursuant to Art.ll-07 and further violates Due Procedure by Deying the Applicant to Suste:.: a in his burden of proof. Ex Parte Campos,613 S.W.2d 74
51746(Tex.Crim.App.(l981); Relator asserts that the trial court has not Rule on his Pending Motion For s~ Evidentiary Hearing. Relator Requested that the trial Court Set a Evidentiary Hearing •. . B. Relator's Petition for Writ Of Mandamus Should be Grant Because Relator has no adequate remedy at iaw to resolve any errors. Though Relator's Petition For Writ Of Mandmus Appears to take issue with the failure of the trial court to grant his Motion For Evidentiary Hearing that is now Pending in the Court. To the extent that Relator's Petition For Writ Of Mandamus is to Compel the trial court to set a Evidentiart Hearing1Relator's Petition should be Grant Page 3. because he have no adequate remedy to address any errors. To be entitled to Mandamus relief in a Criminal case,a Relator must show, among other things,that he has no adequate remedy at law to redress that alleged harm. state Ex Rel.Young V. Sixth Judicial Dist.Court of Appeals at Texarkana,- 236 S.W. 3d 207,210(Tex.Crim.App.(2007); CONCLUSION AND PRAYER The issuance of a Mandamus is never a Matter of Right,but rests in the Court. Dickens V. Second Court of Appeals,729 S.W •. 2d 542,549(Tex.Crim.App.(l987); Here,Rel.ator's Petition For Writ Of 1-tandamus Should be Grant because Relator r;_ has demonstrate that the trial court has not Rule or denying his Motion For ' Evidentiary Hearing. Further,to the extent that Relater's Petition For Writ Of Maundamus is att- acking the 1988,The State Failed to Amend the Indictment,Pursuant to Article 28.10 and because he have no adequate remedied to address any errors. Relator's Petition for Writ Of Mandamus should be Grant. Wherefore,Premises Considered,the Relator Prays the Court Grant Relator Petition for Writ Of Mandamus. Respectfully Submitted, ·l!JVJ.nd~h~ By: Michael Anthony Moorei481939 Beto bne Unit 1391 FM 3328 Tennessee Colony, Texas 75880 P.aqe 4~ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE A true copy of the above relator has been mailed to Respondent the Followinq: 1. JAVIS J. PARSON BRAZOS COUNTY DISTRICT ATI'ORNEY OFFICE 300 E. 26th Street,Suite#310 Bryan, Texas 77803, On this The 9th Day of March,2015. ``~A~ By: Michael A~thony Moo e#4a7939 I ., Page 5. Cause No. IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS IN Re MICHAEL ANTHONY MOORE Relator vs .. JARVIS J. PA..~PON ·BRAZOS COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY Respondent Original Proceeding From The 272nd Judicial DistrictCourt Of Brazos Countv Te"'Ii'IS Aoolicant ~or Writ n+ u~beas Corpus Cause No. 17,957-272 · BRIEF IN SUPPORT. OF PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDUMUS M~CHAEL ANTHONY MOORE#487939' BETO ONE illUT 1391 FM 3328 TENNESSEE COLONY, TEXAS 75880 PRO Se OF RECORD: . COUNSEL. Page 1. INDEX OF PARTIES AND OJUNSEL 1 • JARVIS J. PARSON BRAZOS COUNTY DISTRICT ATI'ORNEY 300 E. 26th Street,Suitei310 BRYAN I TEXAS 77803 AND 2. MICHAEL ANTHONY MOORE#487939 BETO ONE UNIT 1391 FM 3328 TENNESSEE COLONY I T~XAS 75880 Page 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS Identity of parties.and Counsel. ••••••.••••••••••••••••••••.•.••••••• 2 Argument .••••••.••••••••• ~ •••••••••••..•• ·•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 The Trial Court's Failre'to Compy With Article 28.10 •••••••••••••• , •. 5 Pra~r .... ·.. ~ ...... -. - :". - ....... --. a ••• 11 • • • • - ••••••• - •••••••••• 0.: •• ,. a <9 .......... • 10 Certificate of Service •.••••••••••••.••..•.•••••••••.••••••••••••.•••• l2 .Page 3. Index Of Autho~ities Cases Ex Parte, Chamber-, 612 S.W •. 2d 573,574(Tex.Crirn.App.(l98l} •••••••.••••••••.••• ~ •••••• p-. 4 J!:lC Parte Campos613 S.W.2d 74
.5,746(Tex.Crim.App.(l981) .••••••••••••.••••.••••.•••.••• 4 Rine V. State, 28 S.W. 3d 56l(Tex.Crirn.App.(2000} •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••. 5 Ward V. State, 829S.W. 2d 787,793(Tex.Crim.App .. (l992) .•••.••••••••••••.•.....••••.••• 5 Mccree V. Hampton·' 824 s. w. 2d 579 ••••••••••.••....•••••••••••••.• .;. •••.·- ••••••••.•••••••••• 6 Canadian Heliopters Ltd.V. Witting, 879 :3.W. 2d 304;305(Tex. (1994} ••••••••••••• • ••• • ••••••••••...•••••••• 7 Johnson V •. Fouri::h Court Of appeals 1700 S.W.2d 916191
7(Tex.(l985) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 Orig.Proceeding). Stoner v. Massey, 5H6 S.W. 2d 8431846(Tex.(1979j •••• _________ ~··················· 7 State ex rel. Young V. Sixth Judicial Dist.Court Of Appeals at Tex:ackana; 236 S.W. 3d 207,2lO(Tex.Crim.App.(2007) ••••••••••••••••••• 9· Dickens V. Second Court Of Appeals, 7~9 S.W. 2d 5421549(Tex.Crim.App.(l987 .•••••••••••••••••• 10 Texas Statutes Tex.Code § 4 ...................... 3 Tex.Code, ,_,, ·,.;,, 1 -, 1 , 1 1 1 t.l, 1 1, , , , , 3 Page 4.