07-15-00209-CV ~ I' [L ~ ~ vLH~ •q 0 2: tO ~-15 " "'~ ,rc:., CAd.JE .Ald. ,l't'rl'l's::A SEVENTH COURT OF APPEALS VIVIAN LONG, CLERK .SrY.t.E"' JrE'VE.A.I £/JWA,If.JJ &Y~ /i'cl.Aro/e ,,.,O,Ifo 56'; ./)6,t//: .A?...s: La~: ,tJLfASE FLAJD. b..tc.t..OSEI:J .RELAn:;.ej- A/~.fiJAvrr t:J,c' fA!LirCE/J~c·, Ar/L'LJAt(:.C/ .R&L/Iri'AI~ ra .P£"Evz:ous F...c.f.a1c.s .,,u./fsuA~tJr To /'i':tl"Y- r&.av.~.£Ac, ~ A'E/114.CaLJE, Abt:J PLEASE A"ETU.R.A) nJ .Mte /-1 C&3/>Ya~ ;?frE O/fi6.ovAL Wif.Lr' d~./1-f//.AJ``V.S ..f.a ?"NAT' I MAY h"At/E A C.oPY ~a£ -""!>' r.k'LEsl'.? CA. /ITELJ MAY ~...,2'()/S ToMy -"'AY.,c~?;~aiS· .Y~v ""'AY 1/EA".r~Y rH...z:s ;,v.cr.R T'HE /HA.£{ A"oa.M AT r#E At.S .utlf.l.cr ~_) 79'7..!5. /..5:1~ r-/(j EA.rr /0/.rsroctr-ro~,. l-'c-ev r~ui.Y YovLS. ~ /r'E: Ofu.s£ AJVN.CE/.: 07~!'5-()(J;lo9 -Cil - (,tt:;;./'IJ·A C.t?LAt. /l!fllrrt:/.'_j .STYLE : .SrEf.lc/J l.'bwlf.R/) .&BYb .. A.'clAIOI: .l>fi?O .5E~ I).Pu.r?SVAPT ro JZt c.cv. f'~AC.. !- ;fE/14. t:.a.IJE ~ /'7: aa¥,· lfELAroJ( ;:'.cti/LJ AA)~ .sav&Yr RELL£F rH~ UAJLTi!h s!71J'/!~' JU:snercr Cdv/.r ~&>£ rwE NO!f!r/'I.G?.AJ LJ.rsr/f:£t.r d/" Ja'A5 .rAJ A-MA/.LLl . ..tJ IUIILS.COAJ .IN J:bTTC/. t:o.:/.11/TY,M. i.. WovLll SHaW rHE ~o.tLow~C; ..lJ. £AJ t/.SiJC A)(), ; LrN'e.bu LJ.r~r...et.cr tJ/ ?&'A.s .APA;U"Lt..c. L>.cu..r::s.raAJ CAft!' ,vo, v.s/Jc ..;:71 -c.V-6.tJ LAI A:lncte cc.vNr'Y. ?k. REL£c/ S'4~6'H'r, '/V!tVJc'rA£ Y ~· .r,I{JsvAJc r.rul! . AAJi":S Or.TAr.LJ CAVSG .' ..'S"AAfES A.EA/U£11) /.'A.ULJAU G::w..v"' ~A, 7i:t&Y Hvt'JSe>d, (..l't.. L".AY/Aa.'i!Ll LAAK.AsMA, t:/'/: t!F'.-&:~«Pl dJr.C ~/•./-or/.. ,i'.AY/-k..,riA .$'(.').''ZI,· a.:r: ./ULt:.I'IAGL N'AAJC,~C/f.. tV.if .:T..I'IME.r &:a"~u-;v:r.r.. ~rA" ..r:AA Lsn!'..r:cr Cl.).::.t./!r .srAvELJ UA.r#.s .;:D;t ru:rcA.t fEA£cH .s"Grze:Nt£ n./f A"Et:J«c.s?F~ ;tW.w-?iitAY ~ELP:r £ /C r:".CLE' AQ N/'LJA~ tW TH'tr :s-/.?'/Tt.'f a,: r/1£ Sn?i'E" ~AJ.At. PAXJC..E'ELlr.Nt:;S i£11ci>!Y ?a i:JAY.!', THE tusr-e.c~r G::.M.e'?" LU:.r;t.taSEib h'L.An..e:S· b'au~sr.s F......e .Z'.iv.SvAicr.rvl!' .Rt!U'E~ u.l()br.€ Yt>t./.lfiS£1:. A&-sr£A.JiToN LJoc TZr.NE /ilz:s.M~ssldJ l'i"'E 4"-"''A:zAJr.uc ~/14r MA! F~u.R#' ;a .S)';I?rE" .A~ a. ,.) Ct.?/..m4.LA.J£1J f A / rH..cs ./)ocv~E:AJr rs 77evEi Ccr/.:A:Ecr /tJ .i v€,err:".af'r '17Q/r mi! ~i!'~A·~A·S bL.CE~ V./.J.flt!