

New Mexico Court of Appeals

Data Month:
Ann Morrow & Assoc. v. N.M. Human Servs. Dep't
Filed: 6/30/2022
Garrity v. Bd. of Cnty. Comm'rs for Quay Cnty.
Filed: 6/30/2022
Lujan v. Eyzaguirre
Filed: 6/30/2022
State Ex Rel. CYFD v. Amity M.
Filed: 6/30/2022
State Ex Rel. CYFD v. Britany W.
Filed: 6/30/2022
State v. Daugherty
Filed: 6/30/2022
State v. Ibarra
Filed: 6/30/2022
State v. Leyba
Filed: 6/30/2022
State v. Quarles
Filed: 6/30/2022
State v. Saidreck D.
Filed: 6/30/2022
State v. Stotts
Filed: 6/30/2022
State v. Tarango
Filed: 6/30/2022
Franklin v. N.M. Dep't of Pub. Safety
Filed: 6/29/2022
State v. Moreno-Ortiz
Filed: 6/29/2022
State v. Penman
Filed: 6/23/2022
In Re Maestas
Filed: 6/22/2022
Juarez v. THI of New Mexico at Sunset Villa
Filed: 6/15/2022
City of Las Cruces v. Apodaca
Filed: 6/8/2022