Judges: Carrington, Fleming, Pendleton, Roane
Filed Date: 11/2/1801
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 10/18/2024
This cause has been, rightly considered. as an important one: Not so much on account of the magnitude of the sum in dispute, (for, that is but a secondary consideration with every just government, and no consideration at all, with every upright Judge,) as on account of. certain important principles involved in the discussion, and of an opinion which may have gone abroad, that the honor and justice of our country might be implicated. Whether, and to what extent, such an opinion may really exist at this time; or, from what source the impressions lately floating in the public mind, relative to this cause, may have been derived; whether from the incorrect allegations of interested parties, (which I understand to have been even carried into prints,) or otherwise, I pretend not to say: But certain I am, that a decision founded on the basis of those impressions, of which, as a citizen, I could not be entirely ignorant, would be very different indeed, from one which results from a minute and critical investigation of the contract, and testimony before us.
Many important points have been made in the discussion of this cause, and it has been very ably argued. If I shall pass over some of those points in silence, it is because I deem them unnecessary to be decided: If I shall pass over without an answer, many objections which were taken, it is by no means for want of a due respect for the gentlemen who made them; but on account of that pressure of business, which now, as often heretofore, compels me to give, rather a general, than a detailed opinion, upon the case before me.
However unquestionable the claim of this Commonwealth, to unabridged sovereignty, as at the date of this contract, may be: However clear the position, that such a sovereignty cannot, without its consent, be impleaded be-' fore any human tribunal; it is not at this day to be questioned, (and it has, accordingly, been properly conceded for the Commonwealth,) that when such consent has been given, through the Legislative organ of our government, the objection on this score must cease. The only question then, on this part of the case, is, whether by a fair construction of the laws, a cognizance of the cause before us, has been yielded to this Court, and in that form of proceeding which the appellee has chosen to adopt.
It has been said on the part of the present appellee, that this foreigner, claiming the benefit of our laws, existing at the time of the contract, is not bound by the posterior laws,
Putting this foreigner then on the same footing with our own citizens: nay, even on a better, if in a doubtful case, it be proved that he were ignorant of our laws and language; if, as I am ready to admit, he is more meritorious than a citizen, in serving the cause of liberty, in a strange land: He shall be considered as even a Virginia citizen, with these circumstances, in an equiponderant cause, ready to incline the balance in his favor. This is as much as would be granted in any country under Heaven, and this the benign and liberal policy- of our laws will permit.
If the contract in question is proper for judicial cognizance, it is not necessary that that cognizance should have existed, at the time of its date; but, the contract construed indeed as to its operation by the laws then in being, may, when a tribunal shall afterwards arise for its decision, he properly submitted thereto. If this were not the case, what would become of innumerable instances in this Commonwealth of existing contracts being decided by newly erected tribunals ? It would be impossible to foresee the extent, or consequences of a contrary position. But, in all the instances of pending improvements, in our Judiciary system, I have never heard of the objection being taken, either in the Legislature or elsewhere.
If this position be correct, the appellee, although his contract bears a previous date, is entitled to the benefit of that clause of the Auditor's law of 1778, [c. 17, § 5, 9 Stat. Larg. 540,] allowing an appeal; although, as is supposed, the original law of 1776, [c. 51, 9 Stat. Larg. 345,] has not a similar provision.
By that law, (the act of 1778,) a claimant, like the present had a right to have his claim audited; having a claim upon the Treasury for money, and the laws denying him
This too was a -case proper for the exercise of the Auditor’s discretion and judgment; for, although there was. a written contract, it was a proper subject of his enquiry how far that contract had been complied with, how many goods had been delivered pursuant thereto, &c.; to say nothing of the question which afterwards arose, and is now contested, of specie and paper money.
