JRN_Z@_lS 11:39 RM COUNTY COURT RT L_Rl-| l 993 583 928-5 As omGINALLY_ DuL 0N _1 17-2015 REQUEST1N0_12___, DAYS CAUSE NO. exas vs. Darrian Sanders w or cAs\-:= L' baum .- " and has failed to either pay the required fee for preparing the rccord. ' 'v `` ‘~ serving as substitute reporter for thé."t - :appeal until this moming, 1-20-201.5,' " the appeal date had passcd. __ JRN-ZB-l$ 11.'.41 Rl"‘| COL|NTY COURT RT LRN 993 583 9283 ______F P. 9.5<¢), 1 certify that a copy _ofthis wymahas court’s judgment or order being ap _ '_I ation contained in this notice is c -' ' ' 1a _¢ Sig,nalure __ ‘ / ' Printcd Name C)fn¢iai Tme Namc: Address: . 0 h LlL._ P.ht_me No. _ ‘ g Attorney t'or: my Criminal C.``.lerk) or Kim R,obinsdi;i:?.`` sixth Courtiof Appeals. Texarkana, at 903 798-3034 9N_2@-15 11 :38 9['1 COUNTY COURT RT LRN 983 583 9283 - . ns ..-. gallz F£ Q``~z'asco Certi]i``e¢{.$liortliam{