Ruben l-Iopc, Obiluary - Mi:lcall' Funeral Diri:clors | Conroe TX htlp://obils.dignitymcmorial.comfdignity-mcmorialfcbilunry-pri.., In l\/_Temor'y of iuben*i May 8, 1937 - Juiy 3, 2015 Visitation Sunday, July 05, 2015 | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Metcalf Funeraf Directors 1801 East White Oak Terrace, Conroe, TX 77304 1 (936) 756-3311 Driving Directions Funeral Service Monday, July 06, 2015 | 10:00 am Eirst“Bantist.Qhutcthonms- 601 N |Vlain St, Conroe, TX 77301'2507 Driving Directions lof3 Ruben VV. |-lope, Jr. was born Nlay 8, 1937 in Heights Hospital, Houston, Texas and passed away Ju|y 3, 2015 in Conroe Texas, at the age of 78. Ruben was raised in Houston-Conroe and graduated from John H. Reagan High Schoo|, where he played center on the football team and catcher for the softball team. i-ie Was also chosen by his classmates as "Most Handsome" his senior year. After high schooll Ruben attended The University of Texas at Austin, where he graduated with a BA Degree in 1959. While at The University of Texas, Ruben was a member of the Kappa Alpha Fraternity. After finishing undergraduate school, Ruben entered the University Gf Texas School Of Law, where he graduated in 1963 and was a member of Phi Deita Phi. After law schooi, Ruben started his career with the Texas VVater Comrnission in Austin. He then joined Frank Briscoe as prosecutor in the district courts. After six PLAiN'rlF s__ `` Ruben Hope, Obiluary - l\/lelcalt`` Fiinerni Dircclors i Conrnc 'l``X hltp:/i'obils.d``!digniiy-mcmorial/obituary»pri... years in the District Attorney's office, Ruben began practicing civil trial law in Houston. in 1973, Ruben moved his family to Conroel Texas and opened Ruben Hope & Associates, practicing civil and insurance defense litigation. Ruben has had the joy of working with several prominent lawyers in lvlontgomery County, Texas, and has appreciated their friendship and loyalty throughout the years. ln 1989, Ruben partnered with John Causey and the tirm changed to Hope and Causey, P.C., which continues today. Ruben was Board Certihed in Personal lnjury Trial Lawl was a i.ife Feliow of the Texas Bar Foundation, and member of the National Board of Trial Advocacy and Defense Research lnstitute. During his career, Ruben tried over 200 cases to jury verdicts and handled appeals before the Texas Supreme Court. l-le was appointed to the State Bar Grievarice Committee, where he served for live years. Ruben was also recognized in lVlay of 2012 by the State Bar of Texas for being licensed to practice law for 50 years. He Was also licensed to practice in the United States Eastern and Southern Districts and the 5th Circuit Court of Appea|s. Ruben also served as President of the l\/lontgornery County Bar Association and was voted Attorney of the Year in 1991. Ruben also believed in giving back to the community through public service. One of Ruben's passions Was education ln that regard, Ruben became a member of the Board of Trustees for the Conroe lndependent School District, also holding the position of\flce President. Ruben also felt a higher calling to serve his community as State Representative from 1999-2006 During this time, Ruben was a member and lVlajority Leader for the Texas l-louse of Representatives, served on the Natural Resources Committee as Chair of Budget and Oversight, and also served on the Appropriations, Civil Practices and Select Committee on Public School Finance. " li""'”'”Di]"'ri'r``fg";*his time in the l_egis|ature1 Ruben was instrumental in the creation of an additional County Court at i_aw for l\/lontgornery County, Texas and the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District; among several other bills that became law. 20f3 Ruben also served on various committees and organizations including President of the Committee for the Nlontqomerv County l_aw Enforcement Center: Lifetime Committeeman for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo; District Chairman 81 Troop Leader for the Sam Houston Area Boy Scouts; Advisory Board for the l\/lontgomery County Fair Association; President & Coach for the Conroe Area Youth Baseball League; Director & Coach for the Oak Ridge Little League; Director of the lVlontgornery County Community Foundation; President of the Conroe High School Ath|etic Booster Club; President of the Conroe Evening Lions Club; Niember of the ll/lontgomery County Master Gardener and Texas Longhorn Foundation lVlember. Along with his legal career and sewing his community, Ruben was a beloved family and Christian man. Ruben met his wifel Francine, on a blind date while at the University of Texas. The two were inseparable after meeting and after two years of dating, they married during Easter weekend in 1959 at Baptist Templel Houston. As newlyweds they lived in Austin while he attended law school and she worked for the University and the Legislature. Ruben enjoyed working with animals and tending to the land l-lis father taught him 7/6f159:16Al\/1 Ruben Hopc, Oblluary - Mcicnli`` Funeral Direclors | Conroe 'l``X htlp://obils.dignilymcmoria|.com/dignity-memcriai!obituary-pri,.. to hunt, flsh, ride hcrsebackr Worl< catt|e, build fencer haul hay and Hnd his way through the Woods that is now called Carnp Strake and The Wood|ands. Ruben enjoyed spending time With his family and friends on vacation, coaching his children and their friends, Winning lawsuitsl catching up with classmates at high school reunions, attending UT Footba|l games, the lVlontgomery County Fair Cook~Off and Rodeo, contributing to scholarships through purchases at the Fair and telling stories about and bragging on his children and grandchildren Ruben believed in God, accepted Jesus Christ as his savior and was baptized when he was a teenager. Ruben Was ordained as a Deacon at the First Baptist Church in 2000. He loved his wife Francine, their children Tres, Gregg1 and Alison, and their grandchildren He was also proud that all three of their children Were baptized and married in the First Baptist Church in Conroe; and they all graduated from Conroe High School and Went on to receive college degrees Ruben was preceded in death by his parents A|ma Nix Hope and Ruben Wert Hope. He is survived by his Wife, Francine, and their three children and spouses: Ruben "Tres" Wert l-lope lll and wife Holly, Gregg Austin Hope and wife lVlarcy, and Aiison Hope Judge and husband Richard. He is also survived by six grandchildren: Danielle Hope Bily, Ruben "Ben" Wert Hope lV, B|ythe Hope, Stuart l-lope, Connor Judge and Holden Judge. Ruben is also survived by his younger brother l-larry L. Hope, his wife lVlarie Ulrich Hope and their children Brandi l\ilclntosh1 Heather Hope, Ky|e Hope and Fallon Hope lvliles, their spouses and children l-le is also survived by his brother-in-law Char|es Gordon, his wife Sherri and their children Greg Gordon, Lindsay Gordon Heppner, Anna and lVladeline. The family would like to express their sincere appreciation to Kathy Rose and Theresa Lounder for being loving companions and exceptional care givers to Ruben over the past several years. \hsitation will be 6:00prn to 8:00pm Sunday, July 5, 2015 at l\iletcalf Funeral Directors. The Funera| Service will be 10:00am liilondayl July 6, 2015 at First Baptist Church in Conroe with an internment to follow at Forest Park the Woodlands. ln lieu of flowers the family request donations be made to the Ruben Hope Conroe High Schoo| Scholarship ln Care of l\i'lontgomery County Community Foundation; 9320 i_akeside Blvd. The VVoodlandsl Texas 77381;; Please note on checks "ln lVlemory of Ruben Hope". 3ol``3 7/6/15 9316AM