If, then, there had been no interference on the part of the Executive, relative to this claim, no interception of the appellee’s regular progress to the board of Auditors, .there is no doubt but that a decision against him, by that board, would create a jurisdiction in the Court of Chancery. What- was the nature and effect of that Executive interference, and what its influence in the present case ? For, I put entirely out of the question, the decisions of the Legislature. An application to that body, for a gratuity, was proper; but, for a right, under- a contract, an appeal to the Judiciary, was more proper; and possibly, on that ground, the rejection by the Legislature was founded.
A settlement by the Solicitor was not'the proper course for a public creditor to pursue; either as giving him access to the Treasury, or as entitling his case to a Judicial cognizance. Before, therefore, a conclusion shall follow, depriving a party of these privileges, and ousting our Courts of their ordinary jurisdiction, it ought at least to be shewn that the party claimant agreed to a substitution of that officer in lieu of the Auditor, and waived his right of appeal from the decision of. the latter. But, although the Solicitor was not invested with the proper functions of the Auditor, he was yet an useful agent of the Executive, in making statements relative to foreign claims, &c.: There is no ’ testimony in this cause, that the Solicitor was applied to, in the instance before us, in any other sense than this: There is, I believe, no testimony, other than an ex ■parte representation by the Solicitor, that the agent of the appellee consented even to this reference: But, certainly, there is, no testimony, that both (if either) of the parties, applied to this officer as a substitute for the Auditor: Nor, do I see that the report of the Solicitor was ever ratified by the Executive. The certificate of the
The ¡Auditor ought not, therefore, on the ground of the existence of this settlement by the Solicitor, to have rejected the application of the appellee: But if, on the merits, his decision adopting in effect that of the Solicitor, was light, though founded on an improper reason, that decision must be affirmed by this Court.
This brings us to consider the case upon its merits.
The counsel for the appellee repeatedly brings us to the decision of questions, often and often settled" by the supreme tribunals of this country, and which would, if disturbed, agitate and convulse the Commonwealth. Of this nature is the question, whether the act of 1781, [c. 22, 10 Stat. Larg. 471,] extends to contracts with the public. I do not consider myself now at liberty to discuss that question, and I only notice it, to shew that, it has not escaped me.
It, then, tins act extends to contracts with the Commonwealth, as it unquestionably does, it clearly applies to the present contract, considered merely on its face and independent of other testimony. The contract is for “ Virginia currency,” which terms are explained, by the act of 1781, to mean paper money, as at this aera: A great, pari of the debt is also to be paid in tobacco at 41. per cwi., whereas the appellee now contends, that that article was then worth only twenty shillings, in specie. A nd, further, payment was to he made, of the balance of the contract, by warrants to be drawn upon the Treasury. I believe I may challenge the annals of those times, to produce a warrant drawn on the Treasurer, for specie. In fact there was none amongst us, or at least none in the Public Treasury; and we shall not presume, without express words, that the Executive of that day would have adopted an expedient, interdicted by law, and tending to damn the credit of that currency, which was the sine qua non of our liberty. These circumstances (without enumerating others,) are conclusive to establish a position, which is scarcely denied, and is corroborated by all the testimony in the cause, except Mr. Picket’s deposition: It is especially corroborated, by the credit given for 1,300/. paper money, in part of this contract. I shall, therefore, pass on, to that deposition, as the only evidence in the cause, which can possibly present us with a question whether, indepen
As I am decidedly of opinion, for reasons to be now assigned, that this testimony, admitting its fullest force, cannot possibly vaiy the construction, which would be made without it, it is unnecessary to enquire, whether and lrow far, parol testimony is admissible, in a case similar to the present.
In this view of the deposition, also, I shall lay no stress upon the circumstance of its being a solitary one, nor on the presumption arising against the present appellee, from the consideration, that better testimony might probably have been obtained by him, as appears from the record: Better, I mean, not in respect of credibility; hut from a superior opportunity of knowing the real intention of the parties, at the time of the contract. This inference is drawn, inasmuch as persons are living, who attested the contract, and were present at its completion.
There is no decision in this country, which exempts a contract from the operation of the legal scale, upon testimony shewing a different idea in the parties, unless such testimony plainly related to the time of the contract. A contrary decision would involve the greatest absurdity, since, whatever ideas may have prevailed, at a prior time, may have been changed, and conformed to the legal scale, at the making of the contract. Neither is there any decision in this country, nor ought there to be, which varies the application of the scale, in conformity to the ideas of one party only. A contrary idea is also pregnant with absurdity and injustice, since a legal right, vested in one, is to be divested by a secret, undivulged idea, existing in another contracting party. Now, it is remarkable, that Mr. Picket’s testimony, not only applies to a point of time, anterior to the date of the contract, (how long before, is not disclosed,) but relates, if at all, to the ideas of Mr. Chevattie only: It is, therefore, in a great measure, if not wholly, inapplicable to the case before us. If it be said, that the ideas of the State at a previous time, may be inferred, from the offer of the State, stated by Mr. Chevattie, I answer, that this is not only the allegation of a party which cannot benefit him, but relates not at all to the price of tobacco; and, therefore, can give no rule for estimating depreciation in the present ease.
As to the first, be says: “ Wo were informed that the supercargo proffered to sell the surplus of the cargo (after the State was supplied,) for specie, or tobacco at specie price.” But, who gave thorn this information? Redoes not say that Mr. Chetmllie gave it: On the contrary, it is evidently hearsay testimony; and, as such, entitled to no credit. Beside», it only applies to the surplus of the cargo; and, if true, it does not follow that the residue of the cargo might not be for sale in paper; although I admit that this conclusion is improbable. He further says, as. eomitig from Chevaliie, that, the State had made him ail offer of 6s. for each livre, for the whole cargo, which was a better offer than theirs: But, he does not add, as comingfrom Chevaliie, (nor indeed from any other,) that This (is. was to be paid in specie, or tobacco, at. specie price, although it is scarcely to be believed, That that agent would have omitted to mention that circumstance, if it had existed, or that the witness would have forgotten it. Mr. Picket, indeed, infers this to have been the case, because the offer of the State was said to be a better offer than theirs, which he supposed could not be the case, unless that offer was in specie. Whether an offer in paper money was, in fact, a better oiler, or not, is wholly immaterial. It is sufficient that the agent thought so; and his opinion, in such a case, might involve numerous and various considerations: As, 1st. His opinion of the credit of the paper money, and its probable appreciation. ' 2dly. The superiority of the national credit over the individual credit of 1hese adventurers, or, possibly, over any other individual credit whatsoever. 3dly. The offer of the State extending to his whole cargo; whereas, that of the merchant s embraced the surplus only. And, 4thly. (Without extending the catalogue;) his possible opinion that Picket’s offer, though nominally an offer of 4s. 6d. specie, per livre, was in fact an offer of less; for, as it was to be paid in tobacco, at 20s. per cwt., it is evident that the offer would be diminished; in so far, as the tobacco was really worth less than the aforesaid sum in specie: Now, Mr. Picket has not proved, (nor has any other person,) that tobacco was really worth that price, in specie, at that time.
This testimony, then, is entirely insufficient to shew, that no depreciation was contemplated by the parties. How does it stand to shew that a different rate of depreciation was contemplated, from that established by law ? If Mr. Picket’s, or any other testimony, had shewn, that, at the date of the contract, tobacco was really worth 20s. per cwt. in specie; or, that it was generally understood to be worth this; or, had shewn any circumstances from whence it could be fairly inferred, that both the contracting parties considered this as the real specie value of that article: as the contract before us, has rated the tobacco at 41. per cwt. in Virginia currency, it might reasonably have been argued, that a depreciation of four for one was contemplated. But, the case is entirely naked in all these respects; and there are no proofs, or data, from which such a conclusion can possibly be drawn. On the contrary, the Auditor says, in his answer, (and there being no conflicting testimony, it is immaterial to consider, whether this allegation be evidence in the cause, or not,) “ that he believes tobacco could have been purchased, at the time of the contract, for less than 205. per ciot. in gold or silver coin.” Now, if the Auditor is right in this opinion; if an actual diminution existed of 4s. from this conjectural price of 20s. per cwt. then it is evident, that so far from a different rate of depreciation being inferrable, a conformity would be produced between the supposed ideal, and the legal rate of depreciation.
In truth, therefore, this testimony of Mr. Picket is entirely too loose and unsatisfactory, t a justify any departure from the written contract. We might as well at once repeal, and set at naught the law concerning depreciation, as to deny its application, on such testimony as the present. That law, (not losing sight of exceptions, to meet the real ideas of the parties,) was intended, and lias had the effect, to prevent an infinitude of litigation; and no Court in this country has power to depart from it, except in cases excepted from the general rule therein laid down, either expressly in the act itself, or adjudged to he within the reason and meaning thereof, by the decisions of the Judiciary; and it is clearly supposed, that an exception, in so weak a case as this, has never been ad judged by any Court whatever, pri- or to the case before us.
Prom this view, it results as my opinion, that the Chancellor was right in deciding, that neither by the contract itself, nor by any evidence in the cause, do the (is. per livre, appear to have been intended by the parties to have been in specie: But I differ from that Judge, in supposing the settlement by the Solicitor to have been unjust, and in setting the same aside, and substituting another rate of compensation in lieu thereof: Not only, because he had no power .so to do, upon his own premises, because the offer of the merchants, which he has made the standard of the substituted compensation,' is not proved to have been, in realit y, an offer of 4s. 6d. per livre, for the reasons already
Admitting, then, this creditor to be highly meritorious (for even he is meritorious who combines the public good with private emolument,) and considering the decision of the Auditor, in effect, as an adoption of the Solicitor’s settlement, though for an improper reason, I must be of opinion, that that decision is substantially right, and ought not to have been reversed by the Chancellor, but that the bill of the appellee ought to have been dismissed.
Three points were made in the argument of this cause.
1st. Whether the Court has jurisdiction in the case?
2d. Whether the contract between William Armstead, the agent for the Commonwealth, and Chevallie, the agent of Beaumarchais, was a specie or a paper money contract?
3d. Whether, if it was a paper money contract, there are circumstances in the case sufficient to take it out of the general scale of depreciation, as established by the act of 1781?
With respect to the first, I have no doubt. The act of 1778, establishing the board of Auditors, is decisive. It declares, that “ where the Auditors, acting according to their discretion and judgment, shall disallow or abate any article of demand against the Commonwealth, and any person shall think himself aggrieved thereby, he shall be at liberty to petition the High Court of Chancery, or the General Court, according to the nature of the case, for re
But, it. was argued by the counsel for the Commonwealth, that, the act of 1780, [c. 15, 10 Stat. Larg. 358,] appointing a Solicitor General, and defining his powers and duty, took the business entirely out of the hands of the .Audilor; and that the reports of the Solicitor, of the 16th of December, 1784, and the 6th cX January, 1785, arc conclusive and binding upon the appellee. On recurrence to that act, however, the power will be found to fell far short of this. It is merely, "to examine, from time to time, the books of accounts kept by the Board of Auditors, and to compare the same with their vouchers; to see that all moneys to be paid by their warrants, were entered and charged to the proper accounts therefor, or to the persons properly charged therewith, and that the taxes levied, be also credited to their respective and proper accounts, keeping all taxes raised under any one law, separate and apart from the other; to cause a correct list of all balances due, cither to or from the public, to be stated, together with the amount of the several taxes, and lay the same before the General Assembly, at the first meeting of every session.” Which certainly cannot, by fair reasoning, be construed so as to erect the Solicitor into a definitive arbiter, between the State and the creditor: And much Joss to supersede the poxvor of the Auditors. On the contrary, he was not even authorised to settle and liquidate the claims of individuals against the Commonwealth: Ilis province xvas to examine inl.o the, regularity of the accounts, and from them to make his annual reports to tins Legislature: Therefore, ho could give no definitive sentence upon the subject.