/( .PEAIAI.,-y d~ rE/.Ia.ey, EXHIBIT 1 . OECL-\.RATION OF INABILITY TO PAV COST IThe following D~:elaration is made pursuant to the Texas Rules ofCivil Procedure and Title6. Chapter 132 0f the Texas Ci\·il Pra ctices and Remedies Code.) ' TDCJ ~____.;./_,.:9;....c...:..1'j~0-''6...loi<:O'.J;``----- -.J' and declares that I am unabte to pay the court costs in this civil action md requests leave of the Court to proceed in fonna pauperis in this accompanying civil action and ·vould show the Court the follow ing: (l) f llll presently incarcerated in the ,A./5 Oft JLT r-o ;(C Sr oc ..{ 7 I!Xa s Depattment of Criminal Jus /oA J. lX. Unit of the tice where I am not permitted to ear n handle money. or (2) I have no source of income or spousal income. (7/ .'d c) 0) I currently have S_;:,:O~· -----_ ;....credited to me in the Inmate Trust Fund. (4) During my incart:eration in the Texas Department of Crimin .1pproxirnately S ..;?5. o a al1U$tice I have rec per month as gifts from relatives and eived friends. ~5) I neither own nor hav e an interest in any realty, stocks receive no interest or dividend inc , bonds, or bank lCCOunts and I ome from my source. (6) I ha ve --= ::- '-- -- depend ents. t 7) I have total debts of approximately S tz; oo a (8) I owe 5--'-'~----a i restitution. r.9) \1y monthly expenses 31'e approxima tely_$ .,;.s: oa I, IDCJ --L./,.L.9,....j7'1;.,.::0~?/t'-'~o~:o:.&"-------· b-:ing presently ~'1C3I'Cerated in the 4 t 5" Eo ds rc: g;. #Q it) Unit of ~he Tl!xa.s DepartmentofCrim inal Justice in .........A~if::s-::.G"'O~:S'--_ _ _ _ _ County, Texas, verify ·md declare under penalty of perjury that the tbregoing statements are true :mdcorrect. Executed on this CSINIB02/C INIB02 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE 05/27/15 IN-FORMA-PAUPERIS DATA 15:11~37 FJ19/CE00 029 TDCJ#: 01940466 SID#: 06561065 LOCATION: FORT STOCKTON INDIGENT DTE: 03/27/15 NAME: BOYD,STEVEN EDWARD BEGINNING PERIOD: 11/01/14 PREVIOUS TDCJ NUMBERS: 01178453 01223797 01627191 CURRENT BAL.: 0.34 TOT HOLD AMT: 0.00 3MTH TOT DEP: 100.00 61YITH DEP: 150. 00 61r1TH AtJG B(.=!L: 54·. 15 6MTH l=iVG DEP: 25. 0121 1 MONTH HIGHEST BALANCE TOTAL DEPOSITS MONTH HIGHEST BALANCE TOTAL DEPOSITS 04/15 42.88 0.00 01/15 63.75 25.00 139.00 0.00 12/14 2:9u 61 Q). 00 03/15 02/15 139.00 100.00 11/14 6L~a ~'31+ PROCESS DATE HOLD AMOUNT HOLD DESCRIPTION ~:3TI=i"T"E OF TEXf-lS COUNTY OF e_eeo::r ON THIS THEct.!Jf/) DAY OF --··-rn.·-a··-····-···-~(.f I CEHT I F"V Tt-li:rr TH I~; DOCUI71E:N·r I G (.~ Tf~UE COMPLETE, l=iND····UNAL.TERED··-"[;"Qp~;;-··~·DE~·' [.iv· I'~E OF I NF"ORI'"Ii-=!T I ON CONTI=! I I'~ 2 _p.1 j).·-l-l~E ' CDtriPUTER DAT(."iBAF3E REGAHDING THE OFFEf·-.tDER' S i=!CCOUNT. NP SIG :`` PF1-HELP PF3-END ENTER NEXT TDCJ NUMBER: OR SID NUMBER: 0 ~ -- ~ - 'l 1~ jQ ~ ~t-~ ~ . -. ---·-- \o· `` ~ ~ ~ ', vt~t -- -: =- --:::::: ·- --:: .~ .. ~ ; ' ~ . \.