Prom this view of the case, then, 1 am clearly of opinion that the appellee had a right to his petition of appeal from the decision of the .Auditor, and that this Court has jurisdiction of the cause. Which brings mo to the consideration of the second question: Whether the contract was for specie, or paper money ?
The counsel for Beaumarchais laid great stress upon the risk he run, and upon what they called his generous conduct towards the State, Such arguments, if correcto
I view the case, then, precisely, as if the contract had been made between two individuals: And to form a correct judgment of the intention, and understanding of the contracting parties, shall refer first to the writing itself; then, to the subsequent conduct of those concerned; and lastly, to the evidence that has been adduced to elucidate and explain it.
The written contract states, “ That Mr. Chevallie be allowed six shillings Virginia currency, for each livre, which the said goods and merchandize cost in France, and in part payment therefor, Armstead to deliver along side of the said ship at York, 1,500 hogsheads of tobacco, within ninety days, to be reckoned from the day the said Armstead shall be notified of her arrival at York, at the rate of four pounds per centum, and 500 hogsheads of tobacco more, along-side any ship Mr. Chevallie may send to Alexandria, on Potowmack river, within sixty days after the said ship arrives at Alexandria; at the same rate of four pounds per centum: The balance that may then be due to Mr. Chevallie, to be paid by warrant on the treasury of Virginia, to bear six per cent, interest, as long as he chooses to let it remain there, or be laid out for him in tobacco,' for which tobacco he is to pay the costs, and all charges paid by our agent.”
At the time of this contract, it must have been known to Mr. Chevallie not only that there was no specie in the treasury, but that paper money was the sole currency of Virginia, then in circulation; and, from the advanced prices of every necessary of life, it must have been obvious that this currency was greatly depreciated; of which a stronger evidence could not have been adduced, than that furnished by Chevallie himself, who agreed to allow 41. per cwt. for 2,000 hogsheads of tobacco; when it might have been purchased, with specie, for twenty shillings; or, perhaps at a lower price. But this is not all: for, the whole cargo in the invoices, with ‘a charge of fifteen livres on a box of shoes, cost in France 929,700 livres; which at six shillings the livre,> amounted to 278,910/. Virginia currency. Deduct the 36,006/. for the goods retained by Chevallie, according to the contract; and 80,000/. for 2,000 hogsheads of tobacco at 4/. per cwt. and there re
Now can it be believed, that Mr. Jefferson, in the year 1780, would have certified that Mr. Defrancy’s drafts for 161,603/. 13s. with almost two years’ interest at six per cent, would be duly honored, if specie had been in contemplation? Or, would Mr. Defrancy have required such a certificate, when they both knew thei'e was neither any specie in the Ti'easury, nor the least prospect of procuring any ?'
But the counsel for the appellee, insisting that the term Virginia currency is equivocal, have, in orderto explain it, resorted to the testimony of Mr. Picket; who says, “ That a number of merchants assembled at Yorh-Town, and offered the Supercargo of the ship Pier Boderique, for the remainder of the goods, after the State should be supplied, at the rate of 4s. 6d. Virginia currency, in specie, for each Iivre paid for the goods in France, payable in tobacco at 20s. per hundi’ed weight, which offer was rejected by
Much stress was laid, in the argument, on the loss Beaumarchais would sustain, if the contract was not considered as a specie one. But, whether he made an advantageous, or an unprofitable contract with the government, is not a proper enquiry in this Court; for, here, the only question must bo, what the contract really was; and, when that, is discovered, it must be adhered to. But, it was probably not so disadvantageous to Beaumarchais as the appellee’s counsel seem to apprehend: For, by agreement between the parties, Chevallie was to retain out of the cargo, for his own use, sundry specified articles, which were entered on the hack of the contract; and, when making up his accounts in conformity thereto, he charges the whole cargo to the State, agreeably, no doubt, to the invoices laid before the Council board, and then gives credit for the several articles retained for his own use, amounting to 120,021 livres and nine sous, or 36,006/. 6s. Virginia currency, at 6s. for each livre; which was all proper enough: But, in the account of the. articles retained, there is a quantity of brandy (20 pipes and 18 barrels) stated to have cost in France. 12,043 livres 10 sous. The pipes are said to contain about. 125 gallons each, but no mention made of the contents of the barrels. Suppose them, however, to have contained 33 gallons each; then there were 3,094 gallons, charged at almost four livres per gallon; which is more (I believe) than three times what the brandy actually cost m
There is no evidence, then, of a specie contract, unless the story of the silver dollar being laid on the Council board, and the argument of Chevallie’s being a foreigner, unacquainted with our language, are entitled to any respect: But, they have no weight, for the first is not proved, and the latter is no objection, as Chevallie was provided with interpreters.
I come, now to consider the third point; whether there are circumstances in this cause, sufficient to take it out of the general scale of depreciation, as established by the act of 1781? And I think there are.
During the progress of paper currency, tobacco was generally resorted to, in order to ascertain the state of depreciation; and twenty shillings per hundred having been, for some years back, about the average price of that article, were generally adopted as the standard. Comparing, then, those circumstances with the contract now under consideration, in which we find 41. per cwl. allowed for the tobacco, it strikes me very forcibly, that a depreciation of four for one was contemplated by the parties, and that they regulated their contract accordingly. But, if so, then by the express provision of § 5 of the act, the Court has power to adjust the contract according to that ratio; and, therefore, my opinion is, that it should be settled by a scale of four for one.
It was observed by the counsel for the Commonwealth, that the settlement made by the late Solicitor General in December, 1784, in which the money balance was scaled at five for one, ought not to be disturbed, as La Til, the agent of Beaumarchais, acquiesced in it, and received sundry payments under it, without complaining. But, to this it may be answered, that La Til was the third agent of Beaumarchais, not privy to the original contract, but sent over here six years after the debt had been due, in”order to collect the large balance then unpaid, which he found attended with great difficulty and obstruction; and, therefore, he was glad to receive any payments that were offered him: Besides, there is no evidence that he ever consented to the settlement of the account, scaled at five for one; and, consequently, his transactions afford no inference
That the Court had jurisdiction of the cause is very clear, for the reasons already given by the Judges; and, therefore, it is unnecessary to discuss that point any further. But, upon the merits, I am of opinion that Beaumarchais was not entitled to relief. The written contract purports upon the face of it, to be for the current money of Virginia; and, therefore, it is necessarily subject to the scale of depreciation, unless the appellee is able to shew that specie was intended. But, the inference appears to mo to be directly otherwise. For, in the first place, it is not probable that the Executive would have contracted for- specie when they had none in the Treasury, nor were likely to have any. Such a conduct would have argued such gross inattention to the honor of the country, and such perfidy towards the creditor, that it ought not to he attributed to them without the clearest proof of the fact. But, no such proof is adduced. Even the story of the silver dollar is not proved; but, if it had, the circumstance of the total absence of the precious metals as a circulating medium at the time, affords so strong a presumption that specie was not intended, that something more than the hare production of a silver dollar at the Council board ought to have been shewn, in order to remove it; because, as the performance of such a contract would have been so wholly impracticable in the then situation of the country, it seems almost impossible that the terms could have been accepted; and, therefore, where the probability is so great that a contract for specie was refused, the appellee ought to have been able to shew, not only that the silver dollar was produced, but that those terms -cere accepted, and that the contract was for specie. In
Now, how can this be accounted for, upon any other ground,'than that the contract was for paper money? Would the supercargo have allowed 41. specic.per cwt., for an article that he could have bought at loss ? The thing is impossible. These arguments are considerably strengthened by the circumstances which followed after the contract; such as the credit of the 1,300f. at the nominal value, the certificate of the Governor to Defrancy, and the long acquiescence under the Solicitor’s settlement, which all serve to explain the meaning of Chevallie, in the apprehension of all those concerned with the transaction. But, then, it is said that the circumstances entitled him to relief under § 5 of the act establishing the scale of depreciation, since he rejected a better offer, in specie, from the merchants; and, therefore, that he must have calculated on being paid in that medium. . The only testimony on this point, is the deposition of Picket, taken ex parte, and after a great lapse of time, when many of the circumstances might have been forgotten, or not distinctly recollected.
In this situation of things, his declarations ought to be very strong indeed, in order to outweigh the numerous circumstances leading to.a belief that specie was not intended. But, instead of this, he does not profess to have been present when the contract was made, or to have known any thing about it. He only relates what passed between Chevallie and the merchants, who offered 4s. 8d. specie the Iivre, for a part of the cargo only, to be paid in tobacco, at 20s. per cwt. But, does this prove that the whole cargo was not sold to government upon other terms ? Certainly not; for, he was not present at the contract with the State, and knew nothing about it. The price offered by the merchants, forms no objection; for, as they were not known to Chevallie, he was not satisfied of their solidity, and, therefore, preferred a contract with the State, especially as he thereby got 6 per cent, interest,-whereas he must have been content with five from individuals. There is, consequently, no ground for the scale adopted by the
I do not feel my passions in the least disturbed by the objection to the jurisdiction of the Judiciary over this case. It is an objection of right, which I can view in the calm lights of mild philosophy. Indeed, it cannot be supposed that any member of this Coui't is so fond of power, as not to have cheerfully transferred this trouhlesoxxtie discussion to any person that would take it, if they could have done it with propriety: but, we are as much hound to support the legitimate powers of the Judiciary, as that, that branch is not to invade what hath been assigned to the others. It was truly said, by Mr. Hay, that the Legislative acts were uncontrollable in all things within their constitutional powers, which powers are only restrained by our Bill of Rights and Constitution. That Constitution creates three branches of government, and declares that their powers shall be kept separate and distinct, and those of one not exercised by the others. We must consider, then, what are their distinct powers: the Legislature are to form rules for the conduct of the citizens, and to make regulations for the disposition of property; they hold the sword and the purse, to be used for the purpose of defending the society against foreign invasions, or domestic insurrections; and, to come to the present pui'pose, it was to provide military stoi’es axxd necessaries for the army. It is the duty of the Executive to see that all laws of a public nature are carried into execution; and to make contracts in cases of the present nature, directed by law, and which, when made, the society are bound to perform; but they cannot originate any claim
It is objected, that Beaumarchais is a foreigner, not bound by the act of 1781. But, foreigners coming here, and making contracts, have a right to sue in our Courts for a breach of such contracts, and are bound by all laws for regulating them. And here it may be necessary to consider what those prevailing circumstances are to relate to. In all former decisions they have been confined to the single point, whether the legal scale be such as met the ideas of the parties at the time of the contract? And I think very rightly. Hill & Braxton v. Southerland, is no exception, since there was no contract for price. No scale had been fixed till the act of 1781; and when the Legislature were providing one to operate upon contracts during the period of five years preceding, when the paper money-had been in the progress of depreciation, and made, perhaps, the best general regulation which they could adopt, yet since, in those contracts, the parties might not be sensible of any depreciation at an early day, or of one different from the legal scale, this proviso justly meant to make
It' was not till 1785, that his agent discovered his demand was to be reduced by a scale of five for one. The agent, as was his duty, took a copy of the statement, and the Governor’s testimonial, and, no doubt, transmitted them to France, for his principal’s directions how he should conduct himself; which he, probably, did not receive, till 1787. What those were, does not appear; but, the agent here proceeded to receive warrants, from time to time, which he could not turn into specie, without loss. Thus, the matter continued, till 1792, when that loss made part of the appellee’s claim in his petition to the Assembly; at which time, he disclosed his objection to the settlement, and insisted that it ought to be adjusted upon the footing of a specie contract. The Legislature directed some allowance to be made him on account of his loss by the warrants, but rejected his extensive claim. He renewed his application for the latter, in 1793,, but without success;
This objection had considerable weight in the decision of the cases of the Commonwealth v. Banks, and others: hut, there they had neglected to have their property valued, which they claimed to be allowed for, although laws had passed from time to time, directing such valuation to bo made; the last of which declared, that no such Claim should be allowed, unless the valuations were made within a limited time. That this was the principal ground of decision, will appear from another case, where the claim was allowed, because the property had been valued, although there was some irregularity in the .proceedings, not imputable to the claimant; which the Court of Equity supplied. My opinion, therefore, is, that the money de~ maud ought to he reduced by a scale of four for one, and the tobacco balance corrected from 16,y. to 20,?. per cwt. in order to correspond with the scale. It only remains to consider the interest; which, I think, ought to be allowed, from the date of the contract in 1778, to the 6th of January, 1785, and then to stop; since the agent then knew
The former decree ought not to have been entered. 1st. Upon genera] principles. 2d. Upon the act of Assembly. With respect to the first: The Court ought never to reverse farther down, than a majority of the sitting Judges concur, the Court below erred: For, that is all in which it can truly be said to contain error; since that cannot be deemed erroneous, which a majority do not pronounce to be so. But, that which is not erroneous ought to be affirmed. For, the claim is separable in its nature; since the Court have only to say what remains after the deduction is made, according to the opinion of the two Judges, who are for the lesser sum; which-is all that the whole Court concur in reversing; when two think it ought not to be reversed as to the lesser sum. With respect to the second: The act plainly contemplates a partial, as well as a general reversal. For, the object of the Legislature was to prevent a suspension of the cause, whenever the Court should happen to be divided in opinion; and an adequate provision was intended. But, this could not be, without extending it to a division in both cases. For, the
The Judges being thus all agreed, that the decree of the Court below, as it stood, was erroneous, but equally divided in opinion, whether the contract should be settled by a, scale of four for one, instead of the statutory scale-of live for one, a decree was entered, stating that by the unanimous opinion of the Court, the decree of the High Court of Chancery was reversed; and, on account of the division among the Judges, as to the-scale, that no further decree could be made, as the case was not provided for, by the act of Assembly.
At this term the Court desired it to be argued, whether under the act of Assembly, relative to cases where the Court is divided in opinion, [May, 1779, c. 22, 10 Stat. Larg. 92,] the decree ought not to have been affirmed for the balance due. according to the scale of four for one, agreeable to the opinion of the two Judges, who thought that scale ought to have been adopted ?
The term having passed, the Court cannot now make any alteration in tlxe decree. But, if they could, this is xxot a ease contemplated by the act; which relates to cases of a division upon the whole cause, and not upon a part only. Besides, the Chancellor and the two Judges, who were for the lesser sum, did not concur; because, ho was for allowing the whole, amount, and not the lesser sum only.
Cur. adv. null.
Delivered the resolution of the Court as follows:
The Court have revised the decree of November, 1801, and am unanimously of opinion. 1st. That, on the equal division of the Judges in the partial affirmance of the decree, it ought to have been affirmed, as far as the two Judges thought it just, in like manner, as if the division had been on a question, of a total affirmance or reversal.
3. That the Court are not precluded from correcting the mistake in the former entry, since the record remains in Court, and the cause undecided. It would seem strange indeed, that when we arc constituted to correct the errors of other Courts, we should ixot have power to set right our own mistakes, in the course of proceedings in a cause ye1 depending.
The following decree is, therefore, to be entered.
The Court having revised and maturely considered their decree of the second day of November, 1801, which left
[* Chisholm v. State of Georgia, 2 Dall, 419; See 11 Am. Const. U. S. and Cohens v. State of Virginiai 6 Wheat. 405; Osborn v. U. S. Bank, 9 Wheat